require 'calabash-cucumber/core' require 'calabash-cucumber/tests_helpers' require 'calabash-cucumber/playback_helpers' module Calabash module Cucumber module KeyboardHelpers include Calabash::Cucumber::TestsHelpers include Calabash::Cucumber::PlaybackHelpers KEYPLANE_NAMES = { :small_letters => 'small-letters', :capital_letters => 'capital-letters', :numbers_and_punctuation => 'numbers-and-punctuation', :first_alternate => 'first-alternate', :numbers_and_punctuation_alternate => 'numbers-and-punctuation-alternate' } UIA_SUPPORTED_CHARS = { 'Dictation' => nil, 'Shift' => nil, 'Delete' => '\b', 'International' => nil, 'More' => nil, 'Return' => '\n' } #Possible values # 'Dictation' # 'Shift' # 'Delete' # 'International' # 'More' # 'Return' def keyboard_enter_char(chr, should_screenshot=true) #map(nil, :keyboard, load_playback_data("touch_done"), chr) if uia? if chr.length == 1 uia_type_string chr else code = UIA_SUPPORTED_CHARS[chr] if code uia_type_string code else raise "Char #{chr} is not yet supported in iOS7" end end res = {'results' => []} else res = http({:method => :post, :path => 'keyboard'}, {:key => chr, :events => load_playback_data('touch_done')}) res = JSON.parse(res) if res['outcome'] != 'SUCCESS' msg = "Keyboard enter failed failed because: #{res['reason']}\n#{res['details']}" if should_screenshot screenshot_and_raise msg else raise msg end end end if ENV['POST_ENTER_KEYBOARD'] w = ENV['POST_ENTER_KEYBOARD'].to_f if w > 0 sleep(w) end end res['results'] end def done if uia? uia_type_string '\n' else keyboard_enter_char 'Return' end end def current_keyplane kp_arr = _do_keyplane( lambda { query("view:'UIKBKeyplaneView'", "keyplane", "componentName") }, lambda { query("view:'UIKBKeyplaneView'", "keyplane", "name") }) kp_arr.first.downcase end def search_keyplanes_and_enter_char(chr, cur_kp = current_keyplane begin keyboard_enter_char(chr, false) return true #found rescue visited.add(cur_kp) #figure out keyplane alternates props = _do_keyplane( lambda { query("view:'UIKBKeyplaneView'", "keyplane", "properties") }, lambda { query("view:'UIKBKeyplaneView'", "keyplane", "attributes", "dict") } ).first known = KEYPLANE_NAMES.values found = false keyplane_selection_keys = ["shift", "more"] keyplane_selection_keys.each do |key| plane = props["#{key}-alternate"] if (known.member?(plane) and not visited.member?(plane)) keyboard_enter_char(key.capitalize, false) found = search_keyplanes_and_enter_char(chr, visited) return true if found #not found => try with other keyplane selection key keyplane_selection_keys.delete(key) other_key = keyplane_selection_keys.last keyboard_enter_char(other_key.capitalize, false) found = search_keyplanes_and_enter_char(chr, visited) return true if found end end return false end end def await_keyboard #deprecated inconsistent wait naming # use wait_for_keyboard wait_for_keyboard end #noinspection RubyLiteralArrayInspection def wait_for_keyboard wait_for_elements_exist(["view:'UIKBKeyplaneView'"], :timeout_message => 'No visible keyboard') sleep(0.5) end def keyboard_enter_text(text) wait_for_keyboard if element_does_not_exist("view:'UIKBKeyplaneView'") if uia? uia_type_string(text) else text.each_char do |ch| begin keyboard_enter_char(ch, false) rescue search_keyplanes_and_enter_char(ch) end end end end def _do_keyplane(kbtree_proc, keyplane_proc) desc = query("view:'UIKBKeyplaneView'", "keyplane") fail("No keyplane (UIKBKeyplaneView keyplane)") if desc.empty? fail("Several keyplanes (UIKBKeyplaneView keyplane)") if desc.count > 1 kp_desc = desc.first if /^