class MyExperiment < Experiment::Base def test_data # TODO: Specify an array of all the test data. # It will be split up automatically for you accross Cross-validations end def run_the_experiment(data, output) # TODO: Define how you will run the experiment # Remeber, each seperate experiment inherits from this base class and includes # it's own files, so this should be a rather generic implementation # 1. prepare any nessecary setup like I/O lists, etc... # 2. do the experiment benchmark do output << # run your code here end # 3. clean up end def analyze_result!(input, output) # TODO perform an analysis of what your program did # remember to return a hash of meaningful data, best of all a summary end # you might want to override this method as well: # def summarize_results!(results) # super(results) # end end