## 1.4.11 / May 12, 2017 * Add Subscription Retry [PR 155](https://github.com/chargify/chargify_api_ares/pull/155) and [PR 145](https://github.com/chargify/chargify_api_ares/pull/145) by @gotchahn ## 1.4.7 / August 22 2016 * Adding Invoice Payment creation [PR 138] (https://github.com/chargify/chargify_api_ares/pull/138) by @carsonreinke ## 1.4.6 / August 10 2016 * Allow filtering Invoices by status [PR 139] (https://github.com/chargify/chargify_api_ares/pull/139) by @speric ## 1.4.5 / July 14 2016 * Adds ability to find pdfs from invoices, show subscription invoices [PR 135] (https://github.com/chargify/chargify_api_ares/pull/135) ## 1.4.4 / Jun 3 2016 * Adds support for External Payments [PR 128](https://github.com/chargify/chargify_api_ares/pull/128) ## 1.4.3 / Jan 5 2016 * Force json format for bulk allocations endpoints [PR 126](https://github.com/chargify/chargify_api_ares/pull/126) by @ryansch ## 1.4.2 / Jan 4 2016 * Adds `Chargify::Allocations.bulk_create` to work with https://docs.chargify.com/api-allocations#create-multiple-allocations. [PR 125](https://github.com/chargify/chargify_api_ares/pull/125) by @ryansch ## 1.4.1 / Nov 12 2015 * Adds `paypal_account` nested attribute to subscription [PR 119](https://github.com/chargify/chargify_api_ares/pull/119) by @richmisen ## 1.4.0 / Oct 6 2015 * Reverts custom `load_remote_errors` for Migration API (https://github.com/chargify/chargify_api_ares/pull/118) * Adds a `Chargify::Statement.find_pdf` method (https://github.com/chargify/chargify_api_ares/pull/116) ## 1.3.5 / Aug 12 2015 * Adds support for customer metadata ## 1.3.4 / May 14 2015 * Adds duplicate prevention support ## 1.3.3 / Mar 27 2015 * When reconfiguring, the site should recalculate based on new settings ## 1.3.2 / Dec 15 2014 * `product_change` and `cancel_delayed_product_change` added to Subscription resource ## 1.3.1 / Dec 15 2014 * Update metadata / metafield endpoints to work with activeresource 4+ ## 1.1.0 / Aug 20 2014 * Added cancellation message option for subscription canceling * restore 1.8.7 style hash syntax * Add metafields and metadata * Remove 'bank\_account' attribute from subscription upon save * Update Gemfile source to https://rubygems.org due to Bundler deprecation * Update payment\_profile on subscriptions to return credit\_card or bank\_account ## 1.0.5 / May 11 2014 ### Backwards-incompatible changes * `Chargify::Subscription` methods no longer raise exception when there is a validation error. Now you must inspect the subscription object for errors. eg: ```ruby subscription.reactivate if subscription.errors.any? # handle errors end ``` ## 1.0.0 / Nov 19 2013 ### Backwards-incompatible changes * `Chargify::Subscription.charge` now returns an ActiveResource `Charge` object. In the case of an error, the `Charge` object will have `errors`, and you will not have to rescue an HTTP `422`. * Adds new `Chargify::Migration` and `Chargify::Migration::Preview` resources. These can be used as follows: ```ruby subscription = Chargify::Subscription.find_by_customer_reference('marky-mark') # Chargify::Migration migration = subscription.migrate(:product_handle => "basic-plan") migration = Chargify::Migration.create(:subscription_id => subscription.id, :product_handle => "basic-plan") # Chargify::Migration::Preview preview = Chargify::Migration::Preview.create(:subscription_id => subscription.id, :product_handle => "basic-plan") preview = Chargify::Migration.preview(:subscription_id => subscription.id, :product_handle => "basic-plan") ``` Error handling looks like: ```ruby migration = subscription.migrate(:product_handle => "non-existent-plan") migration.errors.full_messages # => ["Invalid Product"] preview = Chargify::Migration.preview(:subscription_id => subscription.id, :product_handle => "non-existent-plan") preview.errors.full_messages # => ["Product must be specified"] ``` See `examples/migrations.rb` and specs for more details.