module Savon # == Savon::Request # # Handles both WSDL and SOAP HTTP requests. class Request # Content-Types by SOAP version. ContentType = { 1 => "text/xml", 2 => "application/soap+xml" } # Whether to log HTTP requests. @@log = true # The default logger. @@logger = STDOUT # The default log level. @@log_level = :debug # Sets whether to log HTTP requests. def self.log=(log) @@log = log end # Returns whether to log HTTP requests. def self.log? @@log end # Sets the logger. def self.logger=(logger) @@logger = logger end # Returns the logger. def self.logger @@logger end # Sets the log level. def self.log_level=(log_level) @@log_level = log_level end # Returns the log level. def self.log_level @@log_level end # Expects a SOAP +endpoint+ String. Also accepts an optional Hash of # +options+ for specifying a proxy server and SSL client authentication. def initialize(endpoint, options = {}) @endpoint = URI endpoint @proxy = options[:proxy] ? URI(options[:proxy]) : URI("") @ssl = options[:ssl] if options[:ssl] end # Returns the endpoint URI. attr_reader :endpoint # Returns the proxy URI. attr_reader :proxy # Sets the open timeout for HTTP requests. def open_timeout=(sec) http.open_timeout = sec end # Sets the read timeout for HTTP requests. def read_timeout=(sec) http.read_timeout = sec end # Retrieves WSDL document and returns the Net::HTTPResponse. def wsdl log "Retrieving WSDL from: #{@endpoint}" http.get @endpoint.to_s end # Executes a SOAP request using a given Savon::SOAP instance and # returns the Net::HTTPResponse. def soap(soap) @soap = soap log_request @response = http.request_post @endpoint.path, @soap.to_xml, http_header log_response @response end private # Logs the SOAP request. def log_request log "SOAP request: #{@endpoint}" log { |key, value| "#{key}: #{value}" }.join( ", " ) log @soap.to_xml end # Logs the SOAP response. def log_response log "SOAP response (status #{@response.code}):" log @response.body end # Returns a Net::HTTP instance. def http unless @http @http ||= Net::HTTP::Proxy(, @proxy.port).new, @endpoint.port @http.use_ssl = true if @endpoint.ssl? @http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE add_ssl_authentication if @ssl end @http end # Adds SSL client authentication to the +@http+ instance. def add_ssl_authentication @http.verify_mode = @ssl[:verify] if @ssl[:verify].kind_of? Integer @http.cert = @ssl[:client_cert] if @ssl[:client_cert] @http.key = @ssl[:client_key] if @ssl[:client_key] @http.ca_file = @ssl[:ca_file] if @ssl[:ca_file] end # Returns a Hash containing the header for an HTTP request. def http_header { "Content-Type" => ContentType[@soap.version], "SOAPAction" => @soap.action } end # Logs a given +message+. def log(message) self.class.logger.send self.class.log_level, message if log? end # Returns whether logging is possible. def log? self.class.log? && self.class.logger.respond_to?(self.class.log_level) end end end