## Version 2.0.0 * Rename to `aroundhome_cops` (our company name changed a while ago) * **Breaking**: This requires you to make changes to `.rubocop.yml` * Remove references to internals from the repository, so that open sourcing the gem is possible ## Version 1.7.0 * Do not count keyword arguments in `Metrics/ParameterLists` ## Version 1.6.0 * Rubocop 0.86 * Enable new cops ## Version 1.5.0 * Rubocop 0.82: * Enable new cops * Keep `Layout/LineLength` disabled for migrations * Use new gem source ## Version 1.4.0 * Rubocop 0.78 compatibility: Do not mention Rails cops anymore, since those have been removed ## Version 1.3.5 * **Removes** * Perfomance rules. 0.68 version of rubocop dropping support for these rules. If needed by the team due to conventions, take a look into gem rubocop-perfomance. * **Discussion issue** * https://codevault.io/aroundhome/aroundhome_cops/issues/2 ## Version 1.3.4 * Ignore node_modules ## Version 1.3.3 * Ignore all public files ## Version 1.3.2 * Ignore uploaded files directory ## Version 1.3.1 * Ignore playground directory ## Version 1.3.0 * Ignore all migrations before 2018 * Exempt all migrations from metric checks ## Version 1.2.3 * Also ignore `Metrics/BlockLength` violations for `xdescribe` and `xcontext` (which are RSpec's pending equivalents of `describe` and `context`) ## Version 1.2.2 * `Style/FormatStringToken` temporary disabled because of a bug in Rubocop 0.52.0 ## Version 1.2.1 * AllCops * Exclude: * We now Exclude all migrations being done before 2017 ## Version 1.2.0 * Increase threshold for `Metrics/MethodLength` ## Version 1.1.2 * Metrics/BlockLength: Exclude the following file: - \*.gemspec ## Version 1.1.1 * Rubocop of at least 0.51 version is now required * Removed `EnforcedStyle: never` from `Style/Encoding` since it is not supported anymore ## Version 1.1.0 * Metrics/BlockLength: Exclude the following methods: - factory - define - shared_examples_for - shared_examples * Metrics/BlockLength: Exclude the following file: - spec_helper.rb ## Version 1.0.0 * Initial version as a gem