## 0.4.6 (October 28, 2012) Features: - General code quality improvements (@buddhamagnet, #79) Bugfixes: - Don't increment the experiment counter if user has finished (@dimko, #78) - Fixed an incorrect test (@jaywengrow, #74) ## 0.4.5 (August 30, 2012) Bugfixes: - Fixed header gradient in FF/Opera (@philnash, #69) - Fixed reseting of experiment in session (@apsoto, #43) ## 0.4.4 (August 9, 2012) Features: - Allow parameter overrides, even without Redis. (@bhcarpenter, #62) Bugfixes: - Fixes version number always increasing when alternatives are changed (@philnash, #63) - updated guard-rspec to version 1.2 ## 0.4.3 (July 8, 2012) Features: - redis failover now recovers from all redis-related exceptions ## 0.4.2 (June 1, 2012) Features: - Now works with v3.0 of redis gem Bugfixes: - Fixed redis failover on Rubinius ## 0.4.1 (April 6, 2012) Features: - Added configuration option to disable Split testing (@ilyakatz, #45) Bugfixes: - Fix weights for existing experiments (@andreas, #40) - Fixed dashboard range error (@andrew, #42) ## 0.4.0 (March 7, 2012) **IMPORTANT** If using ruby 1.8.x and weighted alternatives you should always pass the control alternative through as the second argument with any other alternatives as a third argument because the order of the hash is not preserved in ruby 1.8, ruby 1.9 users are not affected by this bug. Features: - Experiments now record when they were started (@vrish88, #35) - Old versions of experiments in sessions are now cleaned up - Avoid users participating in multiple experiments at once (#21) Bugfixes: - Overriding alternatives doesn't work for weighted alternatives (@layflags, #34) - confidence_level helper should handle tiny z-scores (#23) ## 0.3.3 (February 16, 2012) Bugfixes: - Fixed redis failover when a block was passed to ab_test (@layflags, #33) ## 0.3.2 (February 12, 2012) Features: - Handle redis errors gracefully (@layflags, #32) ## 0.3.1 (November 19, 2011) Features: - General code tidy up (@ryanlecompte, #22, @mocoso, #28) - Lazy loading data from Redis (@lautis, #25) Bugfixes: - Handle unstarted experiments (@mocoso, #27) - Relaxed Sinatra version requirement (@martinclu, #24) ## 0.3.0 (October 9, 2011) Features: - Redesigned dashboard (@mrappleton, #17) - Use atomic increments in redis for better concurrency (@lautis, #18) - Weighted alternatives Bugfixes: - Fix to allow overriding of experiments that aren't on version 1 ## 0.2.4 (July 18, 2011) Features: - Added option to finished to not reset the users session Bugfixes: - Only allow strings as alternatives, fixes strange errors when passing true/false or symbols ## 0.2.3 (June 26, 2011) Features: - Experiments can now be deleted from the dashboard - ab_test helper now accepts a block - Improved dashboard Bugfixes: - After resetting an experiment, existing users of that experiment will also be reset ## 0.2.2 (June 11, 2011) Features: - Updated redis-namespace requirement to 1.0.3 - Added a configuration object for changing options - Robot regex can now be changed via a configuration options - Added ability to ignore visits from specified IP addresses - Dashboard now shows percentage improvement of alternatives compared to the control - If the alternatives of an experiment are changed it resets the experiment and uses the new alternatives Bugfixes: - Saving an experiment multiple times no longer creates duplicate alternatives ## 0.2.1 (May 29, 2011) Bugfixes: - Convert legacy sets to lists to avoid exceptions during upgrades from 0.1.x ## 0.2.0 (May 29, 2011) Features: - Override an alternative via a url parameter - Experiments can now be reset from the dashboard - The first alternative is now considered the control - General dashboard usability improvements - Robots are ignored and given the control alternative Bugfixes: - Alternatives are now store in a list rather than a set to ensure consistent ordering - Fixed diving by zero errors ## 0.1.1 (May 18, 2011) Bugfixes: - More Robust conversion rate display on dashboard - Ensure `Split::Version` is available everywhere, fixed dashboard ## 0.1.0 (May 17, 2011) Initial Release