require 'concurrent/version' require 'concurrent/synchronization' require 'concurrent/configuration' require 'concurrent/atomics' require 'concurrent/errors' require 'concurrent/executors' require 'concurrent/utilities' require 'concurrent/atomic/atomic_reference' require 'concurrent/atom' require 'concurrent/async' require 'concurrent/dataflow' require 'concurrent/delay' require 'concurrent/future' require 'concurrent/immutable_struct' require 'concurrent/ivar' require 'concurrent/maybe' require 'concurrent/mutable_struct' require 'concurrent/mvar' require 'concurrent/promise' require 'concurrent/scheduled_task' require 'concurrent/settable_struct' require 'concurrent/timer_task' require 'concurrent/tvar' # @!macro [new] internal_implementation_note # # @note **Private Implementation:** This abstraction is a private, internal # implementation detail. It should never be used directly. # @!macro [new] monotonic_clock_warning # # @note Time calculations one all platforms and languages are sensitive to # changes to the system clock. To alleviate the potential problems # associated with changing the system clock while an application is running, # most modern operating systems provide a monotonic clock that operates # independently of the system clock. A monotonic clock cannot be used to # determine human-friendly clock times. A monotonic clock is used exclusively # for calculating time intervals. Not all Ruby platforms provide access to an # operating system monotonic clock. On these platforms a pure-Ruby monotonic # clock will be used as a fallback. An operating system monotonic clock is both # faster and more reliable than the pure-Ruby implementation. The pure-Ruby # implementation should be fast and reliable enough for most non-realtime # operations. At this time the common Ruby platforms that provide access to an # operating system monotonic clock are MRI 2.1 and above and JRuby (all versions). # # @see Linux clock_gettime(3) # Modern concurrency tools for Ruby. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Scala, Haskell, # F#, C#, Java, and classic concurrency patterns. # # The design goals of this gem are: # # * Stay true to the spirit of the languages providing inspiration # * But implement in a way that makes sense for Ruby # * Keep the semantics as idiomatic Ruby as possible # * Support features that make sense in Ruby # * Exclude features that don't make sense in Ruby # * Be small, lean, and loosely coupled module Concurrent end