# $Date: 2009/02/19 20:50:22 $ require 'lib/passwords_data' require 'gtk2' require 'find' class Gtk2PasswordApp include Configuration ABOUT = { 'authors' => ['carlosjhr64@gmail.com'], 'comments' => "Ruby-Gtk2 Password Manager.", 'version' => $version, 'website' => 'http://ruby-gnome-apps.blogspot.com/search/label/Passwords', 'website-label' => 'Ruby Gnome Password Manager', 'license' => 'GPL', 'copyright' => '$Date: 2009/02/19 20:50:22 $'.gsub(/\s*\$\s*/,''), 'logo' => Gdk::Pixbuf.new(LOGO_IMAGE), } BUTTONS = [[ :username, :current, :url, ],[ :note, :edit, :quit, ],] EDITOR_LABELS = [ :account, :url, :note, :username, :password, ] EDITOR_BUTTONS = [ [ :random, :alphanum, :num, :alpha, :caps, ], [ :visibility, :current, :previous, :cancel, :save, :update, ], [ :delete, :cpwd, :cpph ], ] TEXT = { # Labels :account => 'Account', :note => 'Note', :password => 'New', # Buttons :username => 'Username', :current => 'Current', :url => 'Url', :note => 'Note', :edit => 'Edit', :update => 'Update', :visibility => 'Visible', :alphanum => 'Alpha-Numeric', :num => 'Numeric', :alpha => 'Letters', :caps => 'All-Caps', :random => 'Random', :previous => 'Previous', :quit => 'Quit', :cancel => 'Cancel', :save => 'Save', :cpwd => 'Data File Password', :cpph => 'Data File Passphrase', :delete => 'Delete Account', } FONT = Pango::FontDescription.new(FONT_NAME) RED = Gdk::Color.parse("#A00000") BLACK = Gdk::Color.parse("#000000") def quit_windows if @editing @editing.hide @editing.destroy @editing = nil end if @window @window.hide @window.destroy @window = nil end end def quick_message(message, window, title='Note', font=FONT) # Create the dialog dialog = Gtk::Dialog.new( title, window, Gtk::Dialog::DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, [ Gtk::Stock::OK, Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_NONE ]) # Ensure that the dialog box is destroyed when the user responds. dialog.signal_connect('response') { dialog.destroy } # Add the message in a label, and show everything we've added to the dialog. label = Gtk::Label.new(message) label.wrap = true label.modify_font(font) if font dialog.vbox.add(label) dialog.show_all end def get_salt(title='Short Password') dialog = Gtk::Dialog.new( title, nil, nil, [ Gtk::Stock::QUIT, 0 ], [ Gtk::Stock::OK, 1 ]) label = Gtk::Label.new(title) label.justify = Gtk::JUSTIFY_LEFT label.wrap = true label.modify_font(FONT) dialog.vbox.add(label) entry = Gtk::Entry.new entry.visibility = false entry.modify_font(FONT) dialog.vbox.add(entry) dialog.show_all entry.signal_connect('activate'){ dialog.response(1) } ret = nil dialog.run {|response| ret = entry.text.strip if response == 1 } dialog.destroy return ret end def _create_passphrase(pfile) passphrase = '' 56.times do passphrase += (rand(94)+33).chr end File.open(pfile,'w'){|fh| fh.write passphrase } File.chmod(0600, pfile) return passphrase end def get_passphrase(mv=false) passphrase = '' pfile = USER_CONF_DIR+'/passphrase.txt' if mv then File.rename(pfile, pfile+'.bak') if File.exist?(pfile) passphrase = _create_passphrase(pfile) else if File.exist?(pfile) then File.open(pfile,'r'){|fh| passphrase = fh.read } else passphrase = _create_passphrase(pfile) end end return passphrase end def has_datafile? Find.find(USER_CONF_DIR){|fn| Find.prune if !(fn==USER_CONF_DIR) && File.directory?(fn) if fn =~/[0123456789abcdef]{32}\.dat$/ then return true end } return false end def initialize @updated = false # only saves data if data updated @editing = nil # when editor window is up, this is set. @verified = Time.now.to_i @pwd = get_salt || exit @pph = get_passphrase @passwords = PasswordsData.new(@pwd+@pph) # Password file exist? if @passwords.exist? # then # Yes, load passwords file. @passwords.load else # No, check if there is a file.... if has_datafile? # then # Yes, it's got a datafile. Ask for password again. while !@passwords.exist? do @pwd = get_salt('Try again!') || exit @passwords = PasswordsData.new(@pwd+@pph) end @passwords.load else # Else, must be a new intall. pwd = @pwd @pwd = get_salt('Verify New Password') || exit while !(pwd == @pwd) do pwd = get_salt('Try again!') || exit @pwd = get_salt('Verify New Password') || exit end end end # Off to the races... end def verify_user now = Time.now.to_i if now - @verified > VERIFIED_EXPIRED then pwd0 = get_salt('Current Password') return false if !pwd0 tries = 1 while !(pwd0==@pwd) do tries += 1 pwd0 = get_salt('CURRENT PASSWORD???') return false if !pwd0 || tries > 2 end end @verified = now return true end def edit(combo_box, index) begin window = @editing window.signal_connect('delete_event') { @editing = nil } old_list = @passwords.accounts # dup not necessary vbox = Gtk::VBox.new window.add(vbox) pwdlength = Gtk::SpinButton.new(MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH, MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH, 1) pwdlength.value = DEFAULT_PASSWORD_LENGTH pwdlength.width_request = SPIN_BUTTON_LENGTH widget = {} EDITOR_LABELS.each {|s| hbox = Gtk::HBox.new label = Gtk::Label.new(TEXT[s]+':') label.modify_font(FONT) label.width_request = LABEL_WIDTH label.justify = Gtk::JUSTIFY_RIGHT label.wrap = true widget[s] = (s==:account)? Gtk::ComboBoxEntry.new : Gtk::Entry.new widget[s].width_request = ENTRY_WIDTH - ((s == :password)? SPIN_BUTTON_LENGTH+2*PAD: 0) widget[s].modify_font(FONT) hbox.pack_start(label, false, false, PAD) hbox.pack_end(pwdlength, false, false, PAD) if s == :password hbox.pack_end(widget[s], false, false, PAD) vbox.pack_start(hbox, false, false, PAD) } EDITOR_BUTTONS.each{|row| hbox = Gtk::HBox.new row.each {|s| widget[s] = Gtk::Button.new(TEXT[s]) widget[s].child.modify_font(FONT) (s==:cancel || s==:save || s==:update)? hbox.pack_end(widget[s], false, false, PAD) : hbox.pack_start(widget[s], false, false, PAD) } vbox.pack_start(hbox, false, false, PAD) } # Account @passwords.accounts.each { |account| widget[:account].append_text( account ) } widget[:account].active = index if index account_changed = proc { account = (widget[:account].active_text)? widget[:account].active_text.strip: '' if account.length > 0 then widget[:password].text = '' if @passwords.include?(account) then widget[:url].text = @passwords.url_of(account) widget[:note].text = @passwords.note_of(account) widget[:username].text = @passwords.username_of(account) else widget[:url].text = '' widget[:note].text = '' widget[:username].text = '' end end } account_changed.call widget[:account].signal_connect('changed'){ account_changed.call } # New Password widget[:password].visibility = false # Update widget[:update].signal_connect('clicked'){ url = widget[:url].text.strip if url.length == 0 || url =~ URL_PATTERN then account = (widget[:account].active_text)? widget[:account].active_text.strip: '' if account.length > 0 then @updated = true if !@updated if !@passwords.include?(account) then @passwords.add(account) i = @passwords.accounts.index(account) widget[:account].insert_text(i,account) end @passwords.url_of(account, url) @passwords.note_of(account, widget[:note].text.strip) @passwords.username_of(account, widget[:username].text.strip) password = widget[:password].text.strip if password.length > 0 then @passwords.password_of(account, password) if !@passwords.verify?(account, password) widget[:password].text = '' end end else quick_message('Need url like http://www.site.com/page.html', window) end } # Random widget[:random].signal_connect('clicked'){ suggestion = '' pwdlength.value.to_i.times do suggestion += (rand(94)+33).chr end widget[:password].text = suggestion } # Alpha-Numeric widget[:alphanum].signal_connect('clicked'){ suggestion = '' while suggestion.length < pwdlength.value.to_i do chr = (rand(75)+48).chr suggestion += chr if chr =~/\w/ end widget[:password].text = suggestion } # Numeric widget[:num].signal_connect('clicked'){ suggestion = '' pwdlength.value.to_i.times do chr = (rand(10)+48).chr suggestion += chr end widget[:password].text = suggestion } # Letters widget[:alpha].signal_connect('clicked'){ suggestion = '' while suggestion.length < pwdlength.value.to_i do chr = (rand(58)+65).chr suggestion += chr if chr =~/[A-Z]/i end widget[:password].text = suggestion } # Caps widget[:caps].signal_connect('clicked'){ suggestion = '' pwdlength.value.to_i.times do chr = (rand(26)+65).chr suggestion += chr end widget[:password].text = suggestion } # Visibility widget[:visibility].signal_connect('clicked'){ widget[:password].visibility = !widget[:password].visibility? } # Current widget[:current].signal_connect('clicked'){ primary = Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::PRIMARY) clipboard = Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::CLIPBOARD) account = (widget[:account].active_text)? widget[:account].active_text.strip: '' primary.text = clipboard.text = @passwords.password_of(account) } # Previous widget[:previous].signal_connect('clicked'){ primary = Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::PRIMARY) clipboard = Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::CLIPBOARD) account = (widget[:account].active_text)? widget[:account].active_text.strip: '' primary.text = clipboard.text = @passwords.previous_password_of(account) } # Change Password widget[:cpwd].signal_connect('clicked'){ if verify_user then pwd1 = get_salt('New Password') || return pwd2 = get_salt('Verify') || return while !(pwd1==pwd2) do pwd1 = get_salt('Try again!') || return pwd2 = get_salt('Verify') || return end @pwd = pwd1 @passwords.save(@pwd+@pph) else quit_windows end } # Change Passphrase widget[:cpph].signal_connect('clicked'){ if verify_user then @pph = get_passphrase(true) # mv old passphrase? true @passwords.save(@pwd+@pph) else quit_windows end } # Save widget[:save].signal_connect('clicked'){ window.hide if @updated then if verify_user then @passwords.save @updated = false new_list = @passwords.accounts # dup not needed new_list.each {|account| if !old_list.include?(account) then i = new_list.index(account) old_list.insert(i,account) combo_box.insert_text(i,account) end } old_list.each {|account| if !new_list.include?(account) then i = old_list.index(account) old_list.delete_at(i) combo_box.remove_text(i) end } else quit_windows end end window.destroy @editing = nil } # Delete widget[:delete].signal_connect('clicked'){ account = (widget[:account].active_text)? widget[:account].active_text.strip: '' i = @passwords.accounts.index(account) @passwords.delete(account) widget[:account].remove_text(i) @updated = true } # Cancel widget[:cancel].signal_connect('clicked'){ window.hide if @updated then @passwords.load # revert @updated = false end window.destroy @editing = nil } window.show_all rescue Exception puts_bang! end end def run begin @window = window = Gtk::Window.new window.signal_connect('delete_event') { quit_windows } vbox = Gtk::VBox.new window.add(vbox) combo_box =Gtk::ComboBox.new combo_box.modify_font(FONT) vbox.pack_start(combo_box, false, false, PAD) button = {} BUTTONS.each{ |row| hbox = Gtk::HBox.new row.each{|b| button[b] = Gtk::Button.new(TEXT[b]) button[b].modify_font(FONT) button[b].width_request = LABEL_WIDTH hbox.pack_start(button[b], false, false, PAD) } vbox.pack_start(hbox, false, false, PAD) } @passwords.accounts.each { |account| combo_box.append_text( account ) } combo_box.active = 0 button[:edit].child.modify_fg(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, (@passwords.expired?(combo_box.active_text.strip))? RED: BLACK) if combo_box.active_text combo_box.signal_connect('changed'){ button[:edit].child.modify_fg(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, (@passwords.expired?(combo_box.active_text.strip))? RED: BLACK) } button[:username].signal_connect('clicked'){ primary = Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::PRIMARY) clipboard = Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::CLIPBOARD) account = (combo_box.active_text)? combo_box.active_text.strip: '' primary.text = clipboard.text = @passwords.username_of(account) } button[:current].signal_connect('clicked'){ primary = Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::PRIMARY) clipboard = Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::CLIPBOARD) account = (combo_box.active_text)? combo_box.active_text.strip: '' primary.text = clipboard.text = @passwords.password_of(account) } button[:url].signal_connect('clicked'){ account = (combo_box.active_text)? combo_box.active_text.strip: '' url = @passwords.url_of(account) if url.length > 0 && url =~ URL_PATTERN then system("#{BROWSER} '#{url}' > /dev/null 2>&1 &") end } button[:note].signal_connect('clicked'){ account = (combo_box.active_text)? combo_box.active_text.strip: '' note = @passwords.note_of(account).strip note = '*** empty note ***' if note.length == 0 quick_message(note,window) } button[:edit].signal_connect('clicked'){ if !@editing then account = (combo_box.active_text)? combo_box.active_text.strip: '' i = @passwords.accounts.index(account) @editing = Gtk::Window.new edit(combo_box,i) end } button[:quit].signal_connect('clicked'){ quit_windows } if !@passwords.exist? then @editing = Gtk::Window.new edit(combo_box,0) end window.show_all rescue Exception puts_bang! end end def status_icon icon = Gtk::StatusIcon.new icon.set_icon_name(Gtk::Stock::DIALOG_AUTHENTICATION) icon.tooltip = 'Password Manager' icon.signal_connect('activate') { if @window then quit_windows else menu = Gtk::Menu.new @passwords.accounts.each {|account| menuitem = Gtk::MenuItem.new(account) menuitem.child.modify_fg(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, RED) if @passwords.expired?(account) menu.append(menuitem) menuitem.signal_connect('activate'){|b| primary = Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::PRIMARY) clipboard = Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::CLIPBOARD) primary.text = clipboard.text = @passwords.password_of(b.child.text.strip) } } menu.append( Gtk::SeparatorMenuItem.new ) menuitem = Gtk::MenuItem.new('Quit') menuitem.signal_connect('activate'){ quit_windows icon.set_visible(false) icon = nil Gtk.main_quit } menu.append(menuitem) Gtk::AboutDialog.set_url_hook{|about,link| system( "#{BROWSER} '#{link}' > /dev/null 2>&1 &" ) } menuitem = Gtk::MenuItem.new('About') menuitem.signal_connect('activate'){ Gtk::AboutDialog.show(nil, ABOUT) } menu.append(menuitem) menuitem = Gtk::MenuItem.new('Run') menuitem.signal_connect('activate'){ if !@window verify_user run end } menu.append(menuitem) menu.show_all menu.popup(nil, nil, 0, 0) end } run if !@passwords.exist? Gtk.main end end