require "spec_helper" describe Blogit::Configuration do let(:blog_configuration) { @blog_configuration = } it "should set :include_comments to :active_record" do blog_configuration.include_comments.should == :active_record end it "should set :disqus_shortname to blank" do blog_configuration.disqus_shortname.should == "" end it "should print a warning to the console if disqus_shortname is set but include_comments is not disqus" do blog_configuration.expects(:warn) blog_configuration.include_comments = :active_record blog_configuration.disqus_shortname = "bodacious" end it "should print a warning to the console if twitter_username is set but include_share_bar is false" do blog_configuration.expects(:warn) blog_configuration.include_share_bar = true blog_configuration.twitter_username = "bodacious" end it "should set :include_share_bar to false" do blog_configuration.include_share_bar.should == false end it "should set :twitter_username to blank" do blog_configuration.twitter_username.should == "" end it "should set :current_blogger_method to :current_user" do blog_configuration.current_blogger_method.should eql(:current_user) end it "should set :blogger_display_name_method to :username" do blog_configuration.blogger_display_name_method.should eql(:username) end it "should set :posts_per_page to 5" do blog_configuration.posts_per_page.should eql(5) end it "should set :authentication_method to :login_required" do blog_configuration.authentication_method.should == :login_required end it "should set datetime format to :short" do blog_configuration.datetime_format.should == :short end it "should set author_edits_only to false" do blog_configuration.author_edits_only.should be_false end it "should set ajax comments to true" do blog_configuration.ajax_comments.should be_true end it "should set include admin actions to true" do blog_configuration.include_admin_actions.should be_true end it "should set include admin links to true" do blog_configuration.include_admin_links.should be_true end it "should set page caching to false by default" do blog_configuration.cache_pages.should be_false end it "should set default_parser to :markdown" do blog_configuration.default_parser.should eql(:markdown) end it "should return default_parser as class with default_parser_class" do blog_configuration.default_parser = :textile blog_configuration.default_parser_class.should eql(Blogit::Parsers::TextileParser) end it "should set redcarpet default options" do blog_configuration.redcarpet_options.should == { hard_wrap: true, filter_html: true, autolink: true, no_intra_emphasis: true, fenced_code_blocks: true, gh_blockcode: true } end it "should set highlight_code_syntax to true" do blog_configuration.highlight_code_syntax.should be_true end it "should set rss_feed_title to 'Rails engine name Blog Posts'" do blog_configuration.rss_feed_title.should eql "#{Rails.application.engine_name.titleize} Blog Posts" end it "should set rss_feed_description to 'Rails engine name Blog Posts'" do blog_configuration.rss_feed_description.should eql "#{Rails.application.engine_name.titleize} Blog Posts" end it "should set rss_feed_language to 'Rails engine name Blog Posts'" do blog_configuration.rss_feed_language.should eql "en" end end