/* RSence * Copyright 2009 Riassence Inc. * http://riassence.com/ * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this software package. If not, contact licensing@riassence.com */ /*** = Description ** Auxiliary class for time handling. ***/ var//RSence.DateTime HDateTime = HClass.extend({ msWeek: 604800000, msDay: 86400000, msHour: 3600000, msMinute: 60000, /** = Description * Returns month name of the given date. * * = Parameters * +_date+:: Date to return month name from. * * = Returns * Month name * **/ monthName: function(_date){ _date = (_date instanceof Date)?_date:this.date(); return HLocale.dateTime.strings.monthsLong[_date.getUTCMonth()]; }, /** = Description * Returns week number for date given as input. * * = Parameters * +_date+:: Date to return week number from. * * = Returns * Number of the week. * **/ week: function(_date){ _date = (_date instanceof Date)?_date:this.date(); var _firstDateOfYear = this.firstDateOfYear(_date), _firstWeekOfYear = this.firstDateOfWeek(_firstDateOfYear); if(_firstWeekOfYear.getUTCDate()<=28){ _firstWeekOfYear = new Date(_firstWeekOfYear.getTime()+this.msWeek-this.tzMs(_firstWeekOfYear)); } var _week = Math.ceil( ( ( ( _date.getTime() - _firstWeekOfYear - this.tzMs(_date) ) / this.msDay ) + _firstDateOfYear.getUTCDay() + 1 ) / 7 ); if((_week === 53) && (this.firstDateOfWeek(this.lastDateOfYear(_date)).getUTCDate() > 28 )){ _week = 1; } return _week; }, /** = Description * Returns day of the month for the date given as input. * * = Parameters * +_date+:: Date to return day of the month. * * = Returns * Day of the month * **/ mday: function(_date){ _date = (_date instanceof Date)?_date:this.date(); return _date.getUTCDate(); }, setMday: function( _mday ){ var _date = this.date(); _date.setUTCDate( _mday ); return Math.round( _date.getTime()/1000 ); }, /** = Description * Returns month number for the date given as input. * Note that months are numbered from 0 to 11. * * = Parameters * +_date+:: Date to return month number from. * * = Returns * Number of the month 0 (January) to 11 (December). * **/ month: function(_date){ _date = (_date instanceof Date)?_date:this.date(); return _date.getUTCMonth(); }, setMonth: function( _month ){ var _date = this.date(); _date.setUTCMonth( _month ); return Math.round( _date.getTime()/1000 ); }, /** = Description * Returns year for given date. * * = Parameters * +_date+:: Date to return year from. * * = Returns * Year * **/ year: function(_date){ _date = (_date instanceof Date)?_date:this.date(); return _date.getUTCFullYear(); }, setYear: function( _year ){ var _date = this.date(); _date.setUTCFullYear( _year ); return Math.round( _date.getTime()/1000 ); }, /** = Description * Returns the timezone offset in milliseconds. * * = Parameters * +_date+:: The date to get timezone offset from. * * = Returns * Timezone offset in milliseconds. * **/ tzMs: function(_date){ if( typeof _date === 'number' ){ var _dateDiv = new Date().getTime()/_date; if( _dateDiv > 1000 ){ _date = new Date(_date); } else { _date = new Date(_date*1000); } } return _date.getTimezoneOffset()*this.msMinute; }, /** = Description * Returns a Date instance for epoch given in seconds. * * = Parameters * +epoch_seconds+:: Point of time given in seconds * since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC. * * = Returns * Date object * **/ date: function(epoch_seconds){ epoch_seconds = (typeof epoch_seconds === 'number')?epoch_seconds:this.value; var _date = new Date(epoch_seconds*1000); return _date; }, /** = Description * Returns a Date object with first millisecond of the year. * * = Parameters * +_date+:: The date to get the first millisecond of the same year. * * = Returns * The Date object for the first millisecond of the year * **/ firstDateOfYear: function(_date){ _date = (_date instanceof Date)?_date:this.date(); var _date1 = new Date( _date.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1 ), _date2 = new Date( _date1.getTime() - this.tzMs(_date1) ); return _date2; }, /** = Description * Get last millisecond of the input given date's year as a Date object. * * = Parameters * +_date+:: The last millisecond of the year on the date given. * * = Returns * Last millisecond of the year as a Date object. * **/ lastDateOfYear: function(_date){ _date = (_date instanceof Date)?_date:this.date(); var _date1 = new Date( new Date( _date.getUTCFullYear()+1, 0, 1 ) - 1 ), _date2 = new Date( _date1.getTime() - this.tzMs(_date1) ); return _date2; }, /** = Description * Returns the first millisecond of the input given date's month. * * = Parameters * +_date+:: The date to get the first millisecond of the month * * = Returns * The first millisecond on the given date's month as a Date object. * **/ firstDateOfMonth: function(_date){ _date = (_date instanceof Date)?_date:this.date(); var _date1 = new Date( _date.getUTCFullYear(), _date.getUTCMonth(), 1 ), _date2 = new Date( _date1.getTime() - this.tzMs(_date1) ); return _date2; }, /** = Description * Returns the last millisecond of the input given date's month. * * = Parameters * +_date+:: The date to get the last millisecond of the month. * * = Returns * The last millisecond of the given date's month as a Date object. * **/ lastDateOfMonth: function(_date){ _date = (_date instanceof Date)?_date:this.date(); var _date1 = new Date( new Date( _date.getUTCFullYear(), _date.getUTCMonth()+1, 1 ) - 1 ), _date2 = new Date( _date1.getTime() - this.tzMs(_date1) ); return _date2; }, /** = Description * Returns the first millisecond when the week starts for date given as input. * * = Parameters * +_date+:: The date to get the first millisecond. * * = Returns * Date for the first millisecond of the week. * **/ firstDateOfWeek: function(_date){ _date = (_date instanceof Date)?_date:this.date(); var _wday = _date.getUTCDay(); if(_wday===0){ _wday = 7; } var _dateMs = ((_wday-1)*this.msDay), _date1 = new Date( _date.getTime() - _dateMs ), _date2 = new Date( _date1.getTime() ); return _date2; }, /** = Description * Returns the last millisecond of the week for the given date. * * = Parameters * +_date+:: The date to get the last millisecond * * = Returns * The last millisecond of the week as a Date object. * **/ lastDateOfWeek: function(_date){ var _firstDateOfWeek = this.firstDateOfWeek(_date), _lastDateOfWeek = new Date( _firstDateOfWeek.getTime() + this.msWeek - this.msDay - 1 ); return _lastDateOfWeek; } });