module Rack class MiniProfiler class Config def self.attr_accessor(*vars) @attributes ||= [] @attributes.concat vars super(*vars) end def self.attributes @attributes end attr_accessor :authorization_mode, :auto_inject, :backtrace_ignores, :backtrace_includes, :backtrace_remove, :backtrace_threshold_ms, :base_url_path, :disable_caching, :enabled, :flamegraph_sample_rate, :logger, :position, :pre_authorize_cb, :skip_paths, :skip_schema_queries, :start_hidden, :storage, :storage_failure, :storage_instance, :storage_options, :toggle_shortcut, :user_provider # Deprecated options attr_accessor :use_existing_jquery def self.default new.instance_eval { @auto_inject = true # automatically inject on every html page @base_url_path = "/mini-profiler-resources/" @disable_caching = true # called prior to rack chain, to ensure we are allowed to profile @pre_authorize_cb = lambda {|env| true} # called after rack chain, to ensure we are REALLY allowed to profile @position = 'left' # Where it is displayed @skip_schema_queries = false @storage = MiniProfiler::MemoryStore @user_provider ={|env|} @authorization_mode = :allow_all @toggle_shortcut = 'Alt+P' @start_hidden = false @backtrace_threshold_ms = 0 @flamegraph_sample_rate = 0.5 @storage_failure = do |exception| if @logger @logger.warn("MiniProfiler storage failure: #{exception.message}") end end @enabled = true self } end def merge!(config) return unless config if Hash === config config.each{|k,v| instance_variable_set "@#{k}",v} else self.class.attributes.each{ |k| v = config.send k instance_variable_set "@#{k}", v if v } end end end end end