# encoding: utf-8 # ncurses-ruby is a ruby module for accessing the FSF's ncurses library # (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 Tobias Peters <t-peters@users.berlios.de> # (C) 2004 Simon Kaczor <skaczor@cox.net> # (C) 2005 2011 Tobias Herzke # # This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # $Id: ncurses_sugar.rb,v 1.1 2011-05-30 23:05:50 t-peters Exp $ # Ncurses constants with leading underscore def Ncurses._XOPEN_CURSES Ncurses::XOPEN_CURSES end def Ncurses._SUBWIN Ncurses::SUBWIN end def Ncurses._ENDLINE Ncurses::ENDLINE end def Ncurses._FULLWIN Ncurses::FULLWIN end def Ncurses._SCROLLWIN Ncurses::SCROLLWIN end def Ncurses._ISPAD Ncurses::ISPAD end def Ncurses._HASMOVED Ncurses::HASMOVED end def Ncurses._WRAPPED Ncurses::WRAPPED end def Ncurses._NOCHANGE Ncurses::NOCHANGE end def Ncurses._NEWINDEX Ncurses::NEWINDEX end module Ncurses module Destroy_checker; def destroyed?; @destroyed; end; end class WINDOW include Destroy_checker def method_missing(name, *args, &block) name = name.to_s if (name[0,2] == "mv") test_name = name.dup test_name[2,0] = "w" # insert "w" after"mv" if (Ncurses.respond_to?(test_name)) return Ncurses.send(test_name, self, *args, &block) end end test_name = "w" + name if (Ncurses.respond_to?(test_name)) return Ncurses.send(test_name, self, *args, &block) end Ncurses.send(name, self, *args, &block) end def respond_to?(name) name = name.to_s if (name[0,2] == "mv" && Ncurses.respond_to?("mvw" + name[2..-1])) return true end Ncurses.respond_to?("w" + name) || Ncurses.respond_to?(name) end def del Ncurses.delwin(self) end alias delete del def WINDOW.new(*args) Ncurses.newwin(*args) end end class SCREEN include Destroy_checker def del Ncurses.delscreen(self) end alias delete del end class MEVENT attr_accessor :id, :x,:y,:z, :bstate end GETSTR_LIMIT = 1024 module Panel class PANEL; end end module Form class FORM attr_reader :user_object # This placeholder replaces the form_userptr function in curses def user_object=(obj) @user_object = obj end end class FIELD attr_reader :user_object # This placeholder replaces the field_userptr function in curses def user_object=(obj) @user_object = obj end end class FIELDTYPE end end module Menu class MENU attr_reader :user_object # This placeholder replaces the menu_userptr function in curses def user_object=(obj) @user_object = obj end end class ITEM attr_reader :user_object # This placeholder replaces the item_userptr function in curses def user_object=(obj) @user_object = obj end end end end def Ncurses.inchnstr(str,n) Ncurses.winchnstr(Ncurses.stdscr, str, n) end def Ncurses.inchstr(str) Ncurses.winchstr(Ncurses.stdscr, str) end def Ncurses.mvinchnstr(y,x, str, n) Ncurses.mvwinchnstr(Ncurses.stdscr, y,x, str, n) end def Ncurses.mvinchstr(y,x, str) Ncurses.mvwinchstr(Ncurses.stdscr, y,x, str) end def Ncurses.mvwinchnstr(win, y,x, str, n) if (Ncurses.wmove(win,y,x) == Ncurses::ERR) Ncurses::ERR else Ncurses.winchnstr(win,str,n) end end def Ncurses.mvwinchstr(win, y,x, str) maxy = []; maxx = []; getmaxyx(win, maxy,maxx) return Ncurses::ERR if (maxx[0] == Ncurses::ERR) Ncurses.mvwinchnstr(win, y,x, str, maxx[0]+1) end def Ncurses.winchstr(win, str) maxy = []; maxx = []; getmaxyx(win, maxy,maxx) return Ncurses::ERR if (maxx[0] == Ncurses::ERR) Ncurses.winchnstr(win, str, maxx[0]+1) end def Ncurses.getnstr(str,n) Ncurses.wgetnstr(Ncurses.stdscr, str, n) end def Ncurses.mvgetnstr(y,x, str, n) Ncurses.mvwgetnstr(Ncurses.stdscr, y,x, str, n) end def Ncurses.mvwgetnstr(win, y,x, str, n) if (Ncurses.wmove(win,y,x) == Ncurses::ERR) Ncurses::ERR else Ncurses.wgetnstr(win,str,n) end end def Ncurses.innstr(str,n) Ncurses.winnstr(Ncurses.stdscr, str, n) end def Ncurses.instr(str) Ncurses.winstr(Ncurses.stdscr, str) end def Ncurses.mvinnstr(y,x, str, n) Ncurses.mvwinnstr(Ncurses.stdscr, y,x, str, n) end def Ncurses.mvinstr(y,x, str) Ncurses.mvwinstr(Ncurses.stdscr, y,x, str) end def Ncurses.mvwinnstr(win, y,x, str, n) if (Ncurses.wmove(win,y,x) == Ncurses::ERR) Ncurses::ERR else Ncurses.winnstr(win,str,n) end end def Ncurses.mvwinstr(win, y,x, str) maxy = []; maxx = []; getmaxyx(win, maxy,maxx) return Ncurses::ERR if (maxx[0] == Ncurses::ERR) Ncurses.mvwinnstr(win, y,x, str, maxx[0]+1) end def Ncurses.winstr(win, str) maxy = []; maxx = []; getmaxyx(win, maxy,maxx) return Ncurses::ERR if (maxx[0] == Ncurses::ERR) Ncurses.winnstr(win, str, maxx[0]+1) end def Ncurses.mouse_trafo(pY, pX, to_screen) Ncurses.wmouse_trafo(Ncurses.stdscr, pY, pX, to_screen) end def Ncurses.getcurx(win) x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getyx(win, y,x); x[0] end def Ncurses.getcury(win) x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getyx(win, y,x); y[0] end def Ncurses.getbegx(win) x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getbegyx(win, y,x); x[0] end def Ncurses.getbegy(win) x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getbegyx(win, y,x); y[0] end def Ncurses.getmaxx(win) x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getmaxyx(win, y,x); x[0] end def Ncurses.getmaxy(win) x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getmaxyx(win, y,x); y[0] end def Ncurses.getparx(win) x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getparyx(win, y,x); x[0] end def Ncurses.getpary(win) x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getparyx(win, y,x); y[0] end def Ncurses.erase Ncurses.werase(Ncurses.stdscr) end def Ncurses.getstr(str) Ncurses.getnstr(str, Ncurses::GETSTR_LIMIT) end def Ncurses.mvgetstr(y,x, str) Ncurses.mvgetnstr(y,x, str, Ncurses::GETSTR_LIMIT) end def Ncurses.mvwgetstr(win, y,x, str) Ncurses.mvwgetnstr(win, y,x, str, Ncurses::GETSTR_LIMIT) end def Ncurses.wgetstr(win, str) Ncurses.wgetnstr(win, str, Ncurses::GETSTR_LIMIT) end def Ncurses.scanw(format, result) Ncurses.wscanw(Ncurses.stdscr, format, result) end def Ncurses.mvscanw(y,x, format, result) Ncurses.mvwscanw(Ncurses.stdscr, y,x, format, result) end def Ncurses.mvwscanw(win, y,x, format, result) if (Ncurses.wmove(win, y,x) == Ncurses::ERR) Ncurses::ERR else Ncurses.wscanw(win, format, result) end end def Ncurses.wscanw(win, format, result) str = "" if (Ncurses.wgetstr(win, str) == Ncurses::ERR) Ncurses::ERR else require "scanf.rb" # Use ruby's implementation of scanf result.replace(str.scanf(format)) end end def Ncurses.mvprintw(*args) Ncurses.mvwprintw(Ncurses.stdscr, *args) end def Ncurses.mvwprintw(win, y,x, *args) if (Ncurses.wmove(win,y,x) == Ncurses::ERR) Ncurses::ERR else wprintw(win, *args) end end def Ncurses.printw(*args) Ncurses.wprintw(Ncurses.stdscr, *args) end def Ncurses.touchline(win, start, count) Ncurses.wtouchln(win, start, count, 1) end def Ncurses.touchwin(win) wtouchln(win, 0, getmaxy(win), 1) end module Ncurses Ncurses = self # for accessing Ncurses from a Module that includes Ncurses # Some users like to include ncurses names despite namespace pollution # This module is for them module Namespace def self.append_features(target) # include constants unless target.ancestors.member?(Ncurses) target.__send__(:include, Ncurses) end # make methods available unless target.respond_to?(:pre_Ncurses_method_missing) target.module_eval{ alias pre_Ncurses_method_missing method_missing def method_missing(name, *args, &block) if Ncurses.respond_to?(name) Ncurses.send(name, *args, &block) else pre_Ncurses_method_missing(name, *args, &block) end end } end end def self.entend_object(object) class << object self end.__send__(:include, self) end end end