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Target size is specified either in kilo bytes (1 - n) or as percentage (1%% - 99%%) -T, --threshold= keep old file if the gain is below a threshold (%%) -b, --csv print progress info in CSV format -o, --overwrite overwrite target file even if it exists (meaningful only when used with -d, --dest option) -p, --preserve preserve file timestamps -P, --preserve-perms preserve original file permissions by overwriting it -q, --quiet quiet mode -t, --totals print totals after processing all files -v, --verbose enable verbose mode (positively chatty) -V, --version print program version -s, --strip-all strip all markers from output file --strip-none do not strip any markers --strip-com strip Comment markers from output file --strip-exif strip Exif markers from output file --strip-iptc strip IPTC/Photoshop (APP13) markers from output file --strip-icc strip ICC profile markers from output file --strip-xmp strip XMP markers markers from output file --all-normal force all output files to be non-progressive --all-progressive force all output files to be progressive --stdout send output to standard output (instead of a file) --stdin read input from standard input (instead of a file) invalid call to write_markers()Copyright (c) 1996-2016, Timo Kokkonenjpegoptim: file arguments missing Try 'jpegoptim --help' for more information. invalid argument for -m, --maxinvalid argument for option -d, --destinvalid argument for -T, --thresholdinvalid argument for -S, --sizecannot specify both --all-normal and --all-progressiveImage quality limit set to: %d Compression threshold (%%) set to: %d All output files will be non-progressive All output files will be progressive Target size for output files set to: %u Kbytes. Target size for output files set to: %u%% skipping too long filename: %s%d markers found in input file (total size %d bytes) target file already exists: %s %s, backup file already exists: %s%s, failed to create backup: %s%s, error opening output file: %s%s, error creating temp file %s: mkstemps() failederror opening temporary file: %swriting %lu bytes to file: %s failed to reset output file time/datefailed to remove backup file: %sfailed to set output file modefailed to reset output file group/ownerAverage compression (%ld files): %0.2f%% (%0.0fk) $Id: 478198edd3c2a9f96326151c4648dd44118ae09c $ExifICC_PROFILEhttp://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/P#@ @ @#@p#@ @"@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @!@ @P"@ @8"@ @"@ @ @ @ @!@!@!@!@"!@ @@!@0!@ @`#@?Y@P?invalid call to jpeg_memory_dest()invalid buffer passed to jpeg_memory_dest()jpegoptim: error writing to file: %serror reading file: %sdeleting: %s error removing file: %sfailed to open file for reading: %sfailed to open file for writing: %s;@p(@`0(@Xp Hx0`0( @zRx $YAGOAD(,D\@6Dmth/AQ L LxABBB B(A0D8G@  8A0A(B BBBF $xvAXG AG L о "BBB B(A0A8G\ 8A0A(B BDED \t$MN0 G ,xADD0F AAG $AMA AR$,pMI0` J $TMI0` J ,|@M^C B .GfJGq H IzQh@GGS F <pN H J \$tQ_@X4' x@ J@o`@` @@  `e`x@@x o@ooN@c`@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@\@1N@v9N@h>N@qDN@mHN@tON@nXN@d]N@fcN@VkN@ptN@PN@sN@k`N@g`N@g`N@g`N@g`N@g`N@TN@bN@k`N@k`N@SM@k`\L@k`GCC: (GNU) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-17).shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.comment @@ !<@<$4o`@`L> @F` @` NoN@N[o@j@xt@x ~x@xy@`@/J@JJ@J_@__@_pc`pcc`cc`cc`cXe`Xe`e``e@g`g @k`@k 0@k-mk