module Sequel # Empty namespace that plugins should use to store themselves, # so they can be loaded via Model.plugin. # # Plugins should be modules with one of the following conditions: # * A singleton method named apply, which takes a model, # additional arguments, and an optional block. This is called # the first time the plugin is loaded for this model (unless it was # already loaded by an ancestor class), with the arguments # and block provided to the call to Model.plugin. # * A module inside the plugin module named InstanceMethods, # which will be included in the model class. # * A module inside the plugin module named ClassMethods, # which will extend the model class. # * A module inside the plugin module named DatasetMethods, # which will extend the model's dataset. # * A singleton method named configure, which takes a model, # additional arguments, and an optional block. This is called # every time the Model.plugin method is called. module Plugins end class Model # Loads a plugin for use with the model class, passing optional arguments # to the plugin. If the plugin is a module, load it directly. Otherwise, # require the plugin from either sequel/plugins/#{plugin} or # sequel_#{plugin}, and then attempt to load the module using a # the camelized plugin name under Sequel::Plugins. def self.plugin(plugin, *args, &blk) arg = args.first block = args.length > 1 ? lambda{args} : lambda{arg} m = plugin.is_a?(Module) ? plugin : plugin_module(plugin) unless @plugins.include?(m) @plugins << m m.apply(self, *args, &blk) if m.respond_to?(:apply) if m.const_defined?("InstanceMethods") define_method(:"#{plugin}_opts", &block) include(m::InstanceMethods) end if m.const_defined?("ClassMethods") meta_def(:"#{plugin}_opts", &block) extend(m::ClassMethods) end if m.const_defined?("DatasetMethods") if @dataset dataset.meta_def(:"#{plugin}_opts", &block) dataset.extend(m::DatasetMethods) end dataset_method_modules << m::DatasetMethods meths = m::DatasetMethods.public_instance_methods.reject{|x| NORMAL_METHOD_NAME_REGEXP !~ x.to_s} def_dataset_method(*meths) unless meths.empty? end end m.configure(self, *args, &blk) if m.respond_to?(:configure) end module ClassMethods # Array of plugins loaded by this class attr_reader :plugins private # Returns the module for the specified plugin. If the module is not # defined, the corresponding plugin gem is automatically loaded. def plugin_module(plugin) module_name = plugin.to_s.gsub(/(^|_)(.)/){|x| x[-1..-1].upcase} if !Sequel::Plugins.const_defined?(module_name) || (Sequel.const_defined?(module_name) && Sequel::Plugins.const_get(module_name) == Sequel.const_get(module_name)) begin Sequel.tsk_require "sequel/plugins/#{plugin}" rescue LoadError Sequel.tsk_require "sequel_#{plugin}" end end Sequel::Plugins.const_get(module_name) end end end end