I am using debian, so here are a few commands I use: # apt-get install postgresql # sudo su - postgres # createuser /your_login/ # apt-get install ruby # apt-get install libpgsql-ruby # apt-get install irb # apt-get install libredcloth-ruby # apt-get install rdoc -> why??? # ln -s /sbin/ifconfig /bin/ # gem install -r rails Only if you expect to develop and release: # gem install -r meta_project The database is setup for user "manu", you may need to change the file config/database.yml for your own settings. Change config/environment.rb to set the domain, default is something like 'leparlement.org', define it as your web site or email domain. In procmail, define a rule to redirect the relevant mail to parlement, I use: :0 c * ^TO parlement|leparlement.org | /home/manu/parlement/trunk/script/runner 'Mailman.receive STDIN.read' Once you have everything set up (ruby, postgresql, redcloth, irb), you can launch parlement thus: ~ cd parlement ~ psql -q template1 -f db/schema.sql ~ ruby lib/data_import.rb ~ ruby ./script/server Now you can go to localhost:3000