require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/packagetask' require 'rake/gempackagetask' DLEXT = Config::CONFIG['DLEXT'] VERS = '0.1.0' spec = do |s| = "rpeg-markdown" s.version = VERS s.summary = "Ruby extension library for peg-markdown" s.files = FileList['README','LICENSE','Rakefile','test.rb','{lib,ext}/**.rb','ext/*.{c,h}','bin/rpeg-markdown'] s.bindir = 'bin' s.executables << 'rpeg-markdown' s.require_path = 'lib' s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files = ['README', 'LICENSE'] s.test_files = Dir['test.rb'] s.extensions = ['ext/extconf.rb'] = 'Ryan Tomayko' = '' s.homepage = '' s.rubyforge_project = 'wink' end do |p| p.gem_spec = spec p.need_tar_gz = true p.need_tar = false p.need_zip = false end namespace :submodule do desc 'Init the peg-markdown submodule' task :init do |t| unless File.exist? 'peg-markdown/markdown.c' rm_rf 'peg-markdown' sh 'git submodule init peg-markdown' sh 'git submodule update peg-markdown' end end task :update => :init do sh 'git submodule update peg-markdown' end end desc 'Gather required peg-markdown sources into extension directory' task :gather => 'submodule:update' do |t| sh 'cd peg-markdown && make markdown_parser.c' cp FileList['peg-markdown/markdown_{peg.h,parser.c,output.c}'], 'ext/', :preserve => true, :verbose => true end CLOBBER.include 'ext/markdown_{peg.h,parser.c,output.c}' file 'ext/Makefile' => FileList['ext/{extconf.rb,*.c,*.h,*.rb}'] do chdir('ext') { ruby 'extconf.rb' } end CLEAN.include 'ext/Makefile' file "ext/markdown.#{DLEXT}" => FileList['ext/Makefile', 'ext/*.{c,h,rb}'] do |f| sh 'cd ext && make' end CLEAN.include 'ext/*.{o,bundle,so}' file "lib/markdown.#{DLEXT}" => "ext/markdown.#{DLEXT}" do |f| cp f.prerequisites, "lib/", :preserve => true end desc 'Build the peg-markdown extension' task :build => "lib/markdown.#{DLEXT}" task 'test:unit' => [ :build ] do |t| ruby 'test.rb' end task 'test:conformance' => [ 'submodule:update', :build ] do |t| chdir('peg-markdown/MarkdownTest_1.0.3') do sh "./ --script=../../bin/rpeg-markdown --tidy" end end # ========================================================== # Rubyforge # ========================================================== task 'release' => [ "pkg/rpeg-markdown-#{VERS}.gem", "pkg/rpeg-markdown-#{VERS}.tar.gz" ] do |t| # "pkg/rpeg-markdown-#{VERS}.gem", # "pkg/rpeg-markdown-#{VERS}.tar.gz" sh "rubyforge add_release wink rpeg-markdown #{VERS} pkg/rpeg-markdown-#{VERS}.gem" end