= \RGen (<%= RGen.version %>) {Choose another version}[http://rgen.freescale.net] Here are some shortcuts to common locations, alternatively search or browse for the code of interest: === Tester Methods * {Common}[<%= url "/api" %>/RGen/Tester/API.html] * {Common Timing Related}[<%= url "/api" %>/RGen/Tester/Timing.html] * {J750}[<%= url "/api" %>/RGen/Tester/J750.html] === Pins and Ports * {Pins Module (include this to add pins/ports to your class)}[<%= url "/api" %>/RGen/Pins.html] * {Pin}[<%= url "/api" %>/RGen/Pins/Pin.html] * {Port}[<%= url "/api" %>/RGen/Pins/Port.html] === Registers and Bits * {Registers Module (include this to add registers to your class)}[<%= url "/api" %>/RGen/Registers.html] * {Register}[<%= url "/api" %>/RGen/Registers/Reg.html] * {Bit}[<%= url "/api" %>/RGen/Registers/Bit.html] * {BitCollection (these methods can be called on all registers and bits)}[<%= url "/api" %>/RGen/Registers/BitCollection.html]