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"es" : "") } function L(a, b, c) { a.classList.remove("hidden"); a.innerHTML = c.replace(b, '$&') } function ca() { m("#jump_to a").forEach(function (a) { var b = h('[name="' + a.getAttribute("href").substring(1) + '"]'); if (b && (b = n(b, ".task-group-term"))) { var c = n(b, ".symbol"); a.setAttribute("data-availability", c.dataset.availability); b.classList.contains("deprecated") && n(a, ".item").classList.add("deprecated") } }) }; function I(a) { this.fa = a; this.b = h(a); this.e = !1; this.r() } I.prototype = { r: function () { this.b.d("click", function (a) { n(, ".details") || this.toggle() }.bind(this)); document.d("click", function (a) { this.e && !== this.b && !n(, this.fa) && (a.preventDefault(), this.close()) }.bind(this)); this.b.d(, function () { this.e || (this.b.classList.remove("closing"), this.b.classList.add("closed")) }.bind(this)) }, open: function () { this.e || (this.b.classList.remove("closed"), this.b.classList.add("open"), this.e = !0) }, close: function () { this.e && (this.b.classList.remove("open"), this.b.classList.add("closing"), this.e = !1) }, toggle: function () { this.e ? this.close() : } }; function da(a, b) { this.R = b; = {}; this.a = { L: h(".chapter"), f: { language: h("#language"), deployment_target: h("#deployment_target_" + b), deprecated: h("#deprecated"), auto_expand: h("#auto_expand") }, h: m(".symbol"), ha: m(".task-group"), ta: m(".task-group-section"), Ea: m(".nav-parts .tasks .nav-chapter") }; this.D = !1; this.ka = null; this.J = { V: -1 < navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Xcode/"), qa: -1 < navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPad") } } da.prototype = { r: function () { || (ea(this), fa(this), ga(), ha()); ia(this); ja(this) } }; function ia(a) { window.d("resize", function () { ka() }.bind(a)) } function ga() { h(" .tasks").d("mousewheel", function (a) { var b = a.wheelDeltaY; this.scrollHeight !== this.clientHeight && (0 < b && 0 === this.scrollTop ? a.preventDefault() : 0 > b && this.scrollTop === this.scrollHeight - this.clientHeight && a.preventDefault()) }) } function P(a, b) { var c = h('[name="' + b.substring(1) + '"]'); if (c) { var e = n(c, ".symbol"), f = h("a").title, g = ""; if (e) Q(a, e, !1), R(a, e).e || S(a, e), c = c.parentNode.l("a[href]"), c[0].getClientRects()[0] ? g = c[0].textContent + " - " : c[1].getClientRects()[0] && (g = c[1].textContent + " - "), document.title = g + f; else if (e = n(c, ".task-group")) Q(a, e, !1), g = c.parentNode.c(".section-name").textContent, document.title = g + " - " + f } } function ma() { var a = ref; h("a"); var b = window.location.hash; b && (window.localStorage && "true" === localStorage.getItem("") ? setTimeout(function () { P(this, b) }.bind(a), 500) : P(a, b)) } function na() { var a = ref, b = h(".overview-bulk"), c = h(".overview-bulk-toggle"); b && c.d("click", function () { b.classList.remove("hidden"); b.classList.remove("squashed"); c.parentNode.removeChild(c); T(this, b.clientHeight) }.bind(a)) } function ha() { function a() { m(".active-task").forEach(function (a) { a.classList.remove("active-task") }) } var b = h(".tasks"), c = m(".tasks .nav-chapter a"), e = []; c.forEach(function (a) { a = a.getAttribute("href").substring(1); a = h('a[name="' + a + '"]'); e.push(a) }); document.d("scroll", function () { var f = !1; 0 >= window.pageYOffset ? 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(a(), c[c.length - 1].classList.add("active-task"), b.scrollTop = 99999) : e.forEach(function (b) { if (!f) { var c = b.getClientRects()[0].top; 25 >= Math.abs(c) && (a(), b = h('.tasks .nav-chapter a[href="#' + + '"]'), b.classList.add("active-task"), 0 < window.pageYOffset && window.pageYOffset < document.height - window.innerHeight && b.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(), f = !0) } }) }) } function fa(a) { document.d("keypress", function (a) { !a.metaKey || 102 !== a.keyCode && 103 !== a.keyCode || this.D || oa(this) }.bind(a)) } function ea(a) { document.d("keydown", function (a) { if (!/(textarea|input)/i.test(document.activeElement.nodeName) && !a.metaKey) { if (68 === a.keyCode) return this.a.f.deprecated.checked = !this.a.f.deprecated.checked, pa(this), !1; if (65 === a.keyCode) return this.a.f.auto_expand.checked = !this.a.f.auto_expand.checked, qa(this), !1 } }.bind(a)) } function oa(a) { a.D = !0; var b = !1; h(".overview-bulk") && h(".overview-bulk").classList.remove("hidden"); m(".symbol .height-container.hidden").forEach(function (a) { a.classList.remove("hidden") }); ra(a); var c = setInterval(function () { var a = document.getSelection(); if ("Range" === a.type) { b = !0; var f = a.baseNode.parentNode, g = n(f, ".squashed"), f = n(f, ".height-container"); g ? h(".overview-bulk-toggle").click() : f && (g = n(f, ".item"), R(this, g).e || S(this, g)); this.ka !== a.baseNode && (setTimeout(function () { window.scrollTo(0, window.pageYOffset + 1) }, 700), this.ka = a.baseNode) } else b && this.D && (clearInterval(c), this.D = !1, m(".symbol:not(.on) .height-container").forEach(function (a) { a.classList.add("hidden") })) }.bind(a), 16) } function ra(a) { var b = a.a.h.H(), b = sa(a) - U(a, b); T(a, b); h(".last-one").style.paddingBottom = b + "px" } function sa(a) { var b = 0; a.a.h.forEach(function (a) { a = R(this, a).p + U(this, a); a > b && (b = a) }.bind(a)); return b } function ja(a) { m('#language input[type="radio"]').forEach(function (a) { a.d("change", function () { ta(this, a) }.bind(this)) }.bind(a)); h("#ssi_SearchField").d("focus", function () { this.Q.close() }.bind(a)); a.a.f.deployment_target.d("change", function () { ua(this) }.bind(a)); a.a.f.deprecated.d("change", function () { pa(this) }.bind(a)); a.a.f.auto_expand.d("change", function () { qa(this) }.bind(a)) } function ta(a, b) { var c =; h("#language .selected") && h("#language .selected").classList.remove("selected"); n(b, "#language").c('label[for="' + + '"]').classList.add("selected"); ["swift", "obj_c", "both"].forEach(function (a) { document.body.classList.remove(a) }); document.body.classList.add(c); a.a.h.forEach(function (a) { var b = R(this, a); if (b.e) { var g = b.p; va(b); wa(this, a, b.p - g) } else b.O = !0; "obj_c" === c && b.G || "swift" === c && b.F ? (V(this, a), W(b)) : (!b.C || b.C && !this.a.f.deprecated.checked) && b.q <= this.a.f.deployment_target.value && }.bind(a)); X(a); Y(a, b) } function xa() { var a = m(".instance-method .declaration .Swift .para, .class-method .declaration .Swift .para, .function .declaration .Swift .para"); a.forEach(function (a) { var c = a.textContent.trim().split(/, /); if (1 !== c.length) { var e = a.innerHTML.split(/, /), f = 0; c.forEach(function (a) { a = a.split(c[0] !== a || /^init/.test(c[0]) ? " " : "(")[0].length; a > f && (f = a) }); var g = 0; c.forEach(function (a) { e[g] = Array(f - (/:/.test(a) ? a.split(c[0] !== a || /^init/.test(c[0]) ? " " : "(")[0].length : -10) + 1).join(" ") + e[g]; g++ }); a.innerHTML = e.join(",
") } }); a = m(".instance-method .declaration .Objective-C .para, .class-method .declaration .Objective-C .para"); a.forEach(function (a) { a.l(".parameter-name").forEach(function (a) { a.innerHTML += "
" }); for (var c = a.l(".nl"), e = 0, e = "", f = 1; f < c.length; f++) e = a.textContent.trim().split(":")[0].length - c[f].textContent.length + 2, 0 < e && (e = Array(e).join(" "), c[f].innerHTML = e + c[f].textContent); a = a.l(".n"); for (f = 0; f < a.length; f++) /,/.test(a[f].textContent) && (e = Array(c[c.length - 1].textContent.length + 10).join(" "), a[f].innerHTML = a[f].innerHTML.replace(/,/g, ",
" + e)) }) } function K(a, b, c) { c && c.metaKey ? (a = window.location, + a.pathname + b, "_blank")) : (P(a, b), history.replaceState(null, null, b)) } function ya() { var a = ref; m(".nav-parts .tasks a, .para .x-api, .para .x-class-method, .para a.x-instance-method, #jump_to a").forEach(function (a) { a.d("click", function (c) { c.preventDefault(); var e = a.getAttribute("href"); K(this, e, c); return !1 }.bind(this)) }.bind(a)) } function Y(a, b) { var c, e; switch (b.type) { case "radio": c = "language"; e =; break; case "checkbox": c =; e = b.checked; break; case "select-one": c =, e = b.value } a.J.V || !window.localStorage ? document.cookie = "" + c + "=" + e + ";expires=" + (new Date("April 2, 2999")).toGMTString() + ";path=/" : localStorage.setItem("" + c, e) } function za() { function a(a, b) { if (a && b && "false" !== b) { switch (a.type) { case void 0: a = a.c("#" + b); a.checked = !0; break; case "checkbox": a.checked = !0; break; case "select-one": a.value = b } var c = document.createEvent("UIEvents"); c.initEvent("change", !1, !1); a.dispatchEvent(c, a) } } var b = ref; if (b.J.V || !window.localStorage) document.cookie.split(";").forEach(function (b) { if (b) { var c = b.split("=")[0].trim().replace("", ""); c && (c = h("#" + c), a(c, b.split("=")[1].trim())) } }); else for (var c in b.a.f) { var e = "deployment_target" === c ? "_" + b.R : "", f = h("#" + c + e), e = localStorage.getItem("" + c + e); a(f, e) } } function qa(a) { var b; a.a.f.auto_expand.checked ? (b = m(".symbol:not(.on):not(.hidden)"), Aa(a, b)) : (b = m(".symbol.on"), Ba(a, b)); Y(a, a.a.f.auto_expand) } function X(a) { function b(a, b, f, g) { if (0 < b) { var k = 1 === b ? "" : "s"; a.textContent = b + " " + f + " symbol" + k + " hidden"; a.title = "To show " + (1 === b ? "this" : "these") + " symbol" + k + ", change your " + g + "."; a.classList.remove("hidden") } else a.classList.add("hidden") } a.a.ha.forEach(function (a) { var e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, k = 0; R(this, a).h.forEach(function (a) { a = R(this, a); a.P && (a.G && document.body.classList.contains("obj_c") ? f++ : a.F && document.body.classList.contains("swift") ? e++ : a.C && this.a.f.deprecated.checked ? g++ : a.q > this.a.f.deployment_target.value && k++) }.bind(this)); var r = a.c(".hiding-swift"), l = a.c(".hiding-obj-c"), q = a.c(".hiding-dep"); a = a.c(".hiding-dt"); r && l && q && a && (b(r, e, "Objective-C", "language setting"), b(l, f, "Swift", "language setting"), b(q, g, "deprecated", "setting in the Options menu"), b(a, k, "newer", "setting in the Options menu")) }.bind(a)) } function pa(a) { m(".deprecated").forEach(function (a) { var c = n(a, ".symbol"); c ? (V(this, c), a = R(this, c), this.a.f.deprecated.checked ? W(a) : a.G && document.body.classList.contains("obj_c") || a.F && document.body.classList.contains("swift") || a.q > this.a.f.deployment_target.value || : a.classList.toggle("hidden") }.bind(a)); X(a); Y(a, a.a.f.deprecated) } function ua(a) { var b = parseFloat(a.a.f.deployment_target.value, 10); a.Q.a.h.forEach(function (a) { var e = n(a, ".item"); e.classList.contains("deprecated") || (a = parseFloat(a.dataset.q, 10), a > b ? e.classList.add("hidden") : a <= b && e.classList.remove("hidden")) }); a.a.h.forEach(function (a) { var e = R(this, a); if (!e.C) if (e.q > b) V(this, a), W(e); else { (document.body.classList.contains("obj_c") && !e.G || document.body.classList.contains("swift") && !e.F || document.body.classList.contains("both")) &&; var f = a.c(".task-group-term .new"); e.q === b ? f || (f = document.createElement("span"), f.className = "new", f.innerHTML = "(New in " + ("mac" === this.R ? "OS X" : "iOS") + " " + ("mac" === this.R ? "v10." : "") + b + ")", a.c(".task-group-term").appendChild(f)) : f && a.c(".task-group-term").removeChild(f) } }.bind(a)); X(a); Y(a, a.a.f.deployment_target) } function U(a, b) { var c = R(a, b), e = b.offsetTop, f = c.y, g = 20; c.I && (g = R(a, c.I).y); return e + f + g + R(a, c.ia).y } function Q(a, b, c) { b = U(a, b) - 27; c ? Ca(, b) : window.scrollTo(0, b + 1); a.Q.close() } function wa(a, b, c) { var e = R(a, b).I, f = n(e, ".task-group-section"); [b, e, f].forEach(function (a) { var b = c, e = a.index(); a = a.parentNode.childNodes; for (var e = e + 1, f = a.length; e < f; e++) if (1 === a[e].nodeType) { var q = a[e], s = R(this, q).y || 0, s = s + b, t =; "webkitTransform" in t ? = "translateY(" + s + "px)" : "mozTransform" in t ? = "translateY(" + s + "px)" : "oTransform" in t ? = "translateY(" + s + "px)" : "transform" in t && ( = "translateY(" + s + "px)"); R(this, q).y = s } }.bind(a)); h(".last-one").classList.contains("fat") || (h(".last-one").classList.add("fat"), c += 750); T(a, c) } function S(a, b) { var c = R(a, b), e = c.p; c.e && (e *= -1); 0 < e && (b.c(".height-container").classList.remove("hidden"), c.O && (va(c), e = c.p, c.O = !1)); wa(a, b, e); c.toggle(); b.classList.toggle("on") } function V(a, b) { R(a, b).e && S(a, b) } function Ba(a, b) { b.forEach(function (a) { V(this, a) }.bind(a)) } function Aa(a, b) { b.forEach(function (a) { R(this, a).e || S(this, a) }.bind(a)) } function T(a, b) { var c = 0; 0 !== b && (b ? c = parseInt(, 10) + b : (m(".hiding-symbol-counts").H().classList.add("last-one"), c = a.a.L.clientHeight), = c + "px") } function ka() { var a = h(".nav-parts .part-name.tasks"), b = window.innerHeight - 70 - 32 - (h(".nav-parts").clientHeight - a.clientHeight), b = Math.max(b, 61); = b + "px" } function Da() { var a = ref, b = 0; a.a.h.forEach(function (a) { var e = new Ea(a), f = "s" + b++; e.g(f);[f] = e; a.l(".task-group-term a[href]").forEach(function (b) { b.d("click", function (f) { if (!f.metaKey) { f.preventDefault(); if (!e.e) { var r = a.getClientRects()[0].top; f = R(this, a).p; var l = window.innerHeight; r + f + 30 > l && (r = U(this, a), Ca(, f + 30 < l - 97 ? r - (l - f - 30 - 70 - 10) : r - 27)); history.replaceState(null, null, b.href) } S(this, a) } }.bind(this)) }.bind(this)) }.bind(a)); b = 0; a.a.ha.forEach(function (a) { var e = new Fa(a), f = "tg" + b++; e.g(f);[f] = e; a.c(".section-name").d("click", function (b) { if (!b.metaKey) { b.preventDefault(); var f = !e.e; f && Q(this, a, !0); a.l(".symbol:not(.hidden)").forEach(function (a) { var b = R(this, a).e; (f && !b || !f && b) && S(this, a) }.bind(this)); e.toggle() } }.bind(this)) }.bind(a)); b = 0; a.a.ta.forEach(function (a) { var e = "c" + b++; a = new Z(a); a.g(e);[e] = a }.bind(a)); b = 0; m(".hiding-symbol-counts").forEach(function (a) { a = new Z(a); var e = "h" + b++; a.g(e);[e] = a }.bind(a)) } function R(a, b) { return[] } document.d("DOMContentLoaded", function () { if (h("#reference")) { var a = h("#book-title"); a && (a.getAttribute("content"), a = h("#ios_header .header-text a").textContent.split(" ")[0].toLowerCase(), ref = new da(0, a), xa(), ref.J.V || ( = new Ga, ref.Q = new H("#jump_to"), ref.Da = new I("#options"), ka(), Da(), T(ref), ya(), ref.r(), za(), ma(), na())) } }); function Ga() { this.ra = /(iPad|iPhone|iPod).*AppleWebKit/i.test(navigator.userAgent); this.X = null; this.B = this.s = 0; this.aa = !1 } Ga.prototype = {}; function Ca(a, b) { var c = window.pageYOffset; a.s = c; a.B = b; a.aa = c < b; var e = Math.round((b - c) / (300 / (1E3 / 60))); 0 !== e && function g() { a.X = window.requestAnimationFrame(g); a.s += e; (a.ra ? 0 : a.aa ? a.s < a.B : a.s > a.B) ? window.scrollTo(0, a.s) : (window.scrollTo(0, a.B + 1), window.cancelAnimationFrame(a.X)) }() }; function Z(a) { this.b = a; this.P = this.e = !1; this.y = 0; return this } Z.prototype = { g: function (a) { this.b.setAttribute("id", a) }, show: function () { this.b.classList.remove("hidden"); this.P = !1 }, toggle: function () { this.e = !this.e } }; function W(a) { a.b.classList.add("hidden"); a.P = !0 }; function Ea(a) { this.b = a; this.p = a.c(".section").clientHeight + 15; this.I = n(a, ".task-group"); this.ia = n(this.I, ".task-group-section"); this.C = !! this.b.c(".deprecated"); this.G = this.b.classList.contains("swift-only"); this.F = this.b.classList.contains("obj-c-only"); this.q = parseFloat(a.dataset.availability, 10); this.O = !1; a.c(".height-container").classList.add("hidden"); a.d(, function () { this.classList.contains("on") || this.c(".height-container").classList.add("hidden"); h(".last-one").classList.contains("fat") && (h(".last-one").classList.remove("fat"), T(ref, -750)) }); return this } Ea.prototype = new Z; function va(a) { a.p = a.b.c(".section").clientHeight + 15 }; function Fa(a) { this.b = a; this.h = a.l(".symbol"); this.ia = n(a, ".task-group-section"); return this } Fa.prototype = new Z; function aa(a) { var b = {}, c, e = function () { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function (a) { window.setTimeout(a, 50) } }(), f = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.cancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.clearTimeout, g, k = null, r = a.parentNode.querySelector(".svg-play-button"), l = 0, q = 0, s = 0, t = 0, M = !1; return { g: function (c) { b = c || { N: 50, oa: 800, sa: 5 }; k = a.contentDocument.querySelectorAll("svg > g"); q = k.length; s = Math.round(b.oa / b.N); l = q - 1 }, start: function () { g =; var a = this; (function Ia() { c = e(Ia); a.loop() })(); M = !0; r.classList.add("faded") }, loop: function () { var a =, c = a - g; c > b.N && (1 <= l && (k[l].style.display = "block", l !== q - 1 && (k[l + 1].style.display = "none")),, g = a - c % b.N) }, next: function () { l === -1 * s ? t === - 1 ? this.stop() : (k[1].style.display = "none", l = q - 1, k[l].style.display = "block", t++) : l-- }, stop: function () { f(c); for (var a = 1; a < k.length; a++) k[a].style.display = "none"; l = q - 1; k[l].style.display = "block"; t = 0; r.classList.remove("faded"); M = !1 }, ba: function () { return M } } }; function x(a) { var b = this, c = a.parentNode; a.addEventListener("click", function (a) { $(b, a) }); a.addEventListener("touchend", function (a) { $(b, a) }); a.addEventListener("play", function () { }); a.addEventListener("pause", function () { b.pause() }); a.addEventListener("ended", function () { b.pause(); b.t.element.currentTime = 0 }); a.addEventListener("keypress", function (a) { 32 === a.keyCode && (a.preventDefault(), $(b, a)) }); = 24; b.t = { element: a }; b.da = c.querySelector(".playButtonOverlay"); return b.t.element } x.prototype = { play: function () { var a = this.t.element; this.da.classList.add("hide");; a.focus() }, pause: function () { var a = this.da; this.t.element.pause(); a.classList.remove("hide") } }; function $(a, b) { b && b.offsetY > a.t.element.videoHeight - || (a.t.element.paused ? 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