require 'test_helper' class BasicFieldsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase BASIC_FIELDS = %w(email phone text password color date datetime datetime_local number range search telephone time url week) def assigns {resource: resource} end def field_type_map Hash[ {|f| [f, f]}].merge( {'phone' => 'tel', 'telephone' => 'tel', 'datetime_local' => 'datetime-local' }) end def label_html '<label for="foo_bar">Bar</label>' end test "all fields work" do BASIC_FIELDS.each do |type| fragment = -> (ctx) { express_form(:foo) { send(type, :bar) } } html = arbre(&fragment) assert_match label_html, html assert_match(/input.*type="#{field_type_map[type]}"/, html) # assert_match "#{type}_field(:foo, :bar, {})", arbre(&fragment) end end test "passing html options to fields work" do options = {style: 'width: 10em;'} ['email'].each do |type| html = arbre { express_form(:foo) { send(type, :bar, options) } } assert_match label_html, html assert_match /input.*type="#{field_type_map[type]}"/, html assert_match /input.*style="width: 10em;"/, html end end test "textarea uses rails text_area helper" do html = arbre { express_form(:foo) { textarea :bar } } assert_match label_html, html assert_match /<textarea name="foo\[bar\]" id="foo_bar"><\/textarea>/, html.gsub("\n", '') end test "textarea passes additional html options to rails helper" do html = arbre { express_form(:foo) { textarea :bar, rows: 5, class: 'tinymce form-field' } } assert_match label_html, html assert_match /<textarea rows="5" class="tinymce form-field" name="foo\[bar\]" id="foo_bar"><\/textarea>/, html.gsub("\n", '') end test "hidden uses rails hidden_tag helper" do html = arbre { express_form(:foo) { hidden :bar } } assert_no_match label_html, html assert_match '<input type="hidden"', html end test "hidden field passes additional html options to rails helper" do html = arbre { express_form(:foo) { hidden :bar, class: 'hidden form-field', value: 'ninja' } } assert_no_match label_html, html assert_match /<input class="hidden form-field" value="ninja" type="hidden" name="foo\[bar\]" id="foo_bar"/, html end end