# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'spec_helper' module OnStomp describe Client do let(:client_uri) { "stomp:///" } let(:client_options) { Hash.new } let(:client) { Client.new client_uri, client_options } let(:processor) { mock('processor') } let(:processor_class) { mock('processor class', :new => processor) } let(:connection) { mock('connection') } let(:frame) { mock('frame') } let(:headers) { mock('headers') } let(:frame_method_interface) { client } it_should_behave_like "frame method interfaces" describe "configuration" do it "should provide some defaults" do client.versions.should == ['1.0', '1.1'] client.host.should == 'localhost' client.login.should == '' client.passcode.should == '' client.heartbeats.should == [0, 0] client.write_timeout.should == 120 client.read_timeout.should == 120 client.processor.should == OnStomp::Components::ThreadedProcessor end it "should be configurable by options" do client_options[:versions] = ['1.1'] client_options[:heartbeats] = [90, 110] client_options[:host] = 'my broker host' client_options[:login] = 'my login' client_options[:passcode] = 'sup3r s3cr3t' client_options[:processor] = processor_class client_options[:write_timeout] = 50 client_options[:read_timeout] = 70 client_options[:ssl] = { :cert_path => '/path/to/certs' } client.versions.should == ['1.1'] client.heartbeats.should == [90, 110] client.host.should == 'my broker host' client.login.should == 'my login' client.passcode.should == 'sup3r s3cr3t' client.processor.should == processor_class client.write_timeout.should == 50 client.read_timeout.should == 70 client.ssl.should == { :cert_path => '/path/to/certs' } end it "should be configurable by query" do client_uri << '?versions=1.0' client_uri << '&heartbeats=80&heartbeats=210' client_uri << '&host=query%20host' client_uri << '&login=query%20login' client_uri << '&passcode=qu3ry%20s3cr3t' client_uri << '&processor=OnStomp::Connections' client_uri << '&write_timeout=30' client_uri << '&read_timeout=50' client.versions.should == ['1.0'] client.heartbeats.should == [80, 210] client.host.should == 'query host' client.login.should == 'query login' client.passcode.should == 'qu3ry s3cr3t' client.write_timeout.should == 30 client.read_timeout.should == 50 client.processor.should == OnStomp::Connections end it "should be configurable through parts of the URI" do client_uri.replace("stomp://uzer:s3cr3t@host.domain.tld") client.host.should == 'host.domain.tld' client.login.should == 'uzer' client.passcode.should == 's3cr3t' end it "should prefer option hash over query over uri attributes" do client_uri.replace("stomp://uzer:s3cr3t@host.domain.tld?host=query%20host&passcode=qu3ry%20s3cr3t&login=query%20login") client_options[:login] = 'my login' client.host.should == 'query host' client.login.should == 'my login' client.passcode.should == 'qu3ry s3cr3t' end end describe ".initialize" do it "should initialize from a string uri" do uri = Client.new('stomp://host.domain.tld:10101').uri uri.should be_a_kind_of(::URI) uri.host.should == 'host.domain.tld' uri.port.should == 10101 uri.scheme.should == 'stomp' end it "should initialize with a URI uri" do uri = ::URI.parse('stomp://host.domain.tld:10101') Client.new(uri).uri.should == uri end end describe ".connect" do let(:pending_events) { mock('pending events') } before(:each) do client.stub(:processor => processor_class) end it "should create a connection and start the processor" do OnStomp::Connections.should_receive(:connect).with(client, headers, { :'accept-version' => '1.1', :host => 'my host', :'heart-beat' => '30,110', :login => 'my login', :passcode => 's3cr3t' }, pending_events, 30, 50).and_return(connection) processor.should_receive(:stop) processor.should_receive(:start) client.stub(:pending_connection_events => pending_events) client.versions = '1.1' client.host = 'my host' client.login = 'my login' client.passcode = 's3cr3t' client.heartbeats = [30,110] client.read_timeout = 30 client.write_timeout = 50 client.connect(headers) client.connection.should == connection end end describe ".disconnect_with_flush" do before(:each) do client.stub(:processor => processor_class) end it "should call disconnect_without_flush and join the processor" do processor.should_receive(:prepare_to_close) processor.should_receive(:join) client.should_receive(:disconnect_without_flush).with(headers).and_return(frame) client.disconnect_with_flush(headers).should == frame end end describe ".connected?" do it "should not be connected if there is no connect" do client.should_not be_connected end it "should not be connected if the connection is not connected" do client.stub(:connection => connection) connection.stub(:connected? => false) client.should_not be_connected end it "should be connected if the connection exists and is connected" do client.stub(:connection => connection) connection.stub(:connected? => true) client.should be_connected end end describe ".close" do before(:each) do client.stub(:connection => connection) end it "should close the connection and clear all receipts and subscriptions" do client.should_receive(:clear_receipts) client.should_receive(:clear_subscriptions) connection.should_receive(:close) client.__send__ :close end end describe ".close!" do before(:each) do client.stub(:processor => processor_class) end it "should call close and stop the processor" do client.should_receive(:close) processor.should_receive(:stop) client.close! end end describe ".transmit" do let(:callbacks) { { :subscribe => 'subscribe', :receipt => 'receipt' } } before(:each) do client.stub(:connection => connection) end it "should register any callbacks, trigger events, write and return the frame" do client.should_receive(:trigger_before_transmitting).with(frame) client.should_receive(:add_subscription).with(frame, 'subscribe') client.should_receive(:add_receipt).with(frame, 'receipt') connection.should_receive(:write_frame_nonblock).with(frame) client.transmit(frame, callbacks).should == frame end end describe ".dispatch_transmitted" do it "should trigger the after transmitting event" do client.should_receive(:trigger_after_transmitting).with(frame) client.dispatch_transmitted(frame) end end describe ".dispatch_received" do it "should trigger the before and after receiving events" do client.should_receive(:trigger_before_receiving).with(frame) client.should_receive(:trigger_after_receiving).with(frame) client.dispatch_received(frame) end end describe "on_disconnect" do it "should call close if there is no receipt header on the frame" do client.should_receive(:close) client.trigger_after_receiving OnStomp::Components::Frame.new('DISCONNECT') end it "should not call close if a receipt header is present" do client.should_not_receive(:close) client.trigger_after_receiving OnStomp::Components::Frame.new('DISCONNECT', :receipt => 'r-1234') end end describe ".versions" do it "should select only those versions that are supported" do client.versions = ['1.9', '1.1', '2.5', '1.0', '82'] client.versions.should == ['1.0', '1.1'] end it "should raise an unsupported protocol version error if no versions are viable" do lambda { client.versions = ['1.3', '8.x'] }.should raise_error(OnStomp::UnsupportedProtocolVersionError) end end describe ".heartbeats" do it "should convert values to non-negative integers" do client.heartbeats = ['-9100', '31313'] client.heartbeats.should == [0, 31313] end end describe ".processor" do it "should convert the processor to a class/module" do client.processor = '::Module' client.processor.should == Module end end describe ".login" do it "should convert to a string" do client.login = 314.3 client.login.should == '314.3' end end describe ".passcode" do it "should convert to a string" do client.passcode = 42 client.passcode.should == '42' end end describe ".host" do it "should convert to a string" do client.host = :hostname client.host.should == 'hostname' end end end end