# @!macro [new] options_get # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Boolean] :no_cache (optional) if true then the data will be retreived from OSM not the cache # @!macro [new] options_api_data # @param [Hash] api_data # @option api_data [String] 'userid' (optional) the OSM userid to make the request as # @option api_data [String] 'secret' (optional) the OSM secret belonging to the above user module Osm class Api @@default_cache_ttl = 30 * 60 # The default caching time for responses from OSM (in seconds) # Some things will only be cached for half this time # Whereas others will be cached for twice this time # Most items however will be cached for this time @@user_access = Hash.new @@cache_prepend_to_key = 'OSMAPI' @@cache = nil @@debug = false # Initialize a new API connection # If passing user details then both must be passed # @param [String] userid osm userid of the user to act as # @param [String] secret osm secret of the user to act as # @param [Symbol] site wether to use OSM (:scout) or OGM (:guide), defaults to the value set for the class # @return nil def initialize(userid=nil, secret=nil, site=@@api_site) raise ArgumentError, 'You must pass a secret if you are passing a userid' if secret.nil? && !userid.nil? raise ArgumentError, 'You must pass a userid if you are passing a secret' if userid.nil? && !secret.nil? raise ArgumentError, 'site is invalid, if passed it should be either :scout or :guide' unless [:scout, :guide].include?(site) @base_url = 'https://www.onlinescoutmanager.co.uk' if site == :scout @base_url = 'http://www.onlineguidemanager.co.uk' if site == :guide set_user(userid, secret) nil end # Configure the API options used by all instances of the class # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :api_id the apiid given to you for using the OSM id # @option options [String] :api_token the token which goes with the above api # @option options [String] :api_name the name displayed in the External Access tab of OSM # @option options [Symbol] :api_sate wether to use OSM (if :scout) or OGM (if :guide) # @option options [Class] :cache (optional) An instance of a cache class, must provide the methods (exist?, delete, write, read), for details see Rails.cache. Whilst this is optional you should remember that caching is required to use the OSM API. # @option options [Fixnum] :default_cache_ttl (optional, default = 30.minutes) The default TTL value for the cache, note that some items are cached for twice this time and others are cached for half this time (in seconds) # @option options [String] :cache_prepend_to_key (optional, default = 'OSMAPI') Text to prepend to the key used to store data in the cache # @option options [Boolean] :debug if true debugging info is output (options, default = false) # @return nil def self.configure(options) raise ArgumentError, ':api_id does not exist in options hash' if options[:api_id].nil? raise ArgumentError, ':api_token does not exist in options hash' if options[:api_token].nil? raise ArgumentError, ':api_name does not exist in options hash' if options[:api_name].nil? raise ArgumentError, ':api_site does not exist in options hash or is invalid, this should be set to either :scout or :guide' unless [:scout, :guide].include?(options[:api_site]) raise ArgumentError, ':default_cache_ttl must be greater than 0' unless (options[:default_cache_ttl].nil? || options[:default_cache_ttl].to_i > 0) unless options[:cache].nil? [:exist?, :delete, :write, :read].each do |method| raise ArgumentError, ":cache must have a #{method} method" unless options[:cache].methods.include?(method) end end @@api_id = options[:api_id].to_s @@api_token = options[:api_token].to_s @@api_name = options[:api_name].to_s @@api_site = options[:api_site] @@default_cache_ttl = options[:default_cache_ttl].to_i unless options[:default_cache_ttl].nil? @@cache_prepend_to_key = options[:cache_prepend_to_key].to_s unless options[:cache_prepend_to_key].nil? @@cache = options[:cache] @@debug = !!options[:debug] nil end # Get the API ID used in this class # @return [String] the API ID def self.api_id return @@api_id end # Get the API name displayed in the External Access tab of OSM # @return [String] the API name def self.api_name return @@api_name end # Get the userid and secret to be able to act as a certain user on the OSM system # Also set's the 'current user' # @param [String] email the login email address of the user on OSM # @param [String] password the login password of the user on OSM # @return [Hash] a hash containing the following keys: # * 'userid' - the userid to use in future requests # * 'secret' - the secret to use in future requests def authorize(email, password) api_data = { 'email' => email, 'password' => password, } data = perform_query('users.php?action=authorise', api_data) set_user(data['userid'], data['secret']) return data end # Get the user's roles # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Array] def get_roles(options={}, api_data={}) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("roles-#{api_data[:userid] || @userid}") return cache_read("roles-#{api_data[:userid] || @userid}") end data = perform_query('api.php?action=getUserRoles', api_data) result = Array.new data.each do |item| role = Osm::Role.from_api(item) result.push role cache_write("section-#{role.section.id}", role.section, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl*2) self.user_can_access :section, role.section.id, api_data end cache_write("roles-#{api_data[:userid] || @userid}", result, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl*2) return result end # Get the user's notepads # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Hash] a hash (keys are section IDs, values are a string) def get_notepads(options={}, api_data={}) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("notepads-#{api_data[:userid] || @userid}") return cache_read("notepads-#{api_data[:userid] || @userid}") end notepads = perform_query('api.php?action=getNotepads', api_data) return {} unless notepads.is_a?(Hash) data = {} notepads.each do |key, value| data[key.to_i] = value cache_write("notepad-#{key}", value, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl*2) end cache_write("notepads-#{api_data[:userid] || @userid}", data, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl*2) return data end # Get the notepad for a specified section # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the notepad for # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return nil if an error occured or the user does not have access to that section # @return [String] the content of the notepad otherwise def get_notepad(section, options={}, api_data={}) section_id = id_for_section(section) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("notepad-#{section_id}") && self.user_can_access?(:section, section_id, api_data) return cache_read("notepad-#{section_id}") end notepads = get_notepads(options, api_data) return nil unless notepads.is_a? Hash notepads.each_key do |key| return notepads[key] if key == section_id end return nil end # Get the section (and its configuration) # @param [Fixnum] section_id the section id of the required section # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return nil if an error occured or the user does not have access to that section # @return [Osm::Section] def get_section(section_id, options={}, api_data={}) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("section-#{section_id}") && self.user_can_access?(:section, section_id, api_data) return cache_read("section-#{section_id}") end roles = get_roles(options, api_data) return nil unless roles.is_a? Array roles.each do |role| return role.section if role.section.id == section_id end return nil end # Get the groupings (e.g. patrols, sixes, lodges) for a given section # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section the section to get the groupings for # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Array] def get_groupings(section, options={}, api_data={}) section_id = id_for_section(section) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("groupings-#{section_id}") && self.user_can_access?(:section, section_id, api_data) return cache_read("groupings-#{section_id}") end data = perform_query("users.php?action=getPatrols§ionid=#{section_id}", api_data) result = Array.new data['patrols'].each do |item| grouping = Osm::Grouping.from_api(item) result.push grouping cache_write("grouping-#{grouping.id}", grouping, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl*2) self.user_can_access :grouping, grouping.id, api_data end cache_write("groupings-#{section_id}", result, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl*2) return result end # Get the terms that the OSM user can access # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Array] def get_terms(options={}, api_data={}) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("terms-#{api_data[:userid] || @userid}") return cache_read("terms-#{api_data[:userid] || @userid}") end data = perform_query('api.php?action=getTerms', api_data) result = Array.new data.each_key do |key| data[key].each do |item| term = Osm::Term.from_api(item) result.push term cache_write("term-#{term.id}", term, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl*2) self.user_can_access :term, term.id, api_data end end cache_write("terms-#{api_data[:userid] || @userid}", result, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl*2) return result end # Get a term # @param [Fixnum] term_id the id of the required term # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return nil if an error occured or the user does not have access to that term # @return [Osm::Term] def get_term(term_id, options={}, api_data={}) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("term-#{term_id}") && self.user_can_access?(:term, term_id, api_data) return cache_read("term-#{term_id}") end terms = get_terms(options) return nil unless terms.is_a? Array terms.each do |term| return term if term.id == term_id end return nil end # Get the programme for a given term # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the programme for # @param [Osm:term, Fixnum] term the term (or its ID) to get the programme for, passing nil causes the current term to be used # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Array] def get_programme(section, term, options={}, api_data={}) section_id = id_for_section(section) term_id = id_for_term(term, section, api_data) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("programme-#{section_id}-#{term_id}") && self.user_can_access?(:programme, section_id, api_data) return cache_read("programme-#{section_id}-#{term_id}") end data = perform_query("programme.php?action=getProgramme§ionid=#{section_id}&termid=#{term_id}", api_data) result = Array.new data = {'items'=>[],'activities'=>{}} if data.is_a? Array self.user_can_access(:programme, section_id, api_data) unless data.is_a? Array items = data['items'] || [] activities = data['activities'] || {} items.each do |item| evening = Osm::Evening.from_api(item, activities[item['eveningid']]) result.push evening evening.activities.each do |activity| self.user_can_access :activity, activity.activity_id, api_data end end cache_write("programme-#{section_id}-#{term_id}", result, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl) return result end # Get activity details # @param [Fixnum] activity_id the activity ID # @param [Fixnum] version the version of the activity to retreive, if nil the latest version will be assumed # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Osm::Activity] def get_activity(activity_id, version=nil, options={}, api_data={}) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("activity-#{activity_id}-#{version}") && self.user_can_access?(:activity, activity_id, api_data) return cache_read("activity-#{activity_id}-#{version}") end data = nil if version.nil? data = perform_query("programme.php?action=getActivity&id=#{activity_id}", api_data) else data = perform_query("programme.php?action=getActivity&id=#{activity_id}&version=#{version}", api_data) end activity = Osm::Activity.from_api(data) cache_write("activity-#{activity_id}-#{nil}", activity, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl*2) if version.nil? cache_write("activity-#{activity_id}-#{activity.version}", activity, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl/2) self.user_can_access :activity, activity.id, api_data return activity end # Get members # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the members for # @param [Osm:Term, Fixnum] term the term (or its ID) to get the members for, passing nil causes the current term to be used # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Array] def get_members(section, term=nil, options={}, api_data={}) section_id = id_for_section(section) term_id = id_for_term(term, section, api_data) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("members-#{section_id}-#{term_id}") && self.user_can_access?(:member, section_id, api_data) return cache_read("members-#{section_id}-#{term_id}") end data = perform_query("users.php?action=getUserDetails§ionid=#{section_id}&termid=#{term_id}", api_data) result = Array.new data['items'].each do |item| result.push Osm::Member.from_api(item) end self.user_can_access :member, section_id, api_data cache_write("members-#{section_id}-#{term_id}", result, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl) return result end # Get API access details for a given section # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the details for # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Array] def get_api_access(section, options={}, api_data={}) section_id = id_for_section(section) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("api_access-#{api_data['userid'] || @userid}-#{section_id}") return cache_read("api_access-#{api_data['userid'] || @userid}-#{section_id}") end data = perform_query("users.php?action=getAPIAccess§ionid=#{section_id}", api_data) result = Array.new data['apis'].each do |item| this_item = Osm::ApiAccess.from_api(item) result.push this_item self.user_can_access(:programme, section_id, api_data) if this_item.can_read?(:programme) self.user_can_access(:member, section_id, api_data) if this_item.can_read?(:member) self.user_can_access(:badge, section_id, api_data) if this_item.can_read?(:badge) cache_write("api_access-#{api_data['userid'] || @userid}-#{section_id}-#{this_item.id}", this_item, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl*2) end return result end # Get our API access details for a given section # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the details for # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Osm::ApiAccess] def get_our_api_access(section, options={}, api_data={}) section_id = id_for_section(section) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("api_access-#{api_data['userid'] || @userid}-#{section_id}-#{Osm::Api.api_id}") return cache_read("api_access-#{api_data['userid'] || @userid}-#{section_id}-#{Osm::Api.api_id}") end data = get_api_access(section_id, options) found = nil data.each do |item| found = item if item.our_api? end return found end # Get events # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the events for # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Array] def get_events(section, options={}, api_data={}) section_id = id_for_section(section) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("events-#{section_id}") && self.user_can_access?(:programme, section_id, api_data) return cache_read("events-#{section_id}") end data = perform_query("events.php?action=getEvents§ionid=#{section_id}", api_data) result = Array.new unless data['items'].nil? data['items'].each do |item| result.push Osm::Event.from_api(item) end end self.user_can_access :programme, section_id, api_data cache_write("events-#{section_id}", result, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl) return result end # Get due badges # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the due badges for # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Osm::DueBadges] def get_due_badges(section, term=nil, options={}, api_data={}) section_id = id_for_section(section) term_id = id_for_term(term, section, api_data) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("due_badges-#{section_id}-#{term_id}") && self.user_can_access?(:badge, section_id, api_data) return cache_read("due_badges-#{section_id}-#{term_id}") end section_type = get_section(section_id, api_data).type.to_s data = perform_query("challenges.php?action=outstandingBadges§ion=#{section_type}§ionid=#{section_id}&termid=#{term_id}", api_data) data = Osm::DueBadges.from_api(data) self.user_can_access :badge, section_id, api_data cache_write("due_badges-#{section_id}-#{term_id}", data, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl*2) return data end # Get register structure # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the structure for # @param [Osm:Term, Fixnum] section the term (or its ID) to get the structure for, passing nil causes the current term to be used # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Array] representing the fields of the register def get_register_structure(section, term=nil, options={}, api_data={}) section_id = id_for_section(section) term_id = id_for_term(term, section, api_data) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("register_structure-#{section_id}-#{term_id}") && self.user_can_access?(:register, section_id, api_data) return cache_read("register_structure-#{section_id}-#{term_id}") end data = perform_query("users.php?action=registerStructure§ionid=#{section_id}&termid=#{term_id}", api_data) structure = [] data.each do |item| item['rows'].each do |row| structure.push Osm::RegisterField.from_api(row) end end self.user_can_access :register, section_id, api_data cache_write("register_structure-#{section_id}-#{term_id}", structure, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl/2) return structure end # Get register data # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the register for # @param [Osm:Term, Fixnum] section the term (or its ID) to get the register for, passing nil causes the current term to be used # @!macro options_get # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Array] representing the attendance of each member def get_register_data(section, term=nil, options={}, api_data={}) section_id = id_for_section(section) term_id = id_for_term(term, section, api_data) if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?("register-#{section_id}-#{term_id}") && self.user_can_access?(:register, section_id, api_data) return cache_read("register-#{section_id}-#{term_id}") end data = perform_query("users.php?action=register§ionid=#{section_id}&termid=#{term_id}", api_data) data = data['items'] to_return = [] data.each do |item| to_return.push Osm::RegisterData.from_api(item) end self.user_can_access :register, section_id, api_data cache_write("register-#{section_id}-#{term_id}", data, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl/2) return to_return end # Create an evening in OSM # @param [Fixnum] section_id the id of the section to add the term to # @param [Date] meeting_date the date of the meeting # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Boolean] if the operation suceeded or not def create_evening(section, meeting_date, api_data={}) section_id = id_for_section(section) evening_api_data = { 'meetingdate' => meeting_date.strftime(Osm::OSM_DATE_FORMAT), 'sectionid' => section_id, 'activityid' => -1 } data = perform_query("programme.php?action=addActivityToProgramme", api_data.merge(evening_api_data)) # The cached programmes for the section will be out of date - remove them get_terms(api_data).each do |term| cache_delete("programme-#{term.section_id}-#{term.id}") if term.section_id == section_id end return data.is_a?(Hash) && (data['result'] == 0) end # Update an evening in OSM # @param [Osm::Evening] evening the evening to update # @!macro options_api_data # @return [Boolean] if the operation suceeded or not def update_evening(evening, api_data={}) raise ArgumentIsInvalid, 'evening is invalid' unless evening.valid? response = perform_query("programme.php?action=editEvening", api_data.merge(evening.to_api)) # The cached programmes for the section will be out of date - remove them get_terms(api_data).each do |term| cache_delete("programme-#{term.section_id}-#{term.id}") if term.section_id == evening.section_id end return response.is_a?(Hash) && (response['result'] == 0) end protected # Set access permission for the current user on a resource stored in the cache # @param [Symbol] resource_type a symbol representing the resource type (:section, :grouping, :term, :activity, :programme, :member, :badge, :register) # @param [Fixnum] resource_id the id of the resource being checked # @param [Hash] api_data the data hash used in accessing the api # @param [Boolean] permission wether the user can access the resource # @return [Boolean] the permission which was set def user_can_access(resource_type, resource_id, api_data, permission=true) user = (api_data['userid'] || @userid).to_i resource_id = resource_id.to_i resource_type = resource_type.to_sym @@user_access[user] = {} if @@user_access[user].nil? @@user_access[user][resource_type] = {} if @@user_access[user][resource_type].nil? @@user_access[user][resource_type][resource_id] = permission end # Get access permission for the current user on a resource stored in the cache # @param [Symbol] resource_type a symbol representing the resource type (:section, :grouping, :term, :activity, :programme, :member, :badge, :register) # @param [Fixnum] resource_id the id of the resource being checked # @param [Hash] api_data the data hash used in accessing the api # @return nil if the combination of user and resource has not been set # @return [Boolean] if the user can access the resource def user_can_access?(resource_type, resource_id, api_data) user = (api_data['userid'] || @userid).to_i resource_id = resource_id.to_i resource_type = resource_type.to_sym return nil if @@user_access[user].nil? return nil if @@user_access[user][resource_type].nil? return @@user_access[user][resource_type][resource_id] end private # Set the OSM user to make future requests as # @param [String] userid the OSM userid to use (get this using the authorize method) # @param [String] secret the OSM secret to use (get this using the authorize method) def set_user(userid, secret) @userid = userid @secret = secret end # Make the query to the OSM API # @param [String] url the script on the remote server to invoke # @param [Hash] api_data a hash containing the values to be sent to the server # @return [Hash, Array, String] the parsed JSON returned by OSM def perform_query(url, api_data={}) api_data['apiid'] = @@api_id api_data['token'] = @@api_token if api_data['userid'].nil? && api_data['secret'].nil? unless @userid.nil? || @secret.nil? api_data['userid'] = @userid api_data['secret'] = @secret end end if @@debug puts "Making OSM API request to #{url}" puts api_data.to_s end begin result = HTTParty.post("#{@base_url}/#{url}", {:body => api_data}) rescue SocketError, TimeoutError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError raise ConnectionError, 'A problem occured on the internet.' end raise ConnectionError, "HTTP Status code was #{result.response.code}" if !result.response.code.eql?('200') if @@debug puts "Result from OSM request to #{url}" puts result.response.body end raise Error, result.response.body unless looks_like_json?(result.response.body) decoded = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(result.response.body) osm_error = get_osm_error(decoded) raise Error, osm_error if osm_error return decoded end # Check if text looks like it's JSON # @param [String] text what to look at # @return [Boolean] def looks_like_json?(text) (['[', '{'].include?(text[0])) end # Get the error returned by OSM # @param data what OSM gave us # @return false if no error message was found # @return [String] the error message def get_osm_error(data) return false unless data.is_a?(Hash) to_return = data['error'] || data['err'] || false to_return = false if to_return.blank? return to_return end # Wrap cache calls def cache_read(key) return @@cache.nil? ? nil : @@cache.read("#{@@cache_prepend_to_key}-#{key}") end def cache_write(key, data, options={}) return @@cache.nil? ? false : @@cache.write("#{@@cache_prepend_to_key}-#{key}", data, options) end def cache_exist?(key) return @@cache.nil? ? false : @@cache.exist?("#{@@cache_prepend_to_key}-#{key}") end def cache_delete(key) return @@cache.nil? ? true : @@cache.delete("#{@@cache_prepend_to_key}-#{key}") end # Get the ID from an object or fixnum # @param cl the Class being used (e.g. Osm::Section) # @param value the value to get the ID from # @param [String] error_name the name of the class to use in error messages # @param [String, Symbol] id_method the method to call on cl to get the ID # @return [Fixnum] the ID def id_for(cl, value, error_name, id_method=:id) if value.is_a?(cl) value = value.send(id_method) else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid type for #{error_name}" unless value.is_a?(Fixnum) end raise ArgumentError, "Invalid #{error_name} ID" unless value > 0 return value end def id_for_section(section) id_for(Osm::Section, section, 'section') end def id_for_term(term, section, api_data) return term.nil? ? Osm::find_current_term_id(self, id_for_section(section), api_data) : id_for(Osm::Term, term, 'term') end end # Class Api end # Module