←   [documentation](documentation.md) ### What's wrong with other gems? Just look at [Ruby-Toolbox](https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/categories/rails_comments). What we can see? * [Acts as commentable with threading](https://github.com/elight/acts_as_commentable_with_threading) - so, guys, where is the render helper for the tree? There is no helper! Should I make render helper for tree by myself? Nooooo!!! I'm so sorry, but I can't use this gem. * [acts_as_commentable](https://github.com/jackdempsey/acts_as_commentable) - so, I can see code for models. But I can't see code for controllers and views. Unfortunately, there is no threading. It's not enough for me. * [opinio](https://github.com/Draiken/opinio) - looks better, but there is no threading. I want to have more! * [has_threaded_comments](https://github.com/aarongough/has_threaded_comments) - Nice work! Nice gem! Models, controllers, views, view helper for tree rendering! **But**, last activity 2 years ago, I need few features, I think - I can make it better. ### Why TheComments is better than others gems? 1. TheComments allows for threaded comments 2. **Only TheComments has special helper for tree rendering** (based on [TheSortableTree](https://github.com/the-teacher/the_sortable_tree)). 3. TheComments designed to reduce requests to database. I say about useful cache counters. 4. TheComments has solution for [building of Recent Comments](https://github.com/the-teacher/the_comments/blob/master/docs/denormalization_and_recent_comments.md) (for polymorphic relations) 5. TheComments designed for text preprocessors (Textile, Markdown, Sanitize, Coderay etc.) 6. TheComments has admin UI based on bootstrap 3 7. TheComments is "all-in-one" solutions.
It has: Models and Controllers logic (via concerns), Generators, Views, Helper for fast Tree rendering and Admin UI. 8. I'll try to help you via skype: **ilya.killich**, if you have problems with TheComments ### TheComments based on: 1. [AwesomeNestedSet](https://github.com/collectiveidea/awesome_nested_set) - for comments threading 2. [TheSortableTree](https://github.com/the-teacher/the_sortable_tree) - for fast rendering of comments tree 3. [State Machine](https://github.com/pluginaweek/state_machine) - to provide easy and correct recalculation cache counters on states transitions