package import import import scala.util.Try import import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils import import import org.apache.tika.Tika import import import import scala.util.Failure import scala.Some import scala.util.Success import object Encoding { val defaultGzipExtensions = ".html" :: ".css" :: ".js" :: ".txt" :: Nil case class Gzip() case class Zopfli() def encodingOnS3(path: String)(implicit site: Site): Option[Either[Gzip, Zopfli]] = site.config.gzip.flatMap { (gzipSetting: Either[Boolean, Seq[String]]) => val shouldZipThisFile = gzipSetting.fold( shouldGzip => defaultGzipExtensions exists path.endsWith, fileExtensions => fileExtensions exists path.endsWith ) if (shouldZipThisFile && site.config.gzip_zopfli.isDefined) Some(Right(Zopfli())) else if (shouldZipThisFile) Some(Left(Gzip())) else None } type MD5 = String } sealed trait S3KeyProvider { def s3Key: String } trait UploadTypeResolved { def uploadType: UploadType } sealed trait UploadType // Sealed, so that we can avoid inexhaustive pattern matches more easily case object NewFile extends UploadType case object Update extends UploadType case class LocalFile( s3Key: String, originalFile: File, encodingOnS3: Option[Either[Gzip, Zopfli]] ) extends S3KeyProvider { // May throw an exception, so remember to call this in a Try or Future monad lazy val length = uploadFile.length() /** * This is the file we should upload, because it contains the potentially gzipped contents of the original file. * * May throw an exception, so remember to call this in a Try or Future monad */ lazy val uploadFile: File = encodingOnS3 .fold(originalFile)(algorithm => { val tempFile = File.createTempFile(originalFile.getName, "gzip") tempFile.deleteOnExit() using(new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempFile))) { stream => IOUtils.copy(fis(originalFile), stream) } tempFile }) /** * May throw an exception, so remember to call this in a Try or Future monad */ lazy val md5 = using(fis(uploadFile)) { inputStream => DigestUtils.md5Hex(inputStream) } private[this] def fis(file: File): InputStream = new FileInputStream(file) private[this] def using[T <: Closeable, R](cl: T)(f: (T) => R): R = try f(cl) finally cl.close() } object LocalFile { def toUpload(localFile: LocalFile)(implicit config: Config): Either[ErrorReport, Upload] = Try { Upload( s3Key = localFile.s3Key, essence = Right( UploadBody( md5 = localFile.md5, contentEncoding = => "gzip"), contentLength = localFile.length, maxAge = resolveMaxAge(localFile), contentType = resolveContentType(localFile.originalFile), openInputStream = () => new FileInputStream(localFile.uploadFile) ) ) ) } match { case Success(upload) => Right(upload) case Failure(error) => Left(IOError(error)) } lazy val tika = new Tika() def resolveContentType(file: File) = { val mimeType = tika.detect(file) if (mimeType.startsWith("text/") || mimeType == "application/json") mimeType + "; charset=utf-8" else mimeType } def resolveMaxAge(localFile: LocalFile)(implicit config: Config): Option[Int] = { type GlobsMap = Map[String, Int] config.max_age.flatMap { (intOrGlobs: Either[Int, GlobsMap]) => type GlobsSeq = Seq[(String, Int)] def respectMostSpecific(globs: GlobsMap): GlobsSeq = globs.toSeq.sortBy(_._1.length).reverse intOrGlobs .fold( (seconds: Int) => Some(seconds), (globs: GlobsSeq) => globs.find { globAndInt => (rubyRuntime evalScriptlet s"File.fnmatch('${globAndInt._1}', '${localFile.s3Key}')") .toJava(classOf[Boolean]) .asInstanceOf[Boolean] } map (_._2) ) } } def resolveLocalFiles(implicit site: Site): Either[ErrorReport, Seq[LocalFile]] = Try { val files = recursiveListFiles(new File(site.rootDirectory)).filterNot(_.isDirectory) files map { file => val s3Key = site.resolveS3Key(file) LocalFile(s3Key, file, encodingOnS3(s3Key)) } filterNot { file => site.config.exclude_from_upload exists { _.fold( // For backward compatibility, use Ruby regex matching (exclusionRegex: String) => rubyRegexMatches(file.s3Key, exclusionRegex), (exclusionRegexes: Seq[String]) => exclusionRegexes exists (rubyRegexMatches(file.s3Key, _)) ) } } filterNot { _.originalFile.getName == "s3_website.yml" } // For security reasons, the s3_website.yml should never be pushed } match { case Success(localFiles) => Right( // Sort by key, because this will improve the performance when pushing existing sites. // The lazy-loading diff take advantage of this arrangement. localFiles sortBy (_.s3Key) ) case Failure(error) => Left(IOError(error)) } def recursiveListFiles(f: File): Seq[File] = { val these = f.listFiles these ++ these.filter(_.isDirectory).flatMap(recursiveListFiles) } } case class OverrideExisting() case class CreateNew() case class Redirect(key: String, redirectTarget: String) object Redirect extends UploadType { def resolveRedirects(implicit config: Config): Seq[Upload with UploadTypeResolved] = { val redirects = config.redirects.fold(Nil: Seq[Redirect]) { sourcesToTargets => sourcesToTargets.foldLeft(Seq(): Seq[Redirect]) { (redirects, sourceToTarget) => redirects :+ Redirect(sourceToTarget._1, sourceToTarget._2) } } { redirect => Upload.apply(redirect) } } } case class Upload( s3Key: String, essence: Either[Redirect, UploadBody] ) extends S3KeyProvider { def withUploadType(ut: UploadType) = new Upload(s3Key, essence) with UploadTypeResolved { def uploadType = ut } } object Upload { def apply(redirect: Redirect): Upload with UploadTypeResolved = new Upload(redirect.key, Left(redirect)) with UploadTypeResolved { def uploadType = Redirect } } /** * Represents a bunch of data that should be stored into an S3 objects body. */ case class UploadBody( md5: MD5, contentLength: Long, contentEncoding: Option[String], maxAge: Option[Int], contentType: String, openInputStream: () => InputStream // It's in the caller's responsibility to close this stream ) case class S3File(s3Key: String, md5: MD5) object S3File { def apply(summary: S3ObjectSummary): S3File = S3File(summary.getKey, summary.getETag) }