module Fog module AWS class DNS class Real require 'fog/aws/parsers/dns/list_resource_record_sets' # list your resource record sets # # ==== Parameters # * zone_id<~String> - # * options<~Hash> # * type<~String> - # * name<~String> - # * identifier<~String> - # * max_items<~Integer> - # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'ResourceRecordSet'<~Array>: # * 'Name'<~String> - # * 'Type'<~String> - # * 'TTL'<~Integer> - # * 'AliasTarget'<~Hash> - # * 'HostedZoneId'<~String> - # * 'DNSName'<~String> - # * 'ResourceRecords'<~Array> # * 'Value'<~String> - # * 'IsTruncated'<~String> - # * 'MaxItems'<~String> - # * 'NextRecordName'<~String> # * 'NextRecordType'<~String> # * 'NextRecordIdentifier'<~String> # * status<~Integer> - 201 when successful def list_resource_record_sets(zone_id, options = {}) # AWS methods return zone_ids that looks like '/hostedzone/id'. Let the caller either use # that form or just the actual id (which is what this request needs) zone_id = zone_id.sub('/hostedzone/', '') parameters = {} options.each do |option, value| case option when :type, :name, :identifier parameters[option] = "#{value}" when :max_items parameters['maxitems'] = "#{value}" end end request({ :expects => 200, :idempotent => true, :method => 'GET', :parser =>, :path => "hostedzone/#{zone_id}/rrset", :query => parameters }) end end class Mock def list_all_records(record, zone, name) [].tap do |tmp_records| tmp_records.push(record) if !record[:name].nil? && ( name.nil? || record[:name].gsub(zone[:name],"") >= name) record.each do |key,subr| if subr.is_a?(Hash) && key.is_a?(String) && key.start_with?(Fog::AWS::DNS::Mock::SET_PREFIX) if name.nil? tmp_records.append(subr) else tmp_records.append(subr) if !subr[:name].nil? && subr[:name].gsub(zone[:name],"") >= name end end end end end def list_resource_record_sets(zone_id, options = {}) maxitems = [options[:max_items]||100,100].min response = zone =[:zones][zone_id] || raise("NoSuchHostedZone => A hosted zone with the specified hosted zone ID does not exist.")) records = if options[:type] records_type = zone[:records][options[:type]] records_type.values if records_type else zone[:records]{|r| r.values}.flatten end records ||= [] tmp_records = [] if options[:name] name = options[:name].gsub(zone[:name],"") records.each do |r| tmp_records += list_all_records(r, zone, name) end else records.each do |r| tmp_records += list_all_records(r, zone, nil) end end records = tmp_records # sort for pagination records.sort! { |a,b| a[:name].gsub(zone[:name],"") <=> b[:name].gsub(zone[:name],"") } next_record = records[maxitems] records = records[0, maxitems] truncated = !next_record.nil? response.status = 200 response.body = { 'ResourceRecordSets' => do |r| if r[:alias_target] record = { 'AliasTarget' => { 'HostedZoneId' => r[:alias_target][:hosted_zone_id], 'DNSName' => r[:alias_target][:dns_name] } } else record = { 'TTL' => r[:ttl] } end { 'ResourceRecords' => r[:resource_records], 'Name' => r[:name], 'Type' => r[:type], 'SetIdentifier' => r[:set_identifier], 'Weight' => r[:weight] }.merge(record) end, 'MaxItems' => maxitems, 'IsTruncated' => truncated } if truncated response.body['NextRecordName'] = next_record[:name] response.body['NextRecordType'] = next_record[:type] end response end end end end end