# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- =begin Copyright (C) 2014 Takashi SUGA You may use and/or modify this file according to the license described in the LICENSE.txt file included in this archive. =end =begin References (1) http://calendars.wikia.com/wiki/Yerm_Lunar_Calendar (2) http://www.hermetic.ch/cal_stud/palmen/yerm1.htm =end module When class BasicTypes::M17n Yerm = [self, [ "locale:[=en:, ja]", "names:[Yerm=]", "[YermLunar=http://calendars.wikia.com/wiki/Yerm_Lunar_Calendar, ヤーム=]", [Coordinates::Residue, "label:[yerm=]", "divisor:52", "year:0", "format:[%s=]"] + (1..52).to_a.map {|y| [Coordinates::Residue, "label:[Yerm #{y}=]", "remainder:#{y-1}"]}, [self, "names:[month]"] + (1..17).to_a.map {|m| "Month #{m}"}, [self, "names:[night]"] + (1..30).to_a.map {|m| "Night #{m}"} ]] end module CalendarTypes # # Yerm Lunar Calendar # class Yerm < CyclicTableBased # # Analyze notation with crescent # # @param [String] source Notation with crescents # @param [Array] abbr Upper default elements (default - today's Yerm date) # # @return [String] Notation with hyphens # def self.parse(source, abbr=nil) c, y, m, d = abbr || (When::Yerm^When.today).cal_date case source when /\A(-?\d+)[-\(](\d+)\((\d+)\((\d+)\z/; c, y, m, d = [$1, $2, $3, $4] when /\A(-?\d+)-(\d+)\((\d+)\z/ ; c, y, m, d = [$1, $2, $3 ] when /\A(-?\d+)-(\d+)\z/ ; c, y, m, d = [$1, $2 ] when /\A(-?\d+)-\z/ ; c, y, m, d = [$1 ] when /\A(\d+)\((\d+)\((\d+)\z/ ; y, m, d = [ $1, $2, $3] when /\A(\d+)\((\d+)\z/ ; m, d = [ $1, $2] when /\A(\d+)\z/ ; d = $1 when /\A(-?\d+)-(\d+)\)(\d+)\)(\d+)\z/ ; c, y, m, d = [$1, $4, $3, $2] when /\A(\d+)\)(\d+)\)(\d+)[-\)](-?\d+)\z/; c, y, m, d = [$4, $3, $2, $1] when /\A(\d+)\)(\d+)-(-?\d+)\z/ ; c, y, m, d = [$3, $2, $1 ] when /\A(\d+)-(-\d+)\z/ ; c, y, m, d = [$2, $1 ] when /\A(-\d+)\z/ ; c, y, m, d = [$1 ] when /\A(\d+)\)(\d+)\)(\d+)\z/ ; y, m, d = [ $3, $2, $1] when /\A(\d+)\)(\d+)\z/ ; m, d = [ $2, $1] else ; c, y, m, d = [ ] end ordered = [c, y, m, d] ordered.pop until ordered.last || ordered.empty? raise ArgumentError, "can't parse #{source}" if ordered.empty? || ordered.include?(nil) ordered.map {|n| n.to_s}.join('-') end private # # Object Normalization # def _normalize(args=[], options={}) @label ||= 'Yerm::YermLunar' @origin_of_LSC ||= 1948379 - 25101 # 622-05-16 Base Cycle = No.1 @note ||= [['_m:Yerm::yerm'], ['_m:Calendar::Month'], ['_co:Common::Week', '_n:Ephemeris/Notes::day::Moon_Age']] @indices ||= [ When.Index('Yerm::yerm', {:unit =>52}), When.Index('Yerm::month'), When.Index('Yerm::night') ] @rule_table ||= { 'T' => {'Rule' =>['L', 'L', 'S'] * 17 + ['L']}, 'L' => {'Length'=>[30, 29] * 8 + [30]}, 'S' => {'Length'=>[30, 29] * 7 + [30]} } @strftime = @strftime && @strftime.upcase == 'REVERSE' ? '%d)%m)%y' : '%y(%m(%d' super end end end end