 *     Copyright 2015 Couchbase, Inc.
 *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *   limitations under the License.

#ifndef LCB_N1QL_API_H
#define LCB_N1QL_API_H
#include <libcouchbase/couchbase.h>
#include <libcouchbase/api3.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @ingroup lcb-public-api
 * @defgroup lcb-n1ql-api N1QL
 * @brief Execute N1QL queries and receive resultant rows

 * @addtogroup lcb-n1ql-api
 * @{
typedef struct lcb_RESPN1QL lcb_RESPN1QL;
typedef struct lcb_CMDN1QL lcb_CMDN1QL;
typedef struct lcb_N1QLREQ* lcb_N1QLHANDLE;

 * Callback to be invoked for each row
 * @param The instance
 * @param Callback type. This is set to @ref LCB_CALLBACK_N1QL
 * @param The response.
typedef void (*lcb_N1QLCALLBACK)(lcb_t, int, const lcb_RESPN1QL*);

 * @name N1QL Parameters
 * The following APIs simply provide wrappers for creating the proper HTTP
 * form parameters for N1QL requests. The general flow is to create a
 * parameters (@ref lcb_N1QLPARAMS) object, set various options and properties
 * on it, and populate an @ref lcb_CMDN1QL object using the lcb_n1p_mkcmd()
 * function.
 * @{

 * Opaque object representing N1QL parameters.
 * This object is created via lcb_n1p_new(), may be cleared
 * (for use with another query) via lcb_n1p_reset(), and may be freed via
 * lcb_n1p_free().
typedef struct lcb_N1QLPARAMS_st lcb_N1QLPARAMS;

 * Create a new N1QL Parameters object. The returned object is an opaque
 * pointer which may be used to set various properties on a N1QL query. This
 * may then be used to populate relevant fields of an @ref lcb_CMDN1QL
 * structure.

 * Reset the parameters structure so that it may be reused for a subsequent
 * query. Internally this resets the buffer positions to 0, but does not free
 * them, making this function optimal for issusing subsequent queries.
 * @param params the object to reset
lcb_n1p_reset(lcb_N1QLPARAMS *params);

 * Free the parameters structure. This should be done when it is no longer
 * needed
 * @param params the object to reset
lcb_n1p_free(lcb_N1QLPARAMS *params);

/** Query is a statement string */

/** @private */

 * Sets the actual statement to be executed
 * @param params the params object
 * @param qstr the query string (either N1QL statement or prepared JSON)
 * @param nqstr the length of the string. Set to -1 if NUL-terminated
 * @param type the type of statement. Should be ::LCB_N1P_QUERY_STATEMENT,
 *  currently.
lcb_n1p_setquery(lcb_N1QLPARAMS *params, const char *qstr, size_t nqstr, int type);

#define lcb_n1p_setstmtz(params, qstr) \
    lcb_n1p_setquery(params, qstr, -1, LCB_N1P_QUERY_STATEMENT)

 * Sets a named argument for the query.
 * @param params the object
 * @param name The argument name (e.g. `$age`)
 * @param n_name
 * @param value The argument value (e.g. `42`)
 * @param n_value
lcb_n1p_namedparam(lcb_N1QLPARAMS *params, const char *name, size_t n_name,
    const char *value, size_t n_value);

#define lcb_n1p_namedparamz(params, name, value) \
    lcb_n1p_namedparam(params, name, -1, value, -1)

 * Adds a _positional_ argument for the query
 * @param params the params object
 * @param value the argument
 * @param n_value the length of the argument.
lcb_n1p_posparam(lcb_N1QLPARAMS *params, const char *value, size_t n_value);

 * Set a query option
 * @param params the params object
 * @param name the name of the option
 * @param n_name
 * @param value the value of the option
 * @param n_value
lcb_n1p_setopt(lcb_N1QLPARAMS *params, const char *name, size_t n_name,
    const char *value, size_t n_value);

 * Convenience function to set a string parameter with a string value
 * @param params the parameter object
 * @param key the NUL-terminated option name
 * @param value the NUL-terminated option value
#define lcb_n1p_setoptz(params, key, value) \
    lcb_n1p_setopt(params, key, -1, value, -1)

/** No consistency constraints */

 * This is implicitly set by the lcb_n1p_synctok() family of functions. This
 * will ensure that mutations up to the vector indicated by the mutation token
 * passed to lcb_n1p_synctok() are used.

/** Refresh the snapshot for each request */

/** Refresh the snapshot for each statement */

 * Sets the consistency mode for the request.
 * By default results are read from a potentially stale snapshot of the data.
 * This may be good for most cases; however at times you want the absolutely
 * most recent data.
 * @param params the parameters object
 * @param mode one of the `LCB_N1P_CONSISTENT_*` constants.
lcb_n1p_setconsistency(lcb_N1QLPARAMS *params, int mode);

 * Indicate that the query should synchronize its internal snapshot to reflect
 * the changes indicated by the given mutation token (`ss`).
 * @param params the parameters object
 * @param keyspace the keyspace (or bucket name) which this mutation token
 *        pertains to
 * @param st the mutation token
lcb_n1p_setconsistent_token(lcb_N1QLPARAMS *params,
    const char *keyspace, const lcb_MUTATION_TOKEN *st);

 * Indicate that the query should synchronize its internal snapshot to reflect
 * any past changes made by the given instance `instance`.
 * This iterates over all the vbuckets for the given instance and inserts
 * the relevant mutation token, using @ref lcb_get_mutation_token
lcb_n1p_setconsistent_handle(lcb_N1QLPARAMS *params, lcb_t instance);

 * Encodes the request and returns it as a string. The string is valid
 * until the next call to the params function.
 * @param params the parameter object
 * @param[out] rc an error code if there was an issue in encoding
 * @return the NUL-terminated query string.
 * @note Calling this function regenerates the query string internally,
 *       and is implicitly called by lcb_n1p_mkcmd().
const char *
lcb_n1p_encode(lcb_N1QLPARAMS *params, lcb_error_t *rc);

 * Populates the given low-level lcb_CMDN1QL structure with the relevant fields
 * from the params structure. If this function returns successfuly, you must
 * ensure that the params object is not modified until the command is
 * submitted.
 * @note
 * This may also set some lcb_CMDN1QL::cmdflags fields. If setting your own
 * flags, ensure that those flags do not replace the existing ones set by
 * this function.
lcb_n1p_mkcmd(lcb_N1QLPARAMS *params, lcb_CMDN1QL *cmd);


 * @name Low-level N1QL interface
 * @{

 * Prepare and cache the query if required. This may be used on frequently
 * issued queries, so they perform better.

/** @private The lcb_CMDN1QL::query member is an internal JSON structure */

 * This is an analytics query. Use the `host` field to specify the host/port
 * to target. When this flag is set, things like prepared queries and
 * parametrized statements will not work.
 * @uncommited

 * Command structure for N1QL queries. Typically an application will use the
 * lcb_N1QLPARAMS structure to populate the #query and #content_type fields.
 * The #callback field must be specified, and indicates the function the
 * library should call when more response data has arrived.
struct lcb_CMDN1QL {
    lcb_U32 cmdflags;
    /**Query to be placed in the POST request. The library will not perform
     * any conversions or validation on this string, so it is up to the user
     * (or wrapping library) to ensure that the string is well formed.
     * If using the @ref lcb_N1QLPARAMS structure, the lcb_n1p_mkcmd() function
     * will properly populate this field.
     * In general the string should either be JSON (in which case, the
     * #content_type field should be `application/json`) or url-encoded
     * (in which case the #content_type field should be
     * `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`)
    const char *query;

    /** Length of the query data */
    size_t nquery;

     * Ignored since version 2.5.3.
     * Starting from version 2.7.3, is used for experimental CBAS support
    const char *host;

    /** Ignored since version 2.5.3 */
    const char *content_type;

    /** Callback to be invoked for each row */
    lcb_N1QLCALLBACK callback;

    /**Request handle. Will be set to the handle which may be passed to
     * lcb_n1ql_cancel() */
    lcb_N1QLHANDLE *handle;

 * Response for a N1QL query. This is delivered in the @ref lcb_N1QLCALLBACK
 * callback function for each result row received. The callback is also called
 * one last time when all
struct lcb_RESPN1QL {
    #ifndef __LCB_DOXYGEN__
    lcb_U16 rflags; /**< Flags for response structure */

    /**Current result row. If #rflags has the ::LCB_RESP_F_FINAL bit set, then
     * this field does not contain the actual row, but the remainder of the
     * data not included with the resultset; e.g. the JSON surrounding
     * the "results" field with any errors or metadata for the response.
    const char *row;
    /** Length of the row */
    size_t nrow;
    /** Raw HTTP response, if applicable */
    const lcb_RESPHTTP *htresp;

 * @volatile
 * Execute a N1QL query.
 * This function will send the query to a query server in the cluster
 * and will invoke the callback (lcb_CMDN1QL::callback) for each result returned.
 * @param instance The instance
 * @param cookie Pointer to application data
 * @param cmd the command
 * @return Scheduling success or failure.
lcb_n1ql_query(lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const lcb_CMDN1QL *cmd);

 * Cancels an in-progress request. This will ensure that further callbacks
 * for the given request are not delivered.
 * @param instance the instance
 * @param handle the handle for the request. This is obtained during the
 *  request as an 'out' parameter (see lcb_CMDN1QL::handle)
lcb_n1ql_cancel(lcb_t instance, lcb_N1QLHANDLE handle);


#ifdef __cplusplus