require 'spec_helper' require 'polymorphic_constraints/connection_adapters/mysql2_adapter' describe PolymorphicConstraints::ConnectionAdapters::Mysql2Adapter do class MysqlTestAdapter include Support::AdapterHelper include PolymorphicConstraints::ConnectionAdapters::Mysql2Adapter end subject { } it { respond_to(:supports_polymorphic_constraints?) } it { respond_to(:add_polymorphic_constraints) } it { respond_to(:remove_polymorphic_constraints) } describe 'add constraints' do it 'defaults to active_record_descendants search strategy' do expect(subject.add_polymorphic_constraints(:imageable, :pictures)).to eql([drop_create_trigger_sql, drop_update_trigger_sql, drop_employees_delete_trigger_sql, drop_products_delete_trigger_sql, create_trigger_sql, update_trigger_sql, employees_delete_trigger_sql, products_delete_trigger_sql]) end it 'returns expected add constraints sql with polymorphic model options' do expect(subject.add_polymorphic_constraints(:imageable, :pictures, polymorphic_models: [:employee])).to eql([drop_create_trigger_sql, drop_update_trigger_sql, drop_employees_delete_trigger_sql, drop_products_delete_trigger_sql, create_trigger_sql_only_employee, update_trigger_sql_only_employee, employees_delete_trigger_sql]) end end describe 'remove constraints' do it 'defaults to active_record_descendants search strategy' do expect(subject.remove_polymorphic_constraints(:imageable)).to eql([drop_create_trigger_sql, drop_update_trigger_sql, drop_employees_delete_trigger_sql, drop_products_delete_trigger_sql]) end end let(:drop_create_trigger_sql) { 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS check_imageable_insert_integrity;' } let(:drop_update_trigger_sql) { 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS check_imageable_update_integrity;' } let(:drop_employees_delete_trigger_sql) { 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS check_imageable_employees_delete_integrity;' } let(:employees_delete_trigger_sql) do subject.strip_non_essential_spaces(%{ CREATE TRIGGER check_imageable_employees_delete_integrity BEFORE DELETE ON employees FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT id FROM pictures WHERE imageable_type = 'Employee' AND imageable_id = THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Polymorphic reference exists. There are records in the pictures table that refer to the table employees. You must delete those records of table pictures first.'; END IF; END; }) end let(:drop_products_delete_trigger_sql) { 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS check_imageable_products_delete_integrity;' } let(:products_delete_trigger_sql) do subject.strip_non_essential_spaces(%{ CREATE TRIGGER check_imageable_products_delete_integrity BEFORE DELETE ON products FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT id FROM pictures WHERE imageable_type = 'Product' AND imageable_id = THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Polymorphic reference exists. There are records in the pictures table that refer to the table products. You must delete those records of table pictures first.'; END IF; END; }) end let(:create_trigger_sql) do subject.strip_non_essential_spaces(%{ CREATE TRIGGER check_imageable_insert_integrity BEFORE INSERT ON pictures FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF NEW.imageable_type != 'Employee' AND NEW.imageable_type != 'Product' THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Polymorphic record not found. No model by that name.'; ELSEIF NEW.imageable_type = 'Employee' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM employees WHERE id = NEW.imageable_id) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Polymorphic record not found. No Employee with that id.'; ELSEIF NEW.imageable_type = 'Product' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM products WHERE id = NEW.imageable_id) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Polymorphic record not found. No Product with that id.'; END IF; END; }) end let(:update_trigger_sql) do subject.strip_non_essential_spaces(%{ CREATE TRIGGER check_imageable_update_integrity BEFORE UPDATE ON pictures FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF NEW.imageable_type != 'Employee' AND NEW.imageable_type != 'Product' THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Polymorphic record not found. No model by that name.'; ELSEIF NEW.imageable_type = 'Employee' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM employees WHERE id = NEW.imageable_id) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Polymorphic record not found. No Employee with that id.'; ELSEIF NEW.imageable_type = 'Product' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM products WHERE id = NEW.imageable_id) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Polymorphic record not found. No Product with that id.'; END IF; END; }) end let(:create_trigger_sql_only_employee) do subject.strip_non_essential_spaces(%{ CREATE TRIGGER check_imageable_insert_integrity BEFORE INSERT ON pictures FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF NEW.imageable_type != 'Employee' THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Polymorphic record not found. No model by that name.'; ELSEIF NEW.imageable_type = 'Employee' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM employees WHERE id = NEW.imageable_id) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Polymorphic record not found. No Employee with that id.'; END IF; END; }) end let(:update_trigger_sql_only_employee) do subject.strip_non_essential_spaces(%{ CREATE TRIGGER check_imageable_update_integrity BEFORE UPDATE ON pictures FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF NEW.imageable_type != 'Employee' THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Polymorphic record not found. No model by that name.'; ELSEIF NEW.imageable_type = 'Employee' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM employees WHERE id = NEW.imageable_id) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Polymorphic record not found. No Employee with that id.'; END IF; END; }) end end