require "httparty" require "nokogiri" require_relative "torrent.rb" module HailHydra # The TPB class provides the main client to connect to and scrape the # results. This may be broken into a 'client' and 'parser' in the future. class TPB # remember the domain name and get the cookie to use from the TPB server def initialize(domain_name) @domain = domain_name @headers = get_query_headers end # search torrents def search(query, pages=1, orderby=99) get = make_search_request(query, pages, orderby) raise "Invalid response: #{get.response.code}" unless get.response.code == "200" return parse_search_results(get.response.body) end private def parse_search_results(html_text) nodes = Nokogiri::HTML(html_text) cells = [] table ='table')'tr').each do |tr| cells.push('th, td')) end torrents = [] descriptions = nodes.css('font.detDesc') 1.upto cells.length-1 do |i| torrent = = cells[i][1].children[1].children[1].children[0].content torrent.url = @domain + cells[i][1].children[1].children[1].attributes["href"].value torrent.magnet_link = cells[i][1].children[3].attributes["href"].value torrent.seeders = cells[i][2].children[0].content torrent.leechers = cells[i][3].children[0].content # extracting the uploaded by, at and size is a bit trickier info_line = descriptions[i-1].text.gsub("\u00A0", "---").split(",").map(&:strip) torrent.uploaded_at = info_line[0].split(" ")[1].gsub("---", " ") torrent.size = info_line[1].split(" ")[1].gsub("---", " ") torrent.uploaded_by = info_line[2].split(" ")[2] torrents.push torrent end return torrents end def make_search_request(query, pages, orderby) query = { "q" => query, "page" => 0.to_s, "orderby" => orderby.to_s } # not sure why HTTParty doesn't do this already encoded_uri = URI.encode(@domain+"/search/" + query["q"] + "/0/" + query["orderby"] + "/0") HTTParty.get(encoded_uri, headers: @headers) end def get_query_headers() cookie = HTTParty.get(@domain).response['set-cookie'] return { 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 10; WOW64; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0', 'Referer' => @domain, 'Cookie' => cookie } end end end