module ICU =begin rdoc == Player A player in a tournament must have a first name, a last name and a number which is unique in the tournament but otherwise arbitary. bobby ='robert j', 'fischer', 17) Names are automatically cannonicalised (tidied up). bobby.first_name # => 'Robert J.' bobby.last_name # => 'Fischer' In addition, players have a number of optional attributes which can be specified via setters or in constructor hash options: _id_ (either FIDE or national), _fed_ (federation), _title_, _rating_, _rank_ and _dob_ (date of birth). peter ='Peter', 'Svidler', 21, :fed => 'rus', :title => 'g', :rating = 2700) peter.dob = '17th June, 1976' peter.rank = 1 Some of these values will also be canonicalised to some extent. For example, the date of birth conforms to a _yyyy-mm-dd_ format, the chess title will be two to three capital letters always ending in _M_ and the federation, if it's three letters long, will be upcased. peter.dob # => 1976-07-17 peter.title # => 'GM' peter.fed # => 'RUS' It is preferable to add results (ICU::Result) to a player via the tournament (ICU::Tournament) object's _add_result_ method rather than the method of the same name belonging to player instances. Doing so allows mirrored results to be added to both players with one method call (e.g. one player won, the other lost). A player's results can later be retieved via the _results_ accessor. Total scores is available via the _points_ method. peter.points # => 5.5 Players can be compared to see if they're roughly or exactly the same, which may be useful in detecting duplicates. If the names match and the federations don't disagree then two players are equal according to the _==_ operator. The player number is irrelevant. john1 ='John', 'Smith', 12) john2 ='John', 'Smith', 22, :fed = 'IRL') john2 ='John', 'Smith', 32, :fed = 'ENG') john1 == john2 # => true (federations don't disagree because one is unset) john2 == john3 # => false (federations disagree) If, in addition, _rating_, _dob_, _gender_ and _id_ do not disagree then two players are equal according to the stricter criteria of _eql?_. mark1 ='Mark', 'Orr', 31, :fed = 'IRL', :rating => 2100) mark2 ='Mark', 'Orr', 33, :fed = 'IRL', :rating => 2100, :title => 'IM') mark3 ='Mark', 'Orr', 37, :fed = 'IRL', :rating => 2200, :title => 'IM') mark1.eql?(mark2) # => true (ratings agree and titles don't disagree) mark2.eql?(mark3) # => false (the ratings are not the same) The presence of two players in the same tournament that are equal according to _==_ but unequal according to _eql?__ is likely to indicate a data entry error. If two instances represent the same player and are equal according to _==_ then the _id_, _rating_, _title_ and _fed_ attributes of the two can be merged. For example: fox1 ='Tony', 'Fox', 12, :id => 456) fox2 ='Tony', 'Fox', 21, :rating => 2100, :fed => 'IRL', :gender => 'M') fox1.merge(fox2) Any attributes present in the second player but not in the first are copied to the first. All other attributes are unaffected. fox1.rating # => 2100 fox1.fed # => 'IRL' fox1.gender # => 'M' =end class Player attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name, :num, :id, :fed, :title, :rating, :rank, :dob, :gender attr_reader :results # Constructor. Must supply both names and a unique number for the tournament. def initialize(first_name, last_name, num, opt={}) self.first_name = first_name self.last_name = last_name self.num = num [:id, :fed, :title, :rating, :rank, :dob, :gender].each do |atr| self.send("#{atr}=", opt[atr]) unless opt[atr].nil? end @results = [] end # Canonicalise and set the first name(s). def first_name=(first_name) name =, 'Last') raise "invalid first name" unless name.first.length > 0 @first_name = name.first end # Canonicalise and set the last name(s). def last_name=(last_name) name ='First', last_name) raise "invalid last name" unless name.last.length > 0 && name.first.length > 0 @last_name = name.last end # Return the full name, last name first. def name "#{last_name}, #{first_name}" end # Player number. Any integer is valid including zero and negative numbers, as long as it's unique in the tournament. def num=(num) @num = case num when Fixnum then num else num.to_i end raise "invalid player number (#{num})" if @num == 0 && !num.to_s.match(/\d/) end # National or FIDE ID. Is either unknown (nil) or a positive integer. def id=(id) @id = case id when nil then nil when Fixnum then id when /^\s*$/ then nil else id.to_i end raise "invalid ID (#{id})" unless @id.nil? || @id > 0 end # Federation. Is either unknown (nil) or a string containing at least three letters. def fed=(fed) obj = Federation.find(fed) @fed = obj ? obj.code : nil raise "invalid federation (#{fed})" if @fed.nil? && fed.to_s.strip.length > 0 end # Chess title. Is either unknown (nil) or one of: _GM_, _IM_, _FM_, _CM_, _NM_, # or any of these preceeded by the letter _W_. def title=(title) @title = title.to_s.strip.upcase @title << 'M' if @title.match(/[A-LN-Z]$/) @title = 'IM' if @title == 'M' @title = 'WIM' if @title == 'WM' @title = nil if @title == '' raise "invalid chess title (#{title})" unless @title.nil? || @title.match(/^W?[GIFCN]M$/) end # Rating. Is either unknown (nil) or a positive integer. def rating=(rating) @rating = case rating when nil then nil when Fixnum then rating when /^\s*$/ then nil else rating.to_i end raise "invalid rating (#{rating})" unless @rating.nil? || @rating > 0 end # Rank in the tournament. Is either unknown (nil) or a positive integer. Must be unique in the tournament. def rank=(rank) @rank = case rank when nil then nil when Fixnum then rank when /^\s*$/ then nil else rank.to_i end raise "invalid rank (#{rank})" unless @rank.nil? || @rank > 0 end # Date of birth. Is either unknown (nil) or a yyyy-mm-dd format date. def dob=(dob) dob = dob.to_s.strip @dob = dob == '' ? nil : Util.parsedate(dob) raise "invalid DOB (#{dob})" if @dob.nil? && dob.length > 0 end # Gender. Is either unknown (nil) or one of _M_ or _F_. def gender=(gender) @gender = gender.to_s.strip[0,1].upcase @gender = nil if @gender == '' @gender = 'F' if @gender == 'W' raise "invalid gender (#{gender})" unless @gender.nil? || @gender.match(/^[MF]$/) end # Add a result. Don't use this method directly - use ICU::Tournament#add_result instead. def add_result(result) raise "invalid result" unless result.class == ICU::Result raise "player number (#{@num}) is not matched to result player number (#{result.player})" unless @num == result.player already = @results.find_all { |r| r.round == result.round } return if already.size == 1 && already[0].eql?(result) raise "round number (#{result.round}) of new result is not unique and new result is not the same as existing one" unless already.size == 0 @results << result end # Lookup a result by round number. def find_result(round) @results.find { |r| r.round == round } end # Return the player's total points. def points @results.inject(0.0) { |t, r| t += r.points } end # Renumber the player according to the supplied hash. Return self. def renumber(map) raise "player number #{@num} not found in renumbering hash" unless map[@num] self.num = map[@num] @results.each{ |r| r.renumber(map) } self end # Loose equality test. Passes if the names match and the federations are not different. def ==(other) return true if equal?(other) return false unless other.is_a? Player return false unless @first_name == other.first_name return false unless @last_name == other.last_name return false if @fed && other.fed && @fed != other.fed true end # Strict equality test. Passes if the playes are loosly equal and also if their ID, rating, gender and title are not different. def eql?(other) return true if equal?(other) return false unless self == other [:id, :rating, :title, :gender].each do |m| return false if self.send(m) && other.send(m) && self.send(m) != other.send(m) end true end # Merge in some of the details of another player. def merge(other) raise "cannot merge two players that are not equal" unless self == other [:id, :rating, :title, :fed, :gender].each do |m| self.send("#{m}=", other.send(m)) unless self.send(m) end end end end