# frozen-string-literal: true module Sequel module Plugins # The validation_helpers plugin contains validate_* methods designed to be called inside Model#validate # to perform validations: # # Sequel::Model.plugin :validation_helpers # class Album < Sequel::Model # def validate # super # validates_min_length 1, :num_tracks # end # end # # The validates_unique method has a unique API, but the other validations have the API explained here: # # Arguments: # atts :: Single attribute symbol or an array of attribute symbols specifying the # attribute(s) to validate. # Options: # :allow_blank :: Whether to skip the validation if the value is blank. # :allow_missing :: Whether to skip the validation if the attribute isn't a key in the # values hash. This is different from allow_nil, because Sequel only sends the attributes # in the values when doing an insert or update. If the attribute is not present, Sequel # doesn't specify it, so the database will use the table's default value. This is different # from having an attribute in values with a value of nil, which Sequel will send as NULL. # If your database table has a non NULL default, this may be a good option to use. You # don't want to use allow_nil, because if the attribute is in values but has a value nil, # Sequel will attempt to insert a NULL value into the database, instead of using the # database's default. # :allow_nil :: Whether to skip the validation if the value is nil. # :from :: Set to :values to pull column values from the values hash instead of calling the related method. # Allows for setting up methods on the underlying column values, in the cases where the model # transforms the underlying value before returning it, such as when using serialization. # :message :: The message to use. Can be a string which is used directly, or a # proc which is called. If the validation method takes a argument before the array of attributes, # that argument is passed as an argument to the proc. # :skip_invalid :: Do not try to validate columns that are already invalid. # # The default validation options for all models can be modified by # overridding the Model#default_validation_helpers_options private method. # By changing the default options, you can setup internationalization of the # error messages. For example, you would modify the default options: # # class Sequel::Model # private # # def default_validation_helpers_options(type) # case type # when :exact_length # {message: lambda{|exact| I18n.t("errors.exact_length", exact: exact)}} # when :integer # {message: lambda{I18n.t("errors.integer")}} # else # super # end # end # end # # and then use something like this in your yaml translation file: # # en: # errors: # exact_length: "is not %{exact} characters" # integer: "is not a number" # # Note that if you want to support internationalization of Errors#full_messages, # it is easiest to override Errors#full_message (note singular form and not plural form). # Here's an example: # # class Sequel::Model::Errors # private # def full_message(attribute, error_msg) # "#{Array(attribute).join(I18n.t('errors.joiner'))} #{error_msg}" # end # end # # It is recommended that users of this plugin that use validates_schema_types also use # the validation_helpers_generic_type_messages plugin for more useful type validation # failure messages. module ValidationHelpers DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :exact_length=>{:message=>lambda{|exact| "is not #{exact} characters"}}, :format=>{:message=>lambda{|with| 'is invalid'}}, :includes=>{:message=>lambda{|set| "is not in range or set: #{set.inspect}"}}, :integer=>{:message=>lambda{"is not a number"}}, :length_range=>{:message=>lambda{|range| "is too short or too long"}}, :max_length=>{:message=>lambda{|max| "is longer than #{max} characters"}, :nil_message=>lambda{"is not present"}}, :max_value=>{:message=>lambda{|max| "is greater than maximum allowed value"}}, :min_length=>{:message=>lambda{|min| "is shorter than #{min} characters"}}, :min_value=>{:message=>lambda{|min| "is less than minimum allowed value"}}, :not_null=>{:message=>lambda{"is not present"}}, :no_null_byte=>{:message=>lambda{"contains a null byte"}}, :numeric=>{:message=>lambda{"is not a number"}}, :operator=>{:message=>lambda{|operator, rhs| "is not #{operator} #{rhs}"}}, :type=>{:message=>lambda{|klass| klass.is_a?(Array) ? "is not a valid #{klass.join(" or ").downcase}" : "is not a valid #{klass.to_s.downcase}"}}, :presence=>{:message=>lambda{"is not present"}}, :unique=>{:message=>lambda{'is already taken'}} }.freeze DEFAULT_OPTIONS.each_value(&:freeze) module InstanceMethods # Check that the attribute values are the given exact length. def validates_exact_length(exact, atts, opts=OPTS) validatable_attributes_for_type(:exact_length, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m, exact) if v.nil? || v.length != exact} end # Check the string representation of the attribute value(s) against the regular expression with. def validates_format(with, atts, opts=OPTS) validatable_attributes_for_type(:format, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m, with) unless v.to_s =~ with} end # Check attribute value(s) is included in the given set. def validates_includes(set, atts, opts=OPTS) validatable_attributes_for_type(:includes, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m, set) unless set.public_send(set.respond_to?(:cover?) ? :cover? : :include?, v)} end # Check attribute value(s) string representation is a valid integer. def validates_integer(atts, opts=OPTS) validatable_attributes_for_type(:integer, atts, opts) do |a,v,m| begin Kernel.Integer(v.to_s) nil rescue validation_error_message(m) end end end # Check that the attribute values length is in the specified range. def validates_length_range(range, atts, opts=OPTS) validatable_attributes_for_type(:length_range, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m, range) if v.nil? || !range.cover?(v.length)} end # Check that the attribute values are not longer than the given max length. # # Accepts a :nil_message option that is the error message to use when the # value is nil instead of being too long. def validates_max_length(max, atts, opts=OPTS) validatable_attributes_for_type(:max_length, atts, opts) do |a,v,m| if v.nil? validation_error_message(opts[:nil_message] || default_validation_helpers_options(:max_length)[:nil_message]) elsif v.length > max validation_error_message(m, max) end end end # Check that the attribute values are not greater that the given maximum value. # Does not perform validation if attribute value is nil. # You should only call this if you have checked the attribute value has the expected type. def validates_max_value(max, atts, opts=OPTS) validatable_attributes_for_type(:max_value, atts, opts) do |a,v,m| validation_error_message(m, max) if !v.nil? && v > max end end # Check that the attribute values are not shorter than the given min length. def validates_min_length(min, atts, opts=OPTS) validatable_attributes_for_type(:min_length, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m, min) if v.nil? || v.length < min} end # Check that the attribute values are not less that the given minimum value. # Does not perform validation if attribute value is nil. # You should only call this if you have checked the attribute value has the expected type. def validates_min_value(min, atts, opts=OPTS) validatable_attributes_for_type(:min_value, atts, opts) do |a,v,m| validation_error_message(m, min) if !v.nil? && v < min end end # Check attribute value(s) are not NULL/nil. def validates_not_null(atts, opts=OPTS) validatable_attributes_for_type(:not_null, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m) if v.nil?} end # Check attribute value(s) does not contain a null ("\0", ASCII NUL) byte. def validates_no_null_byte(atts, opts=OPTS) validatable_attributes_for_type(:no_null_byte, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m) if String === v && v.include?("\0")} end # Check attribute value(s) string representation is a valid float. def validates_numeric(atts, opts=OPTS) validatable_attributes_for_type(:numeric, atts, opts) do |a,v,m| begin Kernel.Float(v.to_s) nil rescue validation_error_message(m) end end end # Check attribute value(s) against a specified value and operation, e.g. # validates_operator(:>, 3, :value) validates that value > 3. def validates_operator(operator, rhs, atts, opts=OPTS) validatable_attributes_for_type(:operator, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m, operator, rhs) if v.nil? || !v.public_send(operator, rhs)} end # Validates for all of the model columns (or just the given columns) # that the column value is an instance of the expected class based on # the column's schema type. def validates_schema_types(atts=keys, opts=OPTS) Array(atts).each do |k| if type = schema_type_class(k) validates_type(type, k, {:allow_nil=>true}.merge!(opts)) end end end # Check if value is an instance of a class. If +klass+ is an array, # the value must be an instance of one of the classes in the array. def validates_type(klass, atts, opts=OPTS) klass = klass.to_s.constantize if klass.is_a?(String) || klass.is_a?(Symbol) validatable_attributes_for_type(:type, atts, opts) do |a,v,m| if klass.is_a?(Array) ? !klass.any?{|kls| v.is_a?(kls)} : !v.is_a?(klass) validates_type_error_message(m, klass) end end end # Check attribute value(s) is not considered blank by the database, but allow false values. def validates_presence(atts, opts=OPTS) validatable_attributes_for_type(:presence, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m) if model.db.send(:blank_object?, v) && v != false} end # Checks that there are no duplicate values in the database for the given # attributes. Pass an array of fields instead of multiple # fields to specify that the combination of fields must be unique, # instead of that each field should have a unique value. # # This means that the code: # validates_unique([:column1, :column2]) # validates the grouping of column1 and column2 while # validates_unique(:column1, :column2) # validates them separately. # # You can pass a block, which is yielded the dataset in which the columns # must be unique. So if you are doing a soft delete of records, in which # the name must be unique, but only for active records: # # validates_unique(:name){|ds| ds.where(:active)} # # You should also add a unique index in the # database, as this suffers from a fairly obvious race condition. # # This validation does not respect the :allow_* options that the other validations accept, # since it can deal with a grouping of multiple attributes. # # Possible Options: # :dataset :: The base dataset to use for the unique query, defaults to the # model's dataset. # :message :: The message to use (default: 'is already taken') # :only_if_modified :: Only check the uniqueness if the object is new or # one of the columns has been modified, true by default. # :where :: A callable object where call takes three arguments, a dataset, # the current object, and an array of columns, and should return # a modified dataset that is filtered to include only rows with # the same values as the current object for each column in the array. # # If you want to do a case insensitive uniqueness validation on a database that # is case sensitive by default, you can use: # # validates_unique :column, where:(lambda do |ds, obj, cols| # ds.where(cols.map do |c| # v = obj.public_send(c) # v = v.downcase if v # [Sequel.function(:lower, c), v] # end) # end) def validates_unique(*atts) opts = default_validation_helpers_options(:unique) if atts.last.is_a?(Hash) opts = opts.merge(atts.pop) end message = validation_error_message(opts[:message]) from_values = opts[:from] == :values where = opts[:where] atts.each do |a| arr = Array(a) next if arr.any?{|x| errors.on(x)} cc = changed_columns next if opts.fetch(:only_if_modified, true) && !new? && !arr.any?{|x| cc.include?(x)} ds = opts[:dataset] || model.dataset ds = if where where.call(ds, self, arr) else vals = arr.map{|x| from_values ? values[x] : get_column_value(x)} next if vals.any?(&:nil?) ds.where(arr.zip(vals)) end ds = yield(ds) if defined?(yield) unless new? h = ds.joined_dataset? ? qualified_pk_hash : pk_hash ds = ds.exclude(h) end errors.add(a, message) unless ds.empty? end end private # The default options hash for the given type of validation. Can # be overridden on a per-model basis for different per model defaults. # The hash return must include a :message option that is either a # proc or string. def default_validation_helpers_options(type) DEFAULT_OPTIONS[type] end # Skip validating any attribute that matches one of the allow_* options, # or already has an error if the skip_invalid option is given. # # Otherwise, yield the attribute, value, and passed option :message to # the block. If the block returns anything except nil or false, add it as # an error message for that attributes. def validatable_attributes(atts, opts) am, an, ab, m, si = opts.values_at(:allow_missing, :allow_nil, :allow_blank, :message, :skip_invalid) from_values = opts[:from] == :values Array(atts).each do |a| next if si && errors.on(a) next if am && !values.has_key?(a) v = from_values ? values[a] : get_column_value(a) next if an && v.nil? next if ab && model.db.send(:blank_object?, v) if message = yield(a, v, m) errors.add(a, message) end end end # Merge the given options with the default options for the given type # and call validatable_attributes with the merged options. def validatable_attributes_for_type(type, atts, opts, &block) validatable_attributes(atts, default_validation_helpers_options(type).merge(opts), &block) end # The validation error message to use, as a string. If message # is a Proc, call it with the args. Otherwise, assume it is a string and # return it. def validation_error_message(message, *args) message.is_a?(Proc) ? message.call(*args) : message end # The validation error message for type validations, for the given class. alias validates_type_error_message validation_error_message end end end end