# encoding: utf-8 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' ## # available S3 regions: # eu-west-1, us-east-1, ap-southeast-1, us-west-1 describe Backup::Storage::S3 do let(:s3) do Backup::Storage::S3.new do |s3| s3.access_key_id = 'my_access_key_id' s3.secret_access_key = 'my_secret_access_key' s3.region = 'us-east-1' s3.bucket = 'my-bucket' s3.path = 'backups' s3.keep = 20 end end before do Backup::Configuration::Storage::S3.clear_defaults! end it 'should have defined the configuration properly' do s3.access_key_id.should == 'my_access_key_id' s3.secret_access_key.should == 'my_secret_access_key' s3.region.should == 'us-east-1' s3.bucket.should == 'my-bucket' s3.keep.should == 20 end it 'should use the defaults if a particular attribute has not been defined' do Backup::Configuration::Storage::S3.defaults do |s3| s3.access_key_id = 'my_access_key_id' s3.region = 'us-east-1' end s3 = Backup::Storage::S3.new do |s3| s3.region = 'us-west-1' s3.path = 'my/backups' end s3.access_key_id.should == 'my_access_key_id' # not defined, uses default s3.secret_access_key.should == nil # not defined, no default s3.region.should == 'us-west-1' # defined, overwrites default s3.bucket.should == nil # not defined, no default s3.path.should == 'my/backups' # overwritten from Backup::Storage::S3 end describe '#connection' do it 'should establish a connection to Amazon S3 using the provided credentials' do Fog::Storage.expects(:new).with({ :provider => 'AWS', :aws_access_key_id => 'my_access_key_id', :aws_secret_access_key => 'my_secret_access_key', :region => 'us-east-1' }) s3.send(:connection) end end describe '#provider' do it 'should be AWS' do s3.provider == 'AWS' end end describe '#transfer!' do let(:connection) { mock('Fog::Storage') } before do Fog::Storage.stubs(:new).returns(connection) Backup::Logger.stubs(:message) end it 'should transfer the provided file to the bucket' do Backup::Model.new('blah', 'blah') {} file = mock("Backup::Storage::S3::File") File.expects(:open).with("#{File.join(Backup::TMP_PATH, "#{ Backup::TIME }.#{ Backup::TRIGGER}")}.tar").returns(file) s3.expects(:remote_file).returns("#{ Backup::TIME }.#{ Backup::TRIGGER }.tar").twice connection.expects(:sync_clock) connection.expects(:put_object).with('my-bucket', "backups/myapp/#{ Backup::TIME }.#{ Backup::TRIGGER }.tar", file) s3.send(:transfer!) end end describe '#remove!' do let(:connection) { mock('Fog::Storage') } before do Fog::Storage.stubs(:new).returns(connection) end it 'should remove the file from the bucket' do s3.expects(:remote_file).returns("#{ Backup::TIME }.#{ Backup::TRIGGER }.tar") connection.expects(:sync_clock) connection.expects(:delete_object).with('my-bucket', "backups/myapp/#{ Backup::TIME }.#{ Backup::TRIGGER }.tar") s3.send(:remove!) end end describe '#perform' do it 'should invoke transfer! and cycle!' do s3.expects(:transfer!) s3.expects(:cycle!) s3.perform! end end end