require(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper')) class FactoryTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def self.should_instantiate_class should "instantiate the build class" do assert_kind_of @class, @instance end should "assign attributes on the instance" do assert_equal @first_name, @instance.first_name assert_equal @last_name, @instance.last_name end should "override attributes using the passed hash" do @value = 'Davis' @instance = => @value) assert_equal @value, @instance.first_name end end context "defining a factory" do setup do @name = :user @factory = mock('factory') @factory.stubs(:factory_name).returns(@name) @options = { :class => 'magic' } Factory.stubs(:new).returns(@factory) end should "create a new factory using the specified name and options" do Factory.expects(:new).with(@name, @options).returns(@factory) Factory.define(@name, @options) {|f| } end should "pass the factory do the block" do yielded = nil Factory.define(@name) do |y| yielded = y end assert_equal @factory, yielded end should "add the factory to the list of factories" do Factory.define(@name) {|f| } assert_equal Factory.factories[@name], @factory, "Factories: #{Factory.factories.inspect}" end end context "a factory" do setup do @name = :user @class = User @factory = end should "have a factory name" do assert_equal @name, @factory.factory_name end should "have a build class" do assert_equal @class, @factory.build_class end should "not allow the same attribute to be added twice" do assert_raise(Factory::AttributeDefinitionError) do 2.times { @factory.add_attribute @name } end end context "when adding an attribute with a value parameter" do setup do @attr = :name @value = 'Elvis lives!' @factory.add_attribute(@attr, @value) end should "include that value in the generated attributes hash" do assert_equal @value, @factory.attributes_for[@attr] end end context "when adding an attribute with a block" do setup do @attr = :name @attrs = {} @proxy = mock('attr-proxy') Factory::AttributeProxy.stubs(:new).returns(@proxy) end should "not evaluate the block when the attribute is added" do @factory.add_attribute(@attr) { flunk } end should "evaluate the block when attributes are generated" do called = false @factory.add_attribute(@attr) do called = true end @factory.attributes_for assert called end should "use the result of the block as the value of the attribute" do value = "Watch out for snakes!" @factory.add_attribute(@attr) { value } assert_equal value, @factory.attributes_for[@attr] end should "build an attribute proxy" do Factory::AttributeProxy.expects(:new).with(@factory, @attr, :attributes_for, @attrs) @factory.add_attribute(@attr) {} @factory.attributes_for end should "yield an attribute proxy to the block" do yielded = nil @factory.add_attribute(@attr) {|y| yielded = y } @factory.attributes_for assert_equal @proxy, yielded end context "when other attributes have previously been defined" do setup do @attr = :unimportant @attrs = { :one => 'whatever', :another => 'soup' } @factory.add_attribute(:one, 'whatever') @factory.add_attribute(:another) { 'soup' } @factory.add_attribute(@attr) {} end should "provide previously set attributes" do Factory::AttributeProxy.expects(:new).with(@factory, @attr, :attributes_for, @attrs) @factory.attributes_for end end end context "when adding an association without a factory name" do setup do @factory = @name = :user @factory.association(@name) Post.any_instance.stubs(:user=) Factory.stubs(:create) end should "add an attribute with the name of the association" do assert @factory.attributes_for.key?(@name) end should "create a block that builds the association" do Factory.expects(:create).with(@name, {}) end end context "when adding an association with a factory name" do setup do @factory = @name = :author @factory_name = :user @factory.association(@name, :factory => @factory_name) Factory.stubs(:create) end should "add an attribute with the name of the association" do assert @factory.attributes_for.key?(@name) end should "create a block that builds the association" do Factory.expects(:create).with(@factory_name, {}) end end should "add an attribute using the method name when passed an undefined method" do @attr = :first_name @value = 'Sugar' @factory.send(@attr, @value) assert_equal @value, @factory.attributes_for[@attr] end should "allow attributes to be added with strings as names" do @factory.add_attribute('name', 'value') assert_equal 'value', @factory.attributes_for[:name] end context "when overriding generated attributes with a hash" do setup do @attr = :name @value = 'The price is right!' @hash = { @attr => @value } end should "return the overridden value in the generated attributes" do @factory.add_attribute(@attr, 'The price is wrong, Bob!') assert_equal @value, @factory.attributes_for(@hash)[@attr] end should "not call a lazy attribute block for an overridden attribute" do @factory.add_attribute(@attr) { flunk } @factory.attributes_for(@hash) end should "override a symbol parameter with a string parameter" do @factory.add_attribute(@attr, 'The price is wrong, Bob!') @hash = { @attr.to_s => @value } assert_equal @value, @factory.attributes_for(@hash)[@attr] end end context "overriding an attribute with an alias" do setup do @factory.add_attribute(:test, 'original') Factory.alias(/(.*)_alias/, '\1') @result = @factory.attributes_for(:test_alias => 'new') end should "use the passed in value for the alias" do assert_equal 'new', @result[:test_alias] end should "discard the predefined value for the attribute" do assert_nil @result[:test] end end should "guess the build class from the factory name" do assert_equal User, @factory.build_class end context "when defined with a custom class" do setup do @class = User @factory =, :class => @class) end should "use the specified class as the build class" do assert_equal @class, @factory.build_class end end context "when defined with a class instead of a name" do setup do @class = ArgumentError @name = :argument_error @factory = end should "guess the name from the class" do assert_equal @name, @factory.factory_name end should "use the class as the build class" do assert_equal @class, @factory.build_class end end context "when defined with a custom class name" do setup do @class = ArgumentError @factory =, :class => :argument_error) end should "use the specified class as the build class" do assert_equal @class, @factory.build_class end end context "with some attributes added" do setup do @first_name = 'Billy' @last_name = 'Idol' @email = '' @factory.add_attribute(:first_name, @first_name) @factory.add_attribute(:last_name, @last_name) @factory.add_attribute(:email, @email) end context "when building an instance" do setup do @instance = end should_instantiate_class should "not save the instance" do assert @instance.new_record? end end context "when creating an instance" do setup do @instance = @factory.create end should_instantiate_class should "save the instance" do assert !@instance.new_record? end end should "raise an error for invalid instances" do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do @factory.create(:first_name => nil) end end end end context "a factory with a name ending in s" do setup do @name = :business @class = Business @factory = end should "have a factory name" do assert_equal @name, @factory.factory_name end should "have a build class" do assert_equal @class, @factory.build_class end end context "a factory with a string for a name" do setup do @name = :user @factory = {} end should "convert the string to a symbol" do assert_equal @name, @factory.factory_name end end context "a factory defined with a string name" do setup do Factory.factories = {} @name = :user @factory = Factory.define(@name.to_s) {} end should "store the factory using a symbol" do assert_equal @factory, Factory.factories[@name] end end context "Factory class" do setup do @name = :user @attrs = { :last_name => 'Override' } @first_name = 'Johnny' @last_name = 'Winter' @class = User Factory.define(@name) do |u| u.first_name @first_name u.last_name { @last_name } '' end @factory = Factory.factories[@name] end [:build, :create, :attributes_for].each do |method| should "delegate the #{method} method to the factory instance" do @factory.expects(method).with(@attrs) Factory.send(method, @name, @attrs) end should "raise an ArgumentError when #{method} is called with a nonexistant factory" do assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Factory.send(method, :bogus) } end should "recognize either 'name' or :name for Factory.#{method}" do assert_nothing_raised { Factory.send(method, @name.to_s) } assert_nothing_raised { Factory.send(method, @name.to_sym) } end end should "call the create method from the top-level Factory() method" do @factory.expects(:create).with(@attrs) Factory(@name, @attrs) end end def self.context_in_directory_with_files(*files) context "in a directory with #{files.to_sentence}" do setup do @pwd = Dir.pwd @tmp_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'tmp') FileUtils.mkdir_p @tmp_dir Dir.chdir(@tmp_dir) files.each do |file| FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(file) FileUtils.touch file Factory.stubs(:require).with(file) end end teardown do Dir.chdir(@pwd) FileUtils.rm_rf(@tmp_dir) end yield end end def self.should_require_definitions_from(file) should "load definitions from #{file}" do Factory.expects(:require).with(file) Factory.find_definitions end end context_in_directory_with_files 'factories.rb' do should_require_definitions_from 'factories.rb' end %w(spec test).each do |dir| context_in_directory_with_files File.join(dir, 'factories.rb') do should_require_definitions_from "#{dir}/factories.rb" end context_in_directory_with_files File.join(dir, 'factories', 'post_factory.rb') do should_require_definitions_from "#{dir}/factories/post_factory.rb" end context_in_directory_with_files File.join(dir, 'factories', 'post_factory.rb'), File.join(dir, 'factories', 'person_factory.rb') do should_require_definitions_from "#{dir}/factories/post_factory.rb" should_require_definitions_from "#{dir}/factories/person_factory.rb" end context_in_directory_with_files File.join(dir, 'factories.rb'), File.join(dir, 'factories', 'post_factory.rb'), File.join(dir, 'factories', 'person_factory.rb') do should_require_definitions_from "#{dir}/factories.rb" should_require_definitions_from "#{dir}/factories/post_factory.rb" should_require_definitions_from "#{dir}/factories/person_factory.rb" end end end