require 'spec_helper' describe ActiveFedora::FinderMethods do let(:object_class) do do def self.delegated_attributes {} end def self.solr_query_handler 'standard' end def self.default_sort_params ["system_create_dtsi asc"] end end end let(:finder_class) do this = self do include ActiveFedora::FinderMethods @@klass = this.object_class def initialize @klass = @@klass end end end let(:finder) { } describe "#condition_to_clauses" do subject { finder.send(:condition_to_clauses, key, value) } let(:key) { 'library_id' } context "when value is nil" do let(:value) { nil } it { eq "-library_id:[* TO *]" } end context "when value is empty string" do let(:value) { '' } it { eq "-library_id:[* TO *]" } end context "when value is an id" do let(:value) { 'one/two/three' } it { eq "_query_:\"{!field f=library_id}one/two/three\"" } end context "when value is an array" do let(:value) { ['one', 'four'] } it { eq "(_query_:\"{!field f=library_id}one\" AND " \ "_query_:\"{!field f=library_id}four\")" } end end describe "#search_in_batches" do let(:docs) { instance_double(RSolr::Response::PaginatedDocSet, has_next?: false) } let(:select_handler) { 'select' } let(:connection) { instance_double(RSolr::Client) } before do expect(finder).to receive(:create_query).with('age_t' => '21').and_return('dummy query') allow(ActiveFedora::SolrService.instance).to receive(:conn).and_return(connection) allow(ActiveFedora::SolrService).to receive(:select_path).and_return(select_handler) expect(connection).to receive(:paginate) \ .with(1, 1000, select_handler, params: hash_including(other_opt: 'test')) \ .and_return('response' => { 'docs' => docs }) end it "yields the docs" do expect { |b| finder.search_in_batches({ 'age_t' => '21' }, { other_opt: 'test' }, &b) }.to yield_with_args(docs) end context "with custom select handler" do let(:select_handler) { 'select_test' } it "uses the custom select handler" do finder.search_in_batches({ 'age_t' => '21' }, other_opt: 'test') do end end end end describe '#search_by_id' do context 'with a document in solr' do let(:doc) { instance_double(Hash) } before do expect(finder).to receive(:search_with_conditions).with({ id: 'x' }, hash_including(rows: 1)).and_return([doc]) end it "returns the document" do expect(finder.search_by_id('x')).to eq doc end end context 'without a document in solr' do before do expect(finder).to receive(:search_with_conditions).with({ id: 'x' }, hash_including(rows: 1)).and_return([]) end it "returns the document" do expect { finder.search_by_id('x') }.to raise_error ActiveFedora::ObjectNotFoundError, "Object 'x' not found in solr" end end end end