=== 2.0.0 / 2011-02-08 * Cucumber In The YARD becomes `yard-cucumber` and with that gains the benefits of being a YARD plugin === 1.7.9 / 2011-02-05 - FIX links to Scenarios and Transforms in various places - FIX Comments on Step Definitions that may blow up === 1.7.8 / 2011-01-30 * 'All Features' lands you on the root features directory; 'Requirements' is still accessible through the breadcrumbs. * Feature directory pages will display all the features in all subdirectories * Better sorting for features, tags, and step transformers. - FIX Feature-Scenario links and Cursors === 1.7.7 / 2011-01-06 * Feature Directories now support a README.md file that can be used to provide information (with markdown support) about the directory of features. === 1.7.6 / 2011-01-06 * Feature descriptions, multi-line strings, and comments will preserve spacing. === 1.7.5 / 2010-12-14 * FIX Step Transforms were colliding with Step Definitions in Ruby 1.9.2 === 1.7.4 / 2010-12-11 * Ruby 1.9.2 Support * Change to YARD Server support: yard server -e /path/to/gem/lib/server.b === 1.7.3 / 2010-12-06 * Shortcut Keys (t) for tags and (r) for features (f was taken) * Step definitions/transforms consolidate steps for easier viewing and when they have no steps they are colored differently * Tag filtering supports inverse (~) of tags * FIX Scenario Outlines without examples will not crash the parser * FIX Features, Scenarios, and Directories should display in alphabetic order * FIX Comments and multiline strings will display correctly * FIX Feature comments will show === 1.7.2 / 2010-11-30 * Step Definition and Transform page enhancements * Step Regex links to Rubular * FIX Steps with HTML encoded characters will display correctly === 1.7.1 / 2010-11-28 * Feature file with layout enhancements * Scenarios are now linked/linkable * FIX Scenario Outline error on CentOS, Ruby 1.8.7 * FIX Requiring Cucumber before Gherkin so that correct gherkin is loaded === 1.7.0 / 2010-11-18 * Dynamic Tag Union / Intersection === 1.6.4 / 2010-11-16 * `yard server` can now serve up requirements with YARD 0.6.2 * 'All Tags' page now has a cucumber tag AND filtering tool (beta) * Step Defs and Transforms will show comments * FIX removed warnings by no longer requiring YARD === 1.6.2 / 2010-11-07 * Undefined Steps are displayed on the Step Transformer page * Defined and Undefined steps are better linked to the Transformer page * FIX Requirements tags were conflicting with YARD tags and being displayed in multiple locations * FIX Scenario Outlines Examples failed to show their tables or text === 1.6.1 / 2010-11-04 * FIX - Feature Directries with sub-directories aborted serialization === 1.6.0 / 2010-11-02 * Feature directories, subdirectories, and Tags breadcrumb pages are present * Scenario Outlines now display each example inline when the example is clicked * 'All Features' and 'All Tags' links in the search fields === 1.5.4 / 2010-10-28 * Optimization - Found that for a large test suite that the processing time was approaching 2 hours (oh boy!). Reduced that time to a few minutes by optimizing the feature handler to cache all step definitions and step transforms. * Step Transforms will now attempt to unpack any constants found within them. * FIX - Step Transforms were not being parsed because the regex incorrectly included the block. * FIX - Features and Scenarios with multiple tags were not being displayed === 1.5.3 / 2010-10-26 * FIX - Step Definition YARD handler regex was poorly formed and raised exceptions when it contained a forward-slash (even if escaped). * FIX - Step highlighting was causing 'Out Of Memory' issues because gsub could not handle nil values. * FIX - Step highlighting failed to replace matches properly causing for corrupted HTML span values to appear in the highlighted step definitions === 1.5.2 / 2010-10-26 * FIX - Step Transform YARD handler regex was poorly formed and raised exceptions when a transform contained a forward-slash (even if escaped). === 1.5.1 / 2010-10-26 * Unified Feature/Scenario search field that resembles the Namespace-Class field * Tag search also displays immediate features/scenarios * Removed Scenario searching field * Added filename and line number to a number of locations * Minor Tag template enhancements * FIX - Scenario Outline Reference was being replaced with the first example * FIX - Scenario Outlines were not getting counted for tags === 1.5 / 2010-10-25 * Steps that have found their step definitions will also attempt to find their step transforms (However step transforms are not unpacked yet like step definitions). * Scenario Outlines will expand, behind the scenes, and match like traditional scenarios. * FIX - duplication of owners that the tag reports has been removed. * INFO level messaging while processing features and scenarios to help assist with feedback during the long processing. === 1.4 / 2010-10-17 * Tagusage has been retired * Tags are found during parsing by name or created and all uses are appended to the exising or newly created object * Tagusage template renamed and fixed up for just a tag and all the references * Tags are named tag_TAG (removed the @ as it was encoded during file serialization and I couldn't find an encoder helper) * Cleaned up all references in the fulldoc, full list to references tags * Moved Cucumber CodeObjects, Handlers, and Parsers to a Cucumber sub-directory * Moved StepDefinition and StepTransforms form extensions.rb to individual StepObject and Handlers files * (lsegal advice) Created Cucumber Namespace and sub namespaces for features, tags, and step transformers. * (lsegal advice) Started to break apart the feature.erb into smaller digestable erb sections * Feature namespace now parallels the directory structure of the feature directory (from where it is parsed) * Feature files have simpler names; i.e. featurefile.html instead of featurefile.feature.html * Feature page title now states Feature: The Feature ( KEYWORD: FEATURE_TITLE ) * Moved the templates to lib/templates so I could use yard/templates to override the YARD helpers * Changed document parsing to mirror the order imposed by Cucumber, this is to stop features being loaded before step definitions. This should hopefully address the issue where steps were not being mapped correctly to step definitions. This fixed the issue in the small and large test suite I ran it against. === 1.3 / 2010-10-13 * (7rans requested) Step definitions to show their source code; required a better source definition to be stored during creation of the CodeObject * Fixes to the Feature template which had some unclosed table header elements * Scenario Outline helper methods added to Scenarios * Scenario Outlines, Tables, and Multiline Strings had other minor CSS changes * Step tables and Scenario Example tables are no longer locked to 150px; instead that is the minimum width * Tables and Multiline Strings (PyStrings) are no longer displayed in the steps frame which was causing ugliness with the striping of the rows * (lsegal strongly recommended) Removed the pervasive use of filename in the CodeObjects * Cleaned up the fulldoc setup to remove the redundancy * Updated all the templates to support the lack of filename === 1.2 / 2010-10-10 * FIX: Empty Step Definitions caused failure during serialization * FIX: Empty Step Definitions caused failure during rendering HTML === 1.1 / 2010-10-10 * FIX: Feature template had references to old methods for description (when it was an array) * FIX: Empty feature files caused the documentation to fail; ignoring emptying feature files * FIX: Tags, Step definitions, and other CodeObjects that were not present caused rendering to fail; Checking for nil === 1.0 / 2010-10-10 * Initial Release