// Base variables $imgDir: "/images/" !default; $font_size: 12 !default; $line: $font_size * 1.5 !default; //// !do not edit! //// $em: $font_size; // $em ALWAYS == $font-size $line_height: #{$line / $em}em; $standard_round_corner: 3 !default; // sets default border radius $standard_corner_width: 1px !default; // sets default border width $standard_border_color: $border_color !default; // sets default border color // Config defaults for ``standard_block_spacing`` mixin // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $default_block_spacing: 20 !default; // sets margin-bottom // Config defaults for site border style // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $standard_border_style: solid !default; // Config defaults for ``standard_hr`` mixin // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $standard_hr_spacing: 40 !default; // sets padding and margin bottom $standard_hr_color: $delta_gray !default; $standard_hr_width: 1px !default; // Config values for all default shadows // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $h-shadow: 0 !default; // horizontal shadow settings $v-shadow: 2 !default; // vertical shaddow settings $blur: 3 !default; // blur settings $inset_color: $shadow_color !default; // for use with ``dual_box_shadow`` mixin $ih-shadow: 0 !default; // inset horizontal shadow settings $iv-shadow: 2 !default; // inset vertical shaddow settings $iblur: 3 !default; // inset blur settings @import "stipe/mixins"; @import "stipe/extends";