# Install development dependencies on Mac OS X using Homebrew (http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew) # Misc dependencies you should already have (required for building and compiling dependencies) brew 'autogen' brew 'autoconf' brew 'cmake' brew 'libtool' brew 'make' # You should already have git installed; ensure that it is the latest version brew 'git' # To improve Ruby memory allocation performance brew 'jemalloc' # Used for assets and stuff brew 'node' brew 'yarn' # If you plan to use sidekiq or run any background jobs # brew 'redis' cask 'chromedriver' <%- unless options[:skip_erd] -%> # Used generate the applications database ERD brew 'graphviz' <%- end -%> # For processing images with ActionText/ActiveStorage, sidekiq, etc. brew 'vips' # If you want to use imagemagick instead brew 'imagemagick' <%- if options[:encrypt] -%> # Used to encrypt Personal Identifiable information in the database (GDPR Compliance) brew 'libsodium' <%- end -%> # Database clients <%- case options[:database] -%> <%- when 'oracle' -%> brew 'instantclient-basic' brew 'instantclient-sdk' <%- when 'sqlserver' -%> brew 'freetds' <%- when 'postgresql' -%> brew 'postgresql' <%- else -%> <%- end -%> brew 'sqlite'