## Name
## Description
Fluent-plugin-groonga-query-log is a Fluentd filter plugin to parse
[query log](http://groonga.org/docs/reference/log.html#query-log) with
You can detect slow query in real time by using this plugin.
Here is a sample configuration that stores slow queries to Groonga:
@type tail
path /var/log/groonga/query.log
pos_file /var/log/fluentd/groonga-query-log.pos
tag groonga.query
format none
@type groonga_query_log
@type grep
regexp1 slow \Atrue\z
@type record_transformer
enable_ruby true
renew_record true
keep_keys elapsed
log ${JSON.generate(to_h)}
@type groonga
store_table SlowQueries
protocol http
buffer_type file
buffer_path /var/lib/fluentd/groonga.buffer
flush_interval 1
You need to prepare your environment to use the configuration.
Create the following directories:
% sudo mkdir -p /var/log/fluentd
% sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/fluentd
User who runs Fluentd must have write permission of the
directories. Set suitable permission to the directories:
% sudo chown -R fluentd-user:fluentd-user /var/log/fluentd
% sudo chown -R fluentd-user:fluentd-user /var/lib/fluentd
Run Groonga that stores slow queries on ``:
% groonga --protocol http -s DB_PATH
Run `fluentd` with the configuration:
% fluentd --config groonga-slow-queries.conf
Now, slow queries are stored `SlowQueries` table in Groonga:
% curl 'localhost:10041/d/select?table=SlowQueries&output_pretty=yes'
Each query log is stored as one record. Record has the following two
* `elapsed`: The elapsed time to execute the query.
* `log`: The query details as JSON. It includes executed command,
elapsed time for each condition and so on.
## Install
% gem install fluent-plugin-groonga-query-log
## Usage
You can use `groonga-query-log` filter for parsing raw Groonga's query
log text.
Here is a sample raw Groonga's query log text:
2015-08-12 15:50:40.130990|0x7fb07d113da0|>/d/select?table=Entries&match_columns=name&query=xml
2015-08-12 15:50:40.296165|0x7fb07d113da0|:000000165177838 filter(10)
2015-08-12 15:50:40.296172|0x7fb07d113da0|:000000165184723 select(10)
2015-08-12 15:50:41.228129|0x7fb07d113da0|:000001097153433 output(10)
2015-08-12 15:50:41.228317|0x7fb07d113da0|<000001097334986 rc=0
`groonga-query-log` filter emits the following record by parsing the
above raw Groonga's query log text:
"start_time": "2015-08-12T06:50:40.130990Z",
"last_time": "2015-08-12T06:50:41.228324Z",
"elapsed": 1.0973349860000001,
"return_code": 0,
"slow": true,
"command": {
"raw": "/d/select?table=Entries&match_columns=name&query=xml",
"name": "select",
"parameters": [
"key": "table",
"value": "Entries"
"key": "match_columns",
"value": "name"
"key": "query",
"value": "xml"
"operations": [
"context": "query: xml",
"name": "filter",
"relative_elapsed": 0.165177838,
"slow": true
"context": null,
"name": "select",
"relative_elapsed": 6.884999999999999e-06,
"slow": false
"context": null,
"name": "output",
"relative_elapsed": 0.93196871,
"slow": true
Here are parameters of this filter:
* `raw_data_column_name`: It specifies column name that stores raw
Groonga's query log text.
* Default: `message`
* `slow_operation_threshold`: It specifies threshold to treat an
operation is slow. If one or more operations in a query spend more
than the threshold, the query is slow query.
* Default: `0.1`
* `slow_response_threshold`: It specifies threshold to treat a
request is slow. If a request spends more than the threshold, the
query in the request is slow query.
* Default: `0.2`
* `flatten`: It specifies whether parsed query log is mapped to a
flat object or a nested object. A float object will be useful to
store the parsed log to non document oriented database such as
Here is a sample record of parsed query log:
"command": {
"raw": "/d/select?table=Entries&match_columns=name&query=xml",
"name": "select",
"parameters": [
"key": "table",
"value": "Entries"
"key": "match_columns",
"value": "name"
"key": "query",
"value": "xml"
Here is the flatten record of the above record:
"command.raw": "/d/select?table=Entries&match_columns=name&query=xml",
"command.name": "select",
"command.parameters[0].key": "table",
"command.parameters[0].value": "Entries",
"command.parameters[1].key": "match_columns",
"command.parameters[1].value": "name",
"command.parameters[0].key": "query",
"command.parameters[0].value": "xml",
* Default: `false` (nested object)
* `flatten_separator`: It specifies separator that is used when
`flatten` is `true`. If `flatten` is `true`, nested keys are
mapped to one flatten key. This separator is used to concatenate
nested keys.
`.` is used for nested object by default. For example,
"a": {
"b": 1
is flatten to the following:
"a.b": 1
`[...]` is used for element in an array by default. For example,
"a": [
is flatten to the following:
"a[0]": 1,
"a[1]": 2
If `"_"` is used as the separator,
"a": [
"b": {
"c": 3
is flatten to the following:
"a_0": 1,
"a_1": 2,
"b_c": 3
* Default: `.` for object and `[...]` for array
## Authors
* Kouhei Sutou ``
## License
LGPL 3 or later. See doc/text/lgpl-3.txt for details.
(Kouhei Sutou has a right to change the license including
contributed patches.)
## Mailing list
* English: [groonga-talk](https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/groonga-talk)
* Japanese: [groonga-dev](http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/listinfo/groonga-dev)
## Source
The repository for fluent-plugin-groonga-query-log is on
## Thanks
* ...