require 'spec_helper' describe OmniAuth::LDAP::Adaptor do describe 'initialize' do it 'should throw exception when must have field is not set' do #[:host, :port, :encryption, :bind_dn] lambda {{host: "", encryption: 'plain'})}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should not throw an error if hosts is set but host and port are not' do expect { hosts: [['', 389], ['', 389]], encryption: 'plain', base: 'dc=example,dc=com', uid: 'uid' ) }.not_to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should throw exception when encryption method is not supported' do lambda {{host: "", encryption: 'myplain', uid: 'uid', port: 389, base: 'dc=com'})}.should raise_error(OmniAuth::LDAP::Adaptor::ConfigurationError) end it 'should setup ldap connection with anonymous' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'plain', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName'}) adaptor.connection.should_not == nil == '' adaptor.connection.port.should == 389 adaptor.connection.base.should == 'dc=intridea, dc=com' adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@auth').should == {:method => :anonymous, :username => nil, :password => nil} end it 'should setup ldap connection with simple' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'plain', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName', bind_dn: 'bind_dn', password: 'password'}) adaptor.connection.should_not == nil == '' adaptor.connection.port.should == 389 adaptor.connection.base.should == 'dc=intridea, dc=com' adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@auth').should == {:method => :simple, :username => 'bind_dn', :password => 'password'} adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should == nil end it 'should setup ldap connection with sasl-md5' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'plain', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName', try_sasl: true, sasl_mechanisms: ["DIGEST-MD5"], bind_dn: 'bind_dn', password: 'password'}) adaptor.connection.should_not == nil == '' adaptor.connection.port.should == 389 adaptor.connection.base.should == 'dc=intridea, dc=com' adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@auth')[:method].should == :sasl adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@auth')[:mechanism].should == 'DIGEST-MD5' adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@auth')[:initial_credential].should == '' adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@auth')[:challenge_response].should_not be_nil end it 'should setup ldap connection with sasl-gss' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'plain', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName', try_sasl: true, sasl_mechanisms: ["GSS-SPNEGO"], bind_dn: 'bind_dn', password: 'password'}) adaptor.connection.should_not == nil == '' adaptor.connection.port.should == 389 adaptor.connection.base.should == 'dc=intridea, dc=com' adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@auth')[:method].should == :sasl adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@auth')[:mechanism].should == 'GSS-SPNEGO' adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@auth')[:initial_credential].should =~ /^NTLMSSP/ adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@auth')[:challenge_response].should_not be_nil end it 'sets up a connection with the proper host and port' do adapter = host: '', encryption: 'plain', base: 'dc=example,dc=com', port: 3890, uid: 'uid' ) expect( eq('') expect(adapter.connection.port).to eq(3890) expect(adapter.connection.hosts).to be_nil end it 'sets up a connection with a enumerable pairs of hosts' do adapter = hosts: [['', 636], ['', 636]], encryption: 'plain', base: 'dc=example,dc=com', uid: 'uid' ) expect( eq('') expect(adapter.connection.port).to eq(389) expect(adapter.connection.hosts).to match_array([['', 636], ['', 636]]) end context 'when encryption is plain' do it 'should set encryption to nil' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'plain', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName'}) adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should eq(nil) end end context 'when encryption is ssl' do it 'should set the encryption method to simple_tls' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'ssl', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName'}) adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should include method: :simple_tls end context 'when disable_verify_certificates is not specified' do it 'should set the encryption tls_options to OpenSSL default params' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'ssl', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName'}) adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should include tls_options: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::DEFAULT_PARAMS end end context 'when disable_verify_certificates is true' do it 'should set the encryption tls_options verify_mode explicitly to verify none' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'ssl', disable_verify_certificates: true, base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName'}) adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should include tls_options: { verify_mode: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE } end end context 'when disable_verify_certificates is false' do it 'should set the encryption tls_options to OpenSSL default params' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'ssl', disable_verify_certificates: false, base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName'}) adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should include tls_options: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::DEFAULT_PARAMS end end context 'when tls_options are specified' do it 'should pass the values along with defaults' do cert = key = adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'ssl', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 636, uid: 'sAMAccountName', bind_dn: 'bind_dn', password: 'password', tls_options: { ca_file: '/etc/ca.pem', ssl_version: 'TLSv1_2', cert: cert, key: key }}) adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should include tls_options: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::DEFAULT_PARAMS.merge(ca_file: '/etc/ca.pem', ssl_version: 'TLSv1_2', cert: cert, key: key) end it 'does not pass nil or blank values' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'ssl', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 636, uid: 'sAMAccountName', bind_dn: 'bind_dn', password: 'password', tls_options: { ca_file: nil, ssl_version: ' ' }}) adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should include tls_options: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::DEFAULT_PARAMS end end # DEPRECATED context 'when ca_file is specified' do it 'should set the encryption tls_options ca_file' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'ssl', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 636, uid: 'sAMAccountName', bind_dn: 'bind_dn', password: 'password', ca_file: '/etc/ca.pem'}) adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should include tls_options: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::DEFAULT_PARAMS.merge(ca_file: '/etc/ca.pem') end end # DEPRECATED context 'when ssl_version is specified' do it 'should overwrite the encryption tls_options ssl_version' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'ssl', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 636, uid: 'sAMAccountName', bind_dn: 'bind_dn', password: 'password', ssl_version: 'TLSv1_2'}) adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should include tls_options: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::DEFAULT_PARAMS.merge(ssl_version: 'TLSv1_2') end end end context 'when encryption is tls' do it 'should set the encryption method to start_tls' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'tls', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName'}) adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should include method: :start_tls end context 'when disable_verify_certificates is not specified' do it 'should set the encryption tls_options to OpenSSL default params' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'tls', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName'}) adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should include tls_options: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::DEFAULT_PARAMS end end context 'when disable_verify_certificates is true' do it 'should set the encryption tls_options verify_mode explicitly to verify none' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'tls', disable_verify_certificates: true, base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName'}) adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should include tls_options: { verify_mode: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE } end end context 'when disable_verify_certificates is false' do it 'should set the encryption tls_options to OpenSSL default params' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'tls', disable_verify_certificates: false, base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName'}) adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should include tls_options: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::DEFAULT_PARAMS end end end context 'when method is set instead of encryption' do it 'should set the encryption method for backwards-compatibility' do adaptor ={host: "", method: 'tls', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName'}) adaptor.connection.instance_variable_get('@encryption').should include method: :start_tls end end end describe 'bind_as' do let(:args) { {:filter => Net::LDAP::Filter.eq('sAMAccountName', 'username'), :password => 'password', :size => 1} } let(:rs) {'new dn') } it 'should bind simple' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'plain', base: 'dc=score, dc=local', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName', bind_dn: 'bind_dn', password: 'password'}) adaptor.connection.should_receive(:open).and_yield(adaptor.connection) adaptor.connection.should_receive(:search).with(args).and_return([rs]) adaptor.connection.should_receive(:bind).with({:username => 'new dn', :password => args[:password], :method => :simple}).and_return(true) adaptor.bind_as(args).should == rs end it 'should bind sasl' do adaptor ={host: "", encryption: 'plain', base: 'dc=intridea, dc=com', port: 389, uid: 'sAMAccountName', try_sasl: true, sasl_mechanisms: ["GSS-SPNEGO"], bind_dn: 'bind_dn', password: 'password'}) adaptor.connection.should_receive(:open).and_yield(adaptor.connection) adaptor.connection.should_receive(:search).with(args).and_return([rs]) adaptor.connection.should_receive(:bind).and_return(true) adaptor.bind_as(args).should == rs end end end