module Aptible module CLI module Helpers module Ssh def connect_to_ssh_portal(operation, *extra_ssh_args) # NOTE: This is a little tricky to get rigt, so before you make any # changes, read this. # # - The first gotcha is that we cannot use Kernel.exec here, because # we need to perform cleanup when exiting from # operation#with_ssh_cmd. # # - The second gotcha is that we need to somehow capture the exit # status, so that CLI commands that call the SSH portal can proxy # this back to their own caller (the most important one here is # aptible ssh). # # To do this, we have to handle interrutps as a signal, as opposed to # handle an Interrupt exception. The reason for this has to do with # how Ruby's wait is implemented (this happens in process.c's # rb_waitpid). There are two main considerations here: # # - It automatically resumes when it receives EINTR, so our control # is pretty high-level here. # - It handles interrupts prior to setting $? (this appears to have # changed between Ruby 2.2 and 2.3, perhaps the newer implementation # behaves differently). # # Unfortunately, this means that if we receive SIGINT while in # Process::wait2, then we never get access to SSH's exitstatus: Ruby # throws a Interrupt so we don't have a return value, and it doesn't # set $?, so we can't read it back there. # # Of course, we can't just call Proces::wait2 again, because at this # point, we've reaped our child. # # To solve this, we add our own signal handler on SIGINT, which # simply proxies SIGINT to SSH if we happen to have a different # process group (which shouldn't be the case), just to be safe and # let users exit the CLI. with_ssh_cmd(operation) do |base_ssh_cmd| spawn_passthrough(base_ssh_cmd + extra_ssh_args) end end def exit_with_ssh_portal(*args) exit connect_to_ssh_portal(*args) end def with_ssh_cmd(operation) ensure_ssh_dir! ensure_config! ensure_key! operation.with_ssh_cmd(private_key_file) do |cmd, connection| yield cmd + common_ssh_args, connection end end private def spawn_passthrough(command) redirection = { in: :in, out: :out, err: :err, close_others: true } pid = Process.spawn(*command, redirection) reset = Signal.trap('SIGINT') do # FIXME: If we're on Windows, we don't really know whether SSH # received SIGINT or not, so for now, we just ignore it. next if Gem.win_platform? begin # SSH should be running in our process group, which means that # if the user sends CTRL+C, we'll both receive it. In this # case, just ignore the signal and let SSH handle it. next if Process.getpgid( == Process.getpgid(pid) # If we get here, then oddly, SSH is not running in our process # group and yet we got the signal. In this case, let's simply # ignore it. Process.kill(:SIGINT, pid) rescue Errno::ESRCH # This could happen if SSH exited after receiving the SIGINT, # Ruby waited it, then ran our signal handler. In this case, we # don't need to do anything, so we proceed. end end begin _, status = Process.wait2(pid) return status.exited? ? status.exitstatus : 128 + status.termsig ensure Signal.trap('SIGINT', reset) end end def ensure_ssh_dir! FileUtils.mkdir_p(ssh_dir, mode: 0o700) end def ensure_config! return if File.exist?(ssh_config_file), 'w', 0o600) { |f| f.write('') } end def ensure_key! key_files = [private_key_file, public_key_file] return if key_files.all? { |f| File.exist?(f) } # If we're missing *some* files, then we should clean them up. key_files.each do |key_file| begin File.delete(key_file) rescue Errno::ENOENT # We don't care, that's what we want. end end begin cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'rsa', '-N', '', '-f', private_key_file] out, status = Open3.capture2e(*cmd) raise "Failed to generate ssh key: #{out}" unless status.success? rescue Errno::ENOENT raise 'ssh-keygen must be installed' end end def ssh_dir File.join ENV['HOME'], '.aptible', 'ssh' end def ssh_config_file File.join ssh_dir, 'config' end def private_key_file File.join ssh_dir, 'id_rsa' end def public_key_file "#{private_key_file}.pub" end def common_ssh_args log_level = ENV['APTIBLE_SSH_DEBUG'] ? 'DEBUG3' : 'ERROR' [ '-o', 'TCPKeepAlive=yes', '-o', 'KeepAlive=yes', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60', '-o', "LogLevel=#{log_level}", '-o', 'ControlMaster=no', '-o', 'ControlPath=none', '-F', ssh_config_file ] end end end end end