require 'spec_helper' require 'redlock' feature 'Creating a new Work' do let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } let(:redlock_client_stub) { # stub out redis connection client = double('redlock client') allow(client).to receive(:lock).and_yield(true) allow(Redlock::Client).to receive(:new).and_return(client) client } before do sign_in user # stub out characterization. Travis doesn't have fits installed, and it's not relevant to the test. expect(CharacterizeJob).to receive(:perform_later) redlock_client_stub end it 'creates the work and allow you to attach a file' do visit '/concern/generic_works/new' work_title = 'My Test Work' within('form.new_generic_work') do fill_in('Title', with: work_title) attach_file('Upload a file', fixture_file_path('files/image.png')) choose('visibility_open') click_on('Create Generic work') end within '.related_files' do expect(page).to have_link 'image.png' end title = 'Genealogies of the American West' click_link 'Add a Collection' fill_in('Title', with: title) click_button('Create Collection') click_on('Add files from your dashboard') find('#facet-human_readable_type_sim').click_link('Generic Work') # Works can be added to collections within('.modal.fade', match: :first) do select title, from: 'id' click_on('Add to collection') end expect(page).to have_content('Collection was successfully updated.') expect(page).to have_content(work_title) end end