module Doozer #= Generate Project Skeletons and Files class Generator APP_PATH = Dir.pwd PATH = File.expand_path( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'templates') ) def*args) return help_all if args.empty? action = args[0].downcase if not ['generate', '-h', '--help', '-v', '--version'].include?(action) skeleton(action) else if action == 'generate' action = args[1] case action.to_sym when :model, :"-M" if args.length == 3 name = args[2] Doozer::Configs.load(:development) model(Doozer::Configs.orm, name.downcase) else help?(:help, :model) end when :view, :"-V" args.push('html') if args.length == 3 if args.length == 4 name = args[2] formats = args[3].split(',') view(name.downcase, formats) else help?(:help, :view) end when :controller, :"-C" if args.length == 3 name = args[2] controller(name.downcase) else help?(:help, :controller) end when :helper, :"-H" if args.length == 3 name = args[2] helper(name.downcase) else help?(:help, :helper) end when :db, :migrate, :migration, :"-D" if args.length == 3 name = args[2] Doozer::Configs.load(:development) migrate(Doozer::Configs.orm, name.downcase) else help?(:help, :migrate) end when :task, :"-T" if args.length == 3 name = args[2] task(name.downcase) else help?(:help, :task) end else help_all end elsif ['-v', '--version'] p "Doozer #{Doozer::Version::STRING}" else help_all end end end def self.help_all printf "Doozer Version: #{Doozer::Version::STRING}\n" printf "Doozer commands:\n" help(:project) help(:model) help(:view) help(:controller) help(:helper) help(:migrate) help(:task) end def self.controller(name) return if help?(name, :controller) printf "Generating File(s)..." path = "#{APP_PATH}/app/controllers/#{name.downcase}_controller.rb" if not File.exist?(path) p "-- Generating Controller: #{path}" file =, "w+") if file template = "class #{Doozer::Lib.classify(name)}Controller < ApplicationController\nend" file.syswrite(template) #make the view directory for this controller path = "#{APP_PATH}/app/views/#{name.downcase}" if not File.exist?(path) p "-- Generating View Folder: #{path}" FileUtils.mkdir path end else p "Unable to open file!" end else p "-- Skipping: #{path} (already exists)" end end def self.model(orm, name) return if help?(name, :model) raise "No ORM is defined. Please set this in database.yml" if orm.nil? p "Loaded ORM: #{orm}" path = "#{APP_PATH}/app/models/#{name}.rb" if not File.exist?(path) p "-- Generating Model: #{path}" file =, "w+") if file template = eval("model_#{orm}('#{name}')") file.syswrite(template) else p "Unable to open file!" end else p "-- Skipping: #{path} (already exists)" end end def self.model_active_record(name) klass=Doozer::Lib.classify(name) return """#= #{klass} class #{klass} < ActiveRecord::Base end """ end def self.model_data_mapper(name) klass = Doozer::Lib.classify(name) return """#= #{klass} class #{klass} include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial end """ end def self.model_sequel(name) klass = Doozer::Lib.classify(name) return """ #see #= #{klass} class #{klass} < Sequel::Model end """ end def self.view(view, formats) return if help?(view, :view) printf "Generating View File(s)..." raise "Not sure which controller to associate this view with. Needs to be controller_name/action_name. Example: index/login" if not view.index('/') formats.each{|f| file="#{APP_PATH}/app/views/#{view}.#{f.strip}.erb" if not File.exist?(file) p "-- Generating: #{file}" FileUtils.touch file else p "-- Skipping: #{file} (already exists)" end } end def self.migrate(orm, name) return if help?(name, :migrate) raise "No ORM is defined. Please set this in database.yml" if orm.nil? version = migrate_next p "Loaded ORM: #{orm}" path = "#{APP_PATH}/db/#{version}_#{name.downcase}.rb" if not File.exist?(path) p "-- Generating Migration: #{path}" file =, "w+") if file template = eval("migrate_#{orm}('#{name}')") file.syswrite(template) else p "Unable to open file!" end else p "-- Skipping: #{path} (already exists)" end end def self.migrate_next migrations = Dir.glob(File.join(APP_PATH,'db/*_*.rb')).reverse for m in migrations file = m.split('/').last if file.index('_') num = file.split('_').first return "%03d" % (num.to_i + 1) if num.index('0') end end return "%03d" % 1 end def self.migrate_active_record(name) klass = Doozer::Lib.classify(name) return """ class #{klass} < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do end end def self.down ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do end end end """ end def self.migrate_data_mapper(name) klass = Doozer::Lib.classify(name) return """ # See for more details # # # require 'dm-more' class #{klass} def self.up end def self.down end end """ end def self.migrate_sequel(name) klass = Doozer::Lib.classify(name) return """ class #{klass} def self.db Doozer::Configs.db end def self.up # db.create_table :name do # end end def self.down # db.drop_table :name end end """ end def self.task(name) return if help?(name, :task) p "Generating file..." path = "#{APP_PATH}/tasks/#{name}.rb" if not File.exist?(path) p "-- Generating Task: #{path}" file =, "w+") if file klass = Doozer::Lib.classify(name) template = """ #= Task #{klass} class #{klass} def #place your task here end end """ file.syswrite(template) else p "Unable to open file!" end else p "-- Skipping: #{path} (already exists)" end end def self.helper(name) return if help?(name, :helper) p "Generating file..." path = "#{APP_PATH}/app/helpers/#{name}_helper.rb" if not File.exist?(path) p "-- Generating Helper: #{path}" file =, "w+") if file klass = Doozer::Lib.classify(name) template = """ #= #{klass}Helper module #{klass}Helper end """ file.syswrite(template) else p "Unable to open file!" end else p "-- Skipping: #{path} (already exists)" end end def, action=nil) if name.to_sym == :"-h" or name == :help printf "doozer commands:\n" help(action) return true end return false end def h = "" case action when :project h += """ Project - Create a new Doozer skeleton. Command: doozer project_name Example: doozer hello_world\n""" when :model, :"-M" h += """ Model - Create a new model file in project/app/models with a class name of ModelName for the configured ORM. Command: doozer generate (model or -M) model_name Example: doozer generate model user\n""" when :view, :"-V" h += """ View - Create a view erb file in project/app/views for each of the provided formats. If format not specified an html format is automatically created. Command: doozer generate (view or -V) controller_name/action_name format_csv Example: doozer generate view admin/login html,xml,json,etc\n""" when :controller, :"-C" h += """ Controller - Create a controller file in project/app/controllers (and view folder) with a class name ControllerName. Command: doozer generate (controller or -C) controller_name Example: doozer generate controller admin\n""" when :helper, :"-H" h += """ Helper - Create a helper file in project/app/helpers with the module name of HelperName. '_helper' is automatically appended to the helper_name. Command: doozer generate (helper or -H) helper_name Example: doozer generate helper helper_name\n""" when :db, :migrate, :migration, :"-D" h += """ Migration - Create a migration file in project/db with the next available version number and with a class name of MigrationName for the specified ORM. Command: doozer generate (db, migrate, migration or -D) migration_name Example: doozer generate migrate create_user\n""" when :task, :"-T" h += """ Task - Create a task file in project/tasks with the class name of TaskName. Command: doozer generate (task or -T) task_name Example: doozer generate task task_name\n""" end printf h end # TODO: Dry this up... def self.skeleton(name) # create application skeleton if not File.exist?(name) p "Creating #{name}/" system("mkdir #{name}") else p "Skipping application directory (already exists)" end #create app folder if not File.exist?("#{name}/app") p "Creating app directory" system("mkdir #{name}/app") else p "Skipping #{name}/app directory (already exists)" end #copy controllers if not File.exist?("#{name}/app/controllers") p "Creating #{name}/app/controllers directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/app/controllers") system("cp #{skeleton_path 'app/controllers/*.rb'} #{name}/app/controllers") else p "Skipping #{name}/app/controllers directory (already exists)" end #copy models if not File.exist?("#{name}/app/models") p "Creating #{name}/app/models directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/app/models") else p "Skipping #{name}/app/models directory (already exists)" end #copy views if not File.exist?("#{name}/app/views") p "Creating #{name}/app/views directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/app/views") else p "Skipping #{name}/app/views directory (already exists)" end #copy views/layouts if not File.exist?("#{name}/app/views/layouts") p "Creating #{name}/app/views/layouts directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/app/views/layouts") system("cp #{skeleton_path 'app/views/layouts/*.erb'} #{name}/app/views/layouts") else p "Skipping #{name}/app/views/layouts directory (already exists)" end #copy views/index if not File.exist?("#{name}/app/views/index") p "Creating #{name}/app/views/index directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/app/views/index") system("cp #{skeleton_path 'app/views/index/*.erb'} #{name}/app/views/index") else p "Skipping #{name}/app/views/index directory (already exists)" end #copy views/global if not File.exist?("#{name}/app/views/global") p "Creating #{name}/app/views/global directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/app/views/global") system("cp #{skeleton_path 'app/views/global/*.erb'} #{name}/app/views/global") else p "Skipping #{name}/app/views/global directory (already exists)" end #copy helpers if not File.exist?("#{name}/app/helpers") p "Creating #{name}/app/helpers directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/app/helpers") system("cp #{skeleton_path 'app/helpers/*.rb'} #{name}/app/helpers") else p "Skipping #{name}/app/helpers directory (already exists)" end #copy configs if not File.exist?("#{name}/config") p "Creating #{name}/config directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/config") system("cp #{skeleton_path 'config/*.yml'} #{name}/config") system("cp #{skeleton_path 'config/*.rb'} #{name}/config") else p "Skipping #{name}/config directory (already exists)" end # create log folder if not File.exist?("#{name}/log") p "Creating #{name}/log directory" system("mkdir #{name}/log") else p "Skipping #{name}/log directory (already exists)" end #copy db if not File.exist?("#{name}/db") p "Creating #{name}/db directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/db") else p "Skipping #{name}/db directory (already exists)" end #copy lib if not File.exist?("#{name}/lib") p "Creating #{name}/lib directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/lib") else p "Skipping #{name}/lib directory (already exists)" end #copy script if not File.exist?("#{name}/script") p "Creating #{name}/script directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/script") system("cp #{skeleton_path 'script/*'} #{name}/script") else p "Skipping #{name}/script directory (already exists)" end #copy static if not File.exist?("#{name}/static") p "Creating #{name}/static directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/static") system("cp #{skeleton_path 'static/*.*'} #{name}/static/") else p "Skipping #{name}/static directory (already exists)" end #copy static/images if not File.exist?("#{name}/static/images") p "Creating #{name}/script/images directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/static/images") else p "Skipping #{name}/static/images directory (already exists)" end #copy static/css if not File.exist?("#{name}/static/css") p "Creating #{name}/script/css directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/static/css") system("cp #{skeleton_path 'static/css/*.css'} #{name}/static/css") else p "Skipping #{name}/static/css directory (already exists)" end #copy static/images if not File.exist?("#{name}/static/html") p "Creating #{name}/script/html directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/static/html") else p "Skipping #{name}/static/html directory (already exists)" end #copy static/images if not File.exist?("#{name}/static/js") p "Creating #{name}/script/js directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/static/js") system("cp #{skeleton_path 'static/js/*.js'} #{name}/static/js") else p "Skipping #{name}/static/js directory (already exists)" end #copy test if not File.exist?("#{name}/test") p "Creating #{name}/test directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/test") system("cp #{skeleton_path 'test/*.rb'} #{name}/test") system("mkdir #{name}/test/fixtures") system("cp #{skeleton_path 'test/fixtures/*.rb'} #{name}/test/fixtures") else p "Skipping test directory (already exists)" end #copy test if not File.exist?("#{name}/tasks") p "Creating #{name}/tasks directory and files" system("mkdir #{name}/tasks") else p "Skipping #{name}/test directory (already exists)" end #copy rakefile system("cp #{skeleton_path 'Rakefile'} #{name}") end def self.skeleton_path(file) "#{PATH}/skeleton/#{file}" end end end