require 'fileutils' require 'rscm/logging' WIN32 = RUBY_PLATFORM == "i386-mswin32" CYGWIN = RUBY_PLATFORM == "i386-cygwin" WINDOWS = WIN32 || CYGWIN # TODO: change to override IO.popen, using that neat trick we # used in threadfile.rb (which is now gone) def safer_popen(cmd, mode="r", expected_exit=0, &proc) "Executing command: '#{cmd}'" ret = IO.popen(cmd, mode, &proc) exit_code = $? >> 8 raise "#{cmd} failed with code #{exit_code} in #{Dir.pwd}. Expected exit code: #{expected_exit}" if exit_code != expected_exit ret end def with_working_dir(dir) # Can't use Dir.chdir{ block } - will fail with multithreaded code. # # prev = Dir.pwd begin "Making directory: '#{File.expand_path(dir)}'" FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) Dir.chdir(dir) "In directory: '#{File.expand_path(dir)}'" yield ensure Dir.chdir(prev) end end # Utility for converting between win32 and cygwin paths. Does nothing on *nix. module RSCM module PathConverter def filepath_to_nativepath(path, escaped) return nil if path.nil? path = File.expand_path(path) if(WIN32) path.gsub(/\//, "\\") elsif(CYGWIN) cmd = "cygpath --windows #{path}" safer_popen(cmd) do |io| cygpath = escaped ? cygpath.gsub(/\\/, "\\\\\\\\") : cygpath end else path end end def filepath_to_nativeurl(path) return nil if path.nil? if(WINDOWS) urlpath = filepath_to_nativepath(path, false).gsub(/\\/, "/") "file:///#{urlpath}" else "file://#{File.expand_path(path)}" end end def nativepath_to_filepath(path) return nil if path.nil? if(WIN32) path.gsub(/\//, "\\") elsif(CYGWIN) path = path.gsub(/\\/, "/") cmd = "cygpath --unix #{path}" safer_popen(cmd) do |io| end else path end end def ensure_trailing_slash(url) return nil if url.nil? if(url && url[-1..-1] != "/") "#{url}/" else url end end module_function :filepath_to_nativepath module_function :filepath_to_nativeurl module_function :nativepath_to_filepath module_function :ensure_trailing_slash end end