class Section < ActiveRecord::Base flush_cache_on_change #The node that links this section to its parent has_one :node, :class_name => "SectionNode", :as => :node #The nodes that link this section to its children has_many :child_nodes, :class_name => "SectionNode" has_many :child_sections, :class_name => "SectionNode", :conditions => ["node_type = ?", "Section"], :order => 'section_nodes.position' has_many :pages, :through => :child_nodes, :source => :node, :source_type => 'Page', :order => 'section_nodes.position' has_many :sections, :through => :child_nodes, :source => :node, :source_type => 'Section', :order => 'section_nodes.position' has_many :group_sections has_many :groups, :through => :group_sections named_scope :root, :conditions => ['root = ?', true] named_scope :system, :conditions => {:name => 'system'} named_scope :hidden, :conditions => {:hidden => true} named_scope :not_hidden, :conditions => {:hidden => false} named_scope :named, lambda{|name| {:conditions => [' = ?', name]}} named_scope :with_path, lambda{|path| {:conditions => ['sections.path = ?', path]}} validates_presence_of :name, :path #validates_presence_of :parent_id, :if => {root.count > 0}, :message => "section is required" # Disabling '/' in section name for interoperability with FCKEditor file browser validates_format_of :name, :with => /\A[^\/]*\Z/, :message => "cannot contain '/'" validate :path_not_reserved before_destroy :deletable? attr_accessor :full_path def visible_child_nodes(options={}) children = child_nodes.of_type(["Section", "Page", "Link"]).all(:order => 'section_nodes.position') visible_children ={|sn| sn.visible?} options[:limit] ? visible_children[0...options[:limit]] : visible_children end def all_children_with_name do |s| if s.node s.node.full_path = root? ? : "#{name} / #{}" [s.node] << s.node.all_children_with_name end end.flatten.compact end def parent_id parent ? : nil end def parent node ? node.section : nil end def parent_id=(sec_id) self.parent = Section.find(sec_id) end def parent=(sec) if node node.move_to_end(sec) else build_node(:node => self, :section => sec) end end def ancestors(options={}) ancs = node ? node.ancestors : [] options[:include_self] ? ancs + [self] : ancs end def move_to(section) if root? false else node.move_to_end(section) end end def public? !!(groups.find_by_code('guest')) end def empty? child_nodes.reject{|n| n.orphaned?}.empty? end def deletable? !root? && empty? end def editable_by_group?(group) group.editable_by_section(self) end def status public? ? :unlocked : :locked end def self.find_by_name_path(name_path) section = Section.root.first children = name_path.split("/")[1..-1] || [] children.each do |name| section = section.sections.first(:conditions => {:name => name}) end section end #The first page that is a decendent of this section def first_page_or_link section_node = child_nodes.of_type(['Link','Page']).first(:order => "section_nodes.position") return section_node.node if section_node sections.each do |s| node = s.first_page_or_link return node if node end nil end def actual_path if root? "/" else p = first_page_or_link p ? p.path : "#" end end def path_not_reserved if Cms.reserved_paths.include?(path) errors.add(:path, "is invalid, '#{path}' a reserved path") end end end