#require "marshmallow/version" require "CFPropertyList" module Marshmallow def self.users users=[] Dir.entries("/Users").each do |username| if !username.start_with?(".") users.push(username) end end users.delete("Guest") users.delete("Shared") return users end def self.listoflocaladmins listoflocaladmins =`dscacheutil -q group -a name admin`.split(":") listoflocaladmins=listoflocaladmins[4].strip.split(" ") return listoflocaladmins end def self.apps_installed apps=[] for x in Dir.entries("/Applications") if !x.start_with?(".") apps.push(x) end end return apps end def self.serial serial = `system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Serial/'`.split(":") serial = serial[1].strip! return serial end def self.os_version os_version = `sw_vers -productVersion`.chomp end def self.build build = `sw_vers -buildVersion`.chomp end def self.model model = `system_profiler SPHardwareDataType`.split("\n") model = model[4].split(":") return model[1].strip end def self.model_id model = `system_profiler SPHardwareDataType`.split("\n") model = model[5].split(":") return model[1].strip end def self.processor_name processor = `system_profiler SPHardwareDataType`.split("\n") processor = processor[6].split(":") return processor[1].strip end def self.processor_speed processor = `system_profiler SPHardwareDataType`.split("\n") processor = processor[7].split(":") return processor[1].strip end def self.processor_number processor = `system_profiler SPHardwareDataType`.split("\n") processor = processor[8].split(":") return processor[1].strip end def self.cores cores = `system_profiler SPHardwareDataType`.split("\n") cores = cores[9].split(":") return cores[1].strip end def self.memory memory = `system_profiler SPHardwareDataType`.split("\n") memory = memory.grep(/Memory:/).join(":").strip.split(":") memory = memory[1].strip return memory end def self.boot_rom boot = `system_profiler SPHardwareDataType`.split("\n") boot = boot[13].split(":") return boot[1].strip end def self.smc smc = `system_profiler SPHardwareDataType`.split("\n") smc = smc.grep(/SMC/).join(":").strip.split(":") smc = smc[1].strip return smc end def self.uuid uuid = `system_profiler SPHardwareDataType`.split("\n") results = uuid.grep(/UUID:/).join(":").strip.split(":") results = results[1].strip return results end def self.graphics graphics = `system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType`.split("\n") graphics = graphics[2].split(":") return graphics[0].strip end def self.free_space free = `system_profiler SPStorageDataType`.split("\n") free = free[4].split(":") free = free[1].split("(") return free[0].strip end def self.hd_size hd = `system_profiler SPStorageDataType`.split("\n") hd = hd[5].split(":") hd = hd[1].split("(") return hd[0].strip end def self.boot_volume boot = `system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType`.split("\n") boot = boot[6].split(":") return boot[1].strip end def self.computer_name name = `system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType`.split("\n") name = name[8].split(":") return name[1].strip end def self.system_launchagents launchagents=[] for x in Dir.entries("/Library/LaunchAgents") if !x.start_with?(".") launchagents.push(x) end end return launchagents end def self.system_launchdaemons launchdaemons=[] for x in Dir.entries("/Library/LaunchDaemons") if !x.start_with?(".") launchdaemons.push(x) end end return launchdaemons end def self.user_launchagents users.each do |username| if File.exist?("/Users/#{username}/Library/LaunchAgents") launchAgents=[] for x in Dir.entries("/Users/#{username}/Library/LaunchAgents") if !x.start_with?(".") launchAgents.push(x) end end puts"#{username} LaunchAgents: " puts launchAgents puts "\n" else puts "#{username} LaunchAgents does not exist " puts "\n" end end end def self.user_launchdaemons users.each do |username| if File.exist?("/Users/#{username}/Library/LaunchDaemons") launchdaemons=[] for file in Dir.entries("/Users/#{username}/Library/LaunchDaemons") if !file.start_with?(".") launchdaemons.push(file) end end puts "#{username} LaunchDaemons: " puts launchdaemons puts "\n" else puts "#{username} LaunchDaemons: does not exist" puts "\n" end end end def self.ard_info1 plist = CFPropertyList::List.new(:file => "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.RemoteDesktop.plist") results = CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value) if results.key?('Text1') return results['Text1'] else return "Error: plist does not contain key for 'Text1'" end end def self.ard_info2 plist = CFPropertyList::List.new(:file => "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.RemoteDesktop.plist") results = CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value) if results.key?('Text2') return results['Text2'] else return "Error: plist does not contain key for 'Text2'" end end def self.ard_info3 plist = CFPropertyList::List.new(:file => "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.RemoteDesktop.plist") results = CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value) if results.key?('Text3') return results['Text3'] else return "Error: plist does not contain key for 'Text3'" end end def self.ard_info4 plist = CFPropertyList::List.new(:file => "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.RemoteDesktop.plist") results = CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value) if results.key?('Text4') return results['Text4'] else return "Error: plist does not contain key for 'Text4'" end end def self.profiles_installed if `profiles -C`.chomp == "There are no configuration profiles installed in the system domain" puts "No profiles installed" else profiles=`profiles -C`.lines installed=[] for x in profiles installed.push(x.split.last) end installed.delete("installed") puts installed end end def self.profiles_all profiles="profiles -C" system(profiles) end def self.domain_check if `dsconfigad -show`.empty? puts "no Domain Settings" else domain_check=`dsconfigad -show | grep "Active Directory Domain"`.split("=") domain_check = domain_check[1].strip! return domain_check end end def self.firewall_check plist = CFPropertyList::List.new(:file => "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.alf.plist") firewall = CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value) if firewall['globalstate'] == 1 return "on" else return "off" end end def self.fastuserswitch_check plist = CFPropertyList::List.new(:file => "/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist") results = CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value) if results['MultipleSessionEnabled'] == true return "enabled" else return "disabled" end end def self.loginwindow_check plist = CFPropertyList::List.new(:file => "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow.plist") results = CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value) if results['SHOWFULLNAME'] == true return "Name and Password" else return "List of users" end end def self.options return Marshmallow.methods(false).sort end end