# Wx::SF - Sample2 # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands require 'wx/shapes' require_relative 'sample_shape' require_relative 'sample_canvas' class SFSample2Frame < Wx::Frame class LOGTYPE < Wx::Enum MouseEvent = self.new(1002) HandleEvent = self.new(1003) KeyEvent = self.new(1004) ChildDropEvent = self.new(1005) end class << self def log(logtype, msg) main_frame = Wx.get_app.get_top_window if main_frame.log_menu.is_checked(logtype.to_i) main_frame.text_log.append_text(msg) end end end module ID MenuQuit = 1000 MenuAbout = 1001 MenuLogMouseEvent = 1002 MenuLogHandleEvent = 1003 MenuLogKeyEvent = 1004 MenuLogChildDropEvent = 1005 end def initialize(title) super(nil, Wx::StandardID::ID_ANY, title, size: [800,600]) self.icon = Wx::Icon(:sample) evt_close :on_close if Wx.has_feature?(:USE_MENUS) # create a menu bar mbar = Wx::MenuBar.new file_menu = Wx::Menu.new file_menu.append(ID::MenuQuit, "&Quit\tAlt-F4", "Quit the application") mbar.append(file_menu, "&File") @log_menu = Wx::Menu.new @log_menu.append_check_item(ID::MenuLogMouseEvent, "Log &mouse events") @log_menu.append_check_item(ID::MenuLogHandleEvent, "Log &handle events") @log_menu.append_check_item(ID::MenuLogKeyEvent, "Log &keyboard events") @log_menu.append_check_item(ID::MenuLogChildDropEvent, "Log &child drop event") mbar.append(@log_menu, "&Log") help_menu = Wx::Menu.new help_menu.append(ID::MenuAbout, "&About\tF1", "Show info about this application") mbar.append(help_menu, "&Help") self.menu_bar = mbar evt_menu(ID::MenuQuit, :on_quit) evt_menu(ID::MenuAbout, :on_about) end # wxUSE_MENUS main_sizer = Wx::FlexGridSizer.new(2, 0, 0, 0) main_sizer.add_growable_col(0) main_sizer.add_growable_row(0) main_sizer.set_flexible_direction(Wx::Orientation::BOTH) main_sizer.set_non_flexible_grow_mode(Wx::FlexSizerGrowMode::FLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED) @diagram = Wx::SF::Diagram.new # set some diagram manager properties if necessary... # set accepted shapes (accept only Wx::SF::RectShape) @diagram.clear_accepted_shapes @diagram.accept_shape(SampleShape) # create shape canvas and associate it with shape manager @canvas = SampleCanvas.new(@diagram, self) main_sizer.add(@canvas, 1, Wx::EXPAND, 0) @text_log = Wx::TextCtrl.new(self, size: [-1, 150], style: Wx::TE_MULTILINE) @text_log.set_font(Wx::Font.new(8, Wx::FONTFAMILY_SWISS, Wx::FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, Wx::FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false, 'Sans')) @text_log.set_min_size(Wx::Size.new(-1, 150)) main_sizer.add(@text_log, 0, Wx::EXPAND, 0) if Wx.has_feature?(:USE_STATUSBAR) # create a status bar with some information about the used wxWidgets version create_status_bar(2) set_status_text('Hello wxRuby ShapeFramework user!',0) set_status_text("wxRuby #{Wx::WXRUBY_VERSION} #{Wx::PLATFORM} (wxWidgets #{Wx::WXWIDGETS_VERSION})", 1) end # wxUSE_STATUSBAR set_sizer(main_sizer) layout center end attr_reader :log_menu, :text_log # Window event handlers def on_close(_event) destroy end def on_quit(_event) destroy end def on_about(_event) msg = "wxRuby ShapeFramework #{Wx::SF::VERSION}\n(wxRuby #{Wx::WXRUBY_VERSION} #{Wx::PLATFORM}; #{Wx::WXWIDGETS_VERSION})\n\n" msg += "Welcome to wxRuby ShapeFramework Sample1 (c) Martin Corino, 2023\n" msg += "(ported from wxSFShapeFramework original (c) Michal Bliznak, 2007 - 2013)\n\n" msg += "Sample demonstrates basic Wx::SF functionality.\n" msg += "wxRuby SF event handlers are overridden in user-defined canvas and shape class.\n\n" msg += "Usage:\n" msg += " - Left mouse click operates with inserted shapes\n" msg += " - Right mouse click inserts a rectangular shape to the canvas\n" msg += " - DEL key removes selected shape\n" Wx.message_box(msg, "wxRuby ShapeFramework Sample 2") end end Wx::App.run do SFSample2Frame.new('wxShapeFramework Sample 1').show end