require 'activesupport' module SK module Api class Schema # Read a schema with a given version and return it as hash # See ../json folder for available schema's and versions # === Parameter # schema::name of the schema, available ones are in json directory # version:: version to read, this is the folder name where the schema is in. def, version) file_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../json', version, "#{schema}.json") plain_data =, 'r'){|f|} ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(plain_data) end # Create a Hash with the available (api)object attributes defined in # schema properties. # # === Example # obj = =>'hello world', :number=>'4711') # obj_hash = Sk::Api::Schema.to_hash_from_schema(obj, 'v1.0') # # obj_hash => { invoice =>{'title'=>'hello world', 'number'=>'4711' } } # # === Parameter # obj:. An ruby object which is returned as hash # version:. An ruby object which is returned as hash # === Return # {String=>Mixed}}>:: The object as hash: # { invoice =>{'title'=>'hello world', 'number'=>''4711 } } def self.to_hash_from_schema(obj, version) # get objects class name without inheritance obj_class_name ='::').last.underscore # init data hash data = {} # get schema schema =, version) # iterate over the defined schema fields schema['properties'].each do |field, prop| if prop['type'] == 'array' # always set an empty array data[field] = [] if rel_objects = obj.send( field ) rel_objects.each do |rel_obj| # call related objects to_hash_from_schema method ex: data[:client][:addresses] << SKApi::Models::Address.to_hash_from_schema(object) data[field] << self.to_hash_from_schema(rel_obj, version) end end elsif prop['type'] == 'object' # a singular related object data[field] = nil if rel_obj = obj.send( field ) data[field] = self.to_hash_from_schema(rel_obj, version) end else # a simple field is only added if objects know its data[field] = obj.send(field) if obj.respond_to?(field.to_sym) end end { obj_class_name => data } end end end end