Usage: gem release [gemspec] [options] Options: -t, --[no-]tag Create a git tag and push it to the destination (defaults to false) -d, --destination DESTINATION Destination git repository (defaults to origin) -k, --key KEY Use the given API key from ~/.gem/credentials (not set by default) --host HOST Push to a gemcutter-compatible host other than (not set by default) Common Options: -h, --help Get help on this command -V, --[no-]verbose Set the verbose level of output -q, --quiet Silence command progress meter --silent Silence rubygems output --config-file FILE Use this config file instead of default --backtrace Show stack backtrace on errors --debug Turn on Ruby debugging --norc Avoid loading any .gemrc file Arguments: gemspec - optional gemspec file name, will use the first *.gemspec if not specified Summary: Build gem from a gemspec and push to