# https://select2.github.io/examples.html
effectiveFormat = (data, container) ->
if data.element && data.element.getAttribute('data-html')
else if data.text.startsWith("<") && data.text.endsWith(">")
effectiveMatch = (params, data) ->
return data if $.trim(params.term) == ''
return null unless data.element?
# Single item mode
term = params.term.toLowerCase()
# The text value
text = ''
try text = $(data.element.getAttribute('data-html')).text()
try text = $(data.text).text() if text.length == 0
text = data.text if text.length == 0
return(data) if text.length > 0 && text.toLowerCase().indexOf(term) > -1
return(null) unless data.children?
# OptGroup mode
filteredChildren = []
$.each(data.children, (idx, child) ->
# Text value
text = ''
try text = $(child.element.getAttribute('data-html')).text()
try text = $(child.text).text() if text.length == 0
text = child.text if text.length == 0
filteredChildren.push(child) if text.toLowerCase().indexOf(term) > -1
return null if filteredChildren.length == 0
modifiedData = $.extend({}, data, true)
modifiedData.children = filteredChildren
return modifiedData
(this.EffectiveBootstrap || {}).effective_select = ($element, options) ->
options['templateResult'] = effectiveFormat
options['templateSelection'] = effectiveFormat
options['matcher'] = effectiveMatch
if options['noResults']
noResults = options['noResults']
delete options['noResults']
options['language'] = { noResults: (_) -> noResults }
$select = $element.select2(options)
# effective_select custom class functionality
# select2 doesn't provide an initializer to add css classes to its input, so we manually support this feature
# js_options[:containerClass] and js_options[:dropdownClass]
$select.data('select2').$container.addClass(options['containerClass']) if options['containerClass']
$select.data('select2').$dropdown.addClass(options['dropdownClass']) if options['dropdownClass']
$(document).on 'turbolinks:before-cache', ->
$('select.effective_select.initialized').each (i, element) ->
$input = $(element)
$input.select2('destroy') if $input.data('select2')
# If we're working with a polymorphic select, split out the ID and assign the hidden _type and _id fields
$(document).on 'change', "select.effective_select.polymorphic", (event) ->
$select = $(event.target)
value = $select.val() || ''
$select.siblings("input[type='hidden'][name$='_type]']").val(value.split('_')[0] || '')
$select.siblings("input[type='hidden'][name$='_id]']").val(value.split('_')[1] || '')