require 'brakeman/checks/base_check' class Brakeman::CheckPathname < Brakeman::BaseCheck Brakeman::Checks.add self @description = "Check for unexpected Pathname behavior" def run_check check_rails_root_join check_pathname_join end def check_rails_root_join tracker.find_call(target: :'Rails.root', method: :join, nested: true).each do |result| check_result result end end def check_pathname_join pathname_methods = [ :'', :'Pathname.getwd', :'Pathname.glob', :'Pathname.pwd', ] tracker.find_call(targets: pathname_methods, method: :join, nested: true).each do |result| check_result result end end def check_result result return unless original? result result[:call].each_arg do |arg| if match = has_immediate_user_input?(arg) warn :result => result, :warning_type => "Path Traversal", :warning_code => :pathname_traversal, :message => "Absolute paths in `Pathname#join` cause the entire path to be relative to the absolute path, ignoring any prior values", :user_input => match, :confidence => :high, :cwe_id => [22] end end end end