require 'yaml' require 'mustache' require 'shellwords' require 'tmpdir' require_relative 'base_transmogrifier' # EnvironmentConfigTransmogrifier uses environment variables to generate config values # for specific keys. class EnvironmentConfigTransmogrifier < BaseTransmogrifier @@memoize_mustache = {} # NoEscapeMustache does not escape these characters: & \ " < > ' class NoEscapeMustache < Mustache # Disabling this cop because this is the function we need to override # rubocop:disable MethodName def escapeHTML(str) str end # rubocop:enable MethodName end # Processes the mustache templates and injects new keys into the configuration # # @return [Hash] Hash containing the updated configuration def self.transmogrify(base_config, environment_templates, secrets: nil) # build input hash for mustache input_hash = ENV.to_hash # load secrets extend_replace(input_hash, secrets) if secrets && # remove empty values input_hash.reject! { |_, v| v.nil? || v.empty? } # iterate through templates environment_templates.each do |key, value| # generate value from template # we need to process the template at least once, even if it doesn't # actually contain a mustache template, to get value types correctly; # by default, all values are strings, because they come from the environment # we need to unmarshall them using YAML.load loop do value = process_mustache_template(value, input_hash, key) break unless value.respond_to?(:include?) && value.include?('((') end # inject value in huge json inject_value(base_config, key.split('.'), value, key) end base_config end def self.process_mustache_template(value, input_hash, key) val = @@memoize_mustache.fetch(value, {})[input_hash] return val if val delimiter = '{{=(( ))=}}' begin mustache_value = NoEscapeMustache.render("#{delimiter}#{value}", input_hash) # replace new lines with double new lines for proper new-line YAML parsing mustache_value = mustache_value.to_s.gsub("\n", "\n\n") @@memoize_mustache[value] ||= {} @@memoize_mustache[value][input_hash] = YAML.safe_load(mustache_value) rescue StandardError => e msg = mustache_message_from_error(e) raise LoadYamlFromMustacheError, "Could not load config key '#{key}': #{msg}" end end def self.mustache_message_from_error(error) lines = error.message.split(/\n/) return 'No reason for failure given by mustache library' if lines.empty? return lines.first if lines.size < 4 caret_line = lines[3] caret_pos = caret_line.index('^') return lines[0] + '.' unless caret_pos delimiter = '{{=(( ))=}}' actual_line = lines[2] leading_junk = actual_line.lstrip.start_with?(delimiter) ? actual_line.index(delimiter) : 0 lines[0] + ": Error at or near position #{caret_pos - leading_junk} of template value." end def self.extend_replace(hash, path) # This code assumes that 'path' points to a directory of files. # The name of each file is the key into the hash, and the contents # of the file are the value to enter, as-is. The order of the # files in the directory does not matter. Dir.glob(File.join(path, '*')).each do |file| key = File.basename(file) value = # Write the collected information to the hash. This will # overwrite, i.e. replace an existing value for that name. This # means that the values found in 'path' have priority over the # values already in the 'hash'. This is what we want for # '/etc/secrets' hash['-', '_')] = value end end end